
Feature and Giveaway: Private Pirouette by Lila Munro

Piper McGee can smell a set up a mile away. She can smell a Marine even further. Born to a dual-enlisted couple who divorced before she was old enough to remember a single family holiday together and proceeded to redefine the very definition of family through several marriages and even more step-siblings, Piper has made it her life’s promise to herself to never become involved with one of the few and the proud. They’re among the most irresponsible people she knows, leaving destruction in their wake and broken hearts paving the way to their next duty station. And in her opinion, Alec Douglas is just another example, until he pries her heart open along with other parts of her, making her question everything she's ever let herself believe about honor, courage, and commitment.

What does a man do with six month’s down time and no warm body to share his bed? For Sergeant Alec Douglas, contemplating that question led him to fall prey to his two best friend’s plan to find him that very thing. They know Alec has yet to stay with any one person for more than a few dates. They also know a tragedy from his past created the problem and while that haunts him, making it nearly impossible for Alec to trust his heart to anyone, they also know he’s a sucker for a challenge. Will the enticement of a few thousand dollars riding on him breaking his own rule be just the thing to disrupt his cycle? Taking their bet might be profitable, but is winning the money they’ve dangled under Alec’s nose worth losing himself to the girl they’ve picked out for him?

In his quest to get her to say yes to his crazy proposal, he tracks her all over town only to discover the beautiful, long-legged blond isn’t the studious book worm he mistook her for. In fact, she's one of Jacksonville’s finest in the form of Orchid, exotic dancer. Her rejection only spurs him to make sure her dancing days are over and she only performs her private pirouette for him, and only him, for the rest of their lives if he has his way.

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“Come on, long legs,” he urged again. “We’ve got to go.”

She rubbed her eyes and opened them. The first streaks of sunlight were pushing the envelope of the horizon, the pitch black of dark being replaced by the first lavender signs of day. Then she heard something besides Alec’s voice. It sounded muted at first before becoming much clearer. Cadence calls? On a Saturday morning?

“Is that what I think it is?” she begged, pushing up on her elbows. She discovered Alec was already standing, trying to get his pants on.

“Yes, it is. Marines. An entire company from the sounds of it.” He finally got his pants up and left them hanging open in lieu of dragging his shirt over his head. “Seems we weren’t alone last night. The MEU is offshore and now the ones that stayed ashore last night are awake.”

“Shit, if they see us, you’ll be in trouble.” Piper jumped up and began looking for her clothes, the whole while the baritone rumble getting closer and closer.

“Forget the clothes, long legs. Wrap up in the blanket.”

She looked down the beach and could now see the source of their wake up call coming. Not knowing whether to laugh or cry, she grabbed the blanket and wrapped it tightly around her body, watching as Alec grabbed her clothes, his boots, and what was left of the six pack. Before they completely got over the dunes, though, they were spotted in their getaway attempt. A cacophony of cat calls, whistles, and barking followed them the rest of the way to the car.

Lila Munro currently resides on the coast of North Carolina with her husband and their two four-legged kids. She’s a military wife with an empty nest and takes much of her inspiration for her heroes from the marines she’s lived around for the past fifteen years. Coining the term realmantica, she strives to produce quality romance in a realistic setting. Her genre of choice is contemporary romance that spans everything from the sensual to BDSM and ménage.

When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading everything she can get her hands on, trips to the museum and aquarium, taking field research trips, and soaking up the sun on the nearby beaches. Her works include The Executive Officer’s Wife, Bound By Trust, Destiny’s Fire, Salvation, Three for Keeps, the Force Recon series, the Slower Lower series, and the Identity series. She’s a member in good standing of RWA and Passionate Ink. Currently she’s working on sequels to several series to be released throughout 2012. And has a brand new line scheduled for winter 2012-13.

Places to find Lila:
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Want to win some goodies from Lila? Check out what's up for grabs.

Up for grabs:
  • 1 lucky commenter from the ENTIRE tour will win a $25 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card

To Enter:
  • Please leave a meaningful comment or question for Lila. 
  • Please leave your email address along with your comment to be entered. 
  • Giveaway ends October 12th

Good Luck =)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for having me over today! I'll be by a few times today to answer questions or talk it up with the readers. Has anyone else ever been caught in a compromising position they'd admit to?

Mary Preston said...

So very easy to picture the excerpt. Loved it.

Almost caught, but very lucky. Part of the fun I think.


Joanne said...

Congrats on the new release. This book sounds like a winner. Can't wait to read it. Thanks for the great excerpt.


Unknown said...

WOW!!! This book looks really great, definetely adding to be TBR list. Congrats on the release :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary! Thanks and yes, part of the fun. ;)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Joanne! I was very excited when this one went out. And happy to share. Thanks for coming by. :)

Anonymous said...

Great to hear, Brandi, and thank you! Happy to see you stop by today. :)

Cris said...

Ooooh, another book that's going on my TBR queue-- that excerpt is legend! And that cover is spot on.

I'm very well behaved, so no compromising positions to speak of :P


erin said...

Thanks for a great post and congrats on the new release! This book sounds fabulous :)


Em said...

I am intrigued by this story, normally I veer away from dancer stories but this one seems compelling and definitely can't resist a story with a marine.

Chrisbails said...

Looks like another great5 book by lila. Loved the excerpt and what a great cover. Definately want to find out how they got to the beach and what happens once they leave. Thanks for the giveaway.

Lona said...

Great blurb and I love the cover. I look forward to reading this book. Thx for giveaway.

blinkysthebest at aol dot com

Unknown said...

That sounds like a great book! I loved the blurb and will be adding it to my TBR list. Congrats on the new release!


Natasha said...

Thanks for the excerpt and the chance to win! Sounds really good!!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Hi Cris! Thank you! I do love this cover. I used to be much more behaved until I met and married my very own marine. ;)

Anonymous said...

You're most welcome, glad you enjoyed, and thank you for coming by. :)

Anonymous said...

Living in Marinetown USA myself or so long and personally knowing marines who've dated and/or married dancers sort of helped inspire this story. It also gave me a bird's eyes perspective as to the actual life. Thanks for coming by Em!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Chris! Glad you enjoyed the excerpt and came by. I love seeing familiar faces along with the new when I'm touring about. And a little bird tells me my Identity readers will be very happy come November. ;)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lona! This is one of my favorite covers. When I saw the image I knew right away it was definitely Piper McGee.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Patricia! And glad to you hear the blurb intrigued you enough to put me in your TBR pile. It's an honor to land there. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Natasha! So glad you stopped by and very happy you enjoyed my excerpt. Good luck in the drawing and thanks for coming by!

bn100 said...

I enjoyed the excerpt. It sounds good.


lavendersbluegreen said...

This looks good. So, Lila... as a child or yout what was your favorite book, series or author? Thanks for the giveaway.
- lavendersbluegreen(at)yahoo(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see how these characters interact!


Booklover Sue said...

Congrats on the release! I love stories where the main characters live totally different lives and have personal issues that need to be overcome for them to have a HEA. I also really enjoy strong female character who stands up for herself and what she believes in and an even stronger male character who will do whatever it takes to change her mind/attitude!

susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

Cassandra said...

I can't wait to read this book! Congrats on the release :)
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Hot Off the Shelves said...

I already love Piper from the blurb - can't wait to see how it all turns out.


Amy2read said...

Congrats on the book, can't wait to read it after reading the excerpt.

pc said...

Thanks for sharing the wonderful excerpt, Lila! I loved Identity Crisis and this looks like another must read! Is/are there author(s) that you love to read and help to inspire you/your stories?

laurie said...

Great blurb and I love the cover. I look forward to reading this book. wonderful giveaway!

Annwitch said...

I agree with everyone else this really looks like a must read. I like military means characters in my romance stories.

May said...

Sounds like a great book! Looking forward to reading it!

sweety white said...

i like the excerpt, thanks for the chance to win

sweety.white at

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