
Feature and Giveaway: Loving Lady Marcia by Kieran Kramer


Of the three Brady sisters, Lady Marcia has always seemed the girl most likely to lead a perfectly charmed life. But after a handsome cad breaks her heart, she swears off love and devotes her life to teaching girls at a private school. In spite of her family’s wish for a London debut, Marcia is happy where she is—until terrible news sends her back to the Brady clan…and into the arms of an unexpected suitor.


A dark and dashing earl who knows Marcia’s past, Duncan Lattimore is surprised by what a fascinating and independent woman she’s become. Marcia, too, is surprised—by the fiery attraction she feels for Duncan. But why—why—must he be the brother of the scoundrel who broke her heart? Why must Marcia’s rival at school forbid her from seeing him? How can this lady possibly resist this fellow—when they know that it’s much more than a hunch…?

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 Check out my review here.
Here’s a little snippet from a random page—I’m leaving out the guy’s name, though, so you won’t know who he is:

His eyes gleamed with something that sent shivers of awareness through her. “I’ll leave you here.” He lingered over the kiss on her knuckles, and her fingers clutched in response to the heat of his mouth. “I’m glad you paid me a visit.”

She was appalled that she felt so reluctant to leave him. “I’m stopping by again,” she blurted out, “to meet Joe.”

There was a great silence between them.

“You can’t do that.” His voice was quiet. “For many reasons, not the least of which is protecting your good reputation.”

“I know.” She swallowed. “But I’m going to do it anyway. So don’t try to stop me.”

He lifted her chin, the gleam in his eyes becoming more pronounced. “You’re both headmistress and troublemaker. Do you know what that combination does to a man?”

“No,” she said, feeling rather breathless.

“It makes him unable to think of anyone but you. In the morning. At the noon hour. And at night.”

At night? Her face grew hot. “_____________, you shouldn’t—“

“Go home,” he said abruptly. “Before I pull you into another alleyway.”

And so she fled. Once she was at a safe distance, she glanced over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of him walking away. But he hadn’t. He was still there in his black cape, his gaze dark and steady upon her beneath the rim of his hat.

She couldn’t help herself. She turned and faced him, walking slowly backwards a few steps, her eyes locked on his, drinking in the sight of him. The wind blew a lock of hair in her eyes, and she pulled it aside.

She saw the corner of his mouth tip up once more, and her heart surged.

She spun forward again, and somehow at that moment—when she could feel him still watching her—she was able to forget the reality of her hopeless situation.

And for a brief, shining moment, it was like walking beneath an invisible rainbow into a bigger and brighter life.

USA Today best-selling author and double-Rita finalist Kieran Kramer writes Regency historical romances for St. Martin's Press. IF YOU GIVE A GIRL A VISCOUNT, the fourth and last book in her Impossible Bachelors series, is on sale now. Her new series, House of Brady, premiers in August 2012 with LOVING LADY MARCIA. A former CIA employee, journalist, and English teacher, Kieran's also a game show veteran, karaoke enthusiast, and general adventurer.

Stay connected to Kieran on-the-go with her FREE mobile app available for iPhone and Android devices!

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Places to find Kieran:
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Want to win some goodies from Kieran (US/Canada ONLY) Check out whats up for grabs.

Up for grabs:
  • 40 lucky winners from the ENTIRE tour will win the following goodies: 
             * 1 Loving Lady Marcia mini book wine charm
             * 1 pink Loving Lady Marcia pen (
             * Romance Trading Cards (Loving Lady Marcia and Impossible                    Bachelors)
             * 1 Kieran Kramer post-it notes
             * 1 signed bookplate
             * 1 Impossible Bachelors bookmark
             * 1 Loving Lady Marcia bookmark

To Enter:
  • Please leave a meaningful comment of quesiton for Kieran. 
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form. 

**Keep up with the tour here**

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Lisa Borbeck said...

I love when you take familiar characters and take them on new adventures! I almost don't want to read it until all 6 books are done!!!

Kati said...

Dani, thanks for hosting Kieran!

Kieran said...

Dani, I'm thrilled to be here!

And Lisa, I'm glad you're excited about the idea! And please don't wait for all six to be done, LOL!!! Don't worry, I'll get them out there fast enough that you won't be twiddling your thumbs waiting.


Kieran :>)

Kieran said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kieran said...

Sorry I duplicated my comment! But since I'm here again, I wanted to tell everyone WHY I write romance. And it's because I believe LOVE CHANGES EVERYTHING!

Do you?

It's what keeps me at my keyboard. Because in my life, I've seen love perform real miracles...keeping people united through rough, rough times. Changing people who thought they'd never change! Softening hearts that were hard...

So if you believe love changes everything, too, then I'd like to think you might enjoy my books. I'd love to hear from you--so feel free to visit me on Facebook or Twitter. I'm there every day. And I hang out at my blog, too, at

XOXO Kieran

Jeanne M said...

Kieran -

When I read your excerpt and got to the last line - "And for a brief, shining moment, it was like walking beneath an invisible rainbow into a bigger and brighter life." - my mind flashed immediately back to 1970 and the day I got married to my wonderful husband. As we walked out of the church and were walking down the steps we looked up to see a rainbow shining in a bright blue sky!

I've always wondered how you come up with the passages that always seem to strike a moment of reflection on an experience that all your readers can relate to in some way.

Do you have a favorite line or scene that you wrote that made you stop when you wrote it to think back on something that happened in your own life?

Kieran said...

What a great question, Jeanne! That happens to me all the time. I draw from my real-life emotions to write these scenes. The scenes might be totally different from what happened to me, but the only way I can connect emotionally with them is to immerse myself in my own life experiences and memories and find a connection.

I'm so glad you had that flashback to your own wedding day. That's such a gift to me that you shared that.

Let me give you an example...that scene you mentioned, yes--I thought back to those incredibly special moments when I was having a super connection with my husband--a lot of those happen when I first see him after a deployment. He's on the railing of a ship and I look up and we make eye contact. Or he comes down the gate corridor at an airport.

And the scene with Marcia, Janice, and their mother were very poignant for me, too. I've had those sorts of emotional crises with my sisters and mom. Not the same one as Marcia, but crises where we are fighting or feel misunderstood, and it's so bad...but then love intervenes and reminds us that nothing is impossible with love in the mix.

Love truly does conquer all. I believe it with every breath in my body.


Barbara E. said...

Loved the excerpt. I think the idea of writing a series based on the Brady Bunch is genius. :D

Kieran said...

Thank you so much, Barbara! I hope you'll enjoy the book!!!

Kieran said...

Thank you so much, Barbara! I hope you'll enjoy the book!!!

latanya t said...

I love historical romance and this book sounds good.

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