
Feature and Giveaway: Tempting the Player by J. Lynn

Chad Gamble, all-star pitcher for the Nationals, is one of the best players on—and off—the field. And right now, the notorious bad boy wants Bridget Rodgers. But with her lush curves and snappy comebacks, the feisty redhead is the kind of woman a man wants to settle down with…and that’s the last thing Chad needs.

When the paparazzi catch them in a compromising position, Chad’s manager issues an ultimatum: clean up his act or kiss his multi-million dollar contract goodbye. To save his career, his meddling publicist says he'll have to convince everyone Bridget isn’t just his flavor of the week, but his girlfriend.

Being blackmailed into a fake relationship with Chad Gamble isn’t easy, especially when the sizzling physical attraction between them is undeniable. With a month to go on their arranged pretense, it's going to take every ounce of willpower they have not to fall into bed together...or in love.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo |

Check out my review here.

Check out the Gamble Brother's series:
Click for info.

USA TODAY Bestselling author, Jennifer L. Armentrout (writing under the pseudonym, J. Lynn), lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you've heard about her state aren't true. When she's not hard at work writing, she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell, Loki.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class where she spent most of her time writing short stories....which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult and adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance.

Places to find J. Lynn/Jennifer:
Site Blog Facebook Twitter Goodreads |

1 lucky commenter will win a eBook copy of Tempting the Best Man

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Joanne said...

Tempting the Best Man sounds fantastic. I want to see what happens between Madison and Chase and their meddling families.

laurie said...

Tempting the Best Man sounds fantastic. it sounds like it's right up my alley

pamerd said...


This books looks so good. I am looking forward to reading as I love meddling families :)

Thanks for the chance

Beckey said...

I have heard so much about the book :) and the cover art is saying pick me up and read me ...


Meg said...

This book has been on my to TBR pile for a while and beside it just looks like an awesome, entertaining book.


Chrisbails said...

I would love to read this book. I have seen this book reviewed before and blurbs of it and it sounds awesome. This is a new author for me, both names are new authors for me. I love when authors use pen names becasue then it does not limit that person to only writing one type of book or genre. The other book looks awesome, would buy on just the cover alone.
Thanks for the giveaway.
christinebails at yahoo dot com

molly.frenzel said...

I want to win a copy of this book because, honestly, I'm addicted to the crack that is contemporary and this book sounds like a good read.

Natasha said...

I want to win a copy because it sounds amazing and I would love to read it! Thanks for the chance to win!

Hot Off the Shelves said...

I love books that involve sports figures and the whole blackmail aspect is very intriguing.

Alicia said...

I want to win a copy because this sounds like a really fun romance that will have some humor to it. Plus, I have heard amazing things about the author, and a well written book is the best kind of book :).

June M. said...

I have had this book on my wishlist since I first read about it! I have it on my must buy list (along with the new one) but have not bought it yet.

pc said...

I've just starting reading some books with athlete heroes and I love finding new authors to read!

Unknown said...

I want to win because it sounds amazing and im a big fans of J.Lyn after her Lux series ^^
thanks for the chance :)


Unknown said...

coz i love the book cover and i think this is a great books,,
thanks ^^

Maris said...

I love the cover and love the storyline. I've never read her books and I'd like to give her a try.
Daamris (Maris)

bn100 said...

I'd like to read it because it sounds good.

Evie said...

This book sounds so intense and I'd love to read one of her books.
Thanks for giveaway!

Mary Preston said...

TEMPTING THE BEST MAN looks like a fabulous read.

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