
Guest post with Author Calinda B and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to RFTC author Calinda B. Calinda is here today to chat about her Wicked Series. Please give Calinda a warm welcome.

The Fun Part: Calinda B was told early on that she should be a writer. She heard frequent praise for her writing, as well as her sense of humor. Scoffing at such admonitions and praise, she went on to pursue her life of adventure, chock full of the things that make up a well-rounded adventurous life: music (yup, she was a singer in a rock and roll band), dance (even performed hip hop in Russia), rock climbing (ever hung from a rock wall a few stories up? Yikes!), fire walking (taught high-ranking Moscow fire officials how to walk the coals), kayaking, scuba diving (she’s in love with sharks), travel, and falling in love again and again.

The Daily Grind: An award-winning web designer and certified SEO specialist, Calinda B has worked in the Internet industry as a web page designer/developer since the early 1990′s. She has also taught web site design and computer graphics at community colleges in Northern California. In addition to writing, Calinda B creates fine art and music, and enjoys scuba diving, kayaking, and bike riding. Calinda B makes her home in the Pacific Northwest with the love of her life and her two cats. She is currently working on the fourth book in The Wicked Series, tentatively entitled A Wicked Ending.

Places to find Calinda:

I’ve always been intrigued by individuals who experienced abuse, sexual insults or addiction and yet healed from these insults, ending up with fascinating, fulfilling lives. What is it that allows a person to cultivate joy and passion out of the ashes of a life that appears tragic? And what if, as an added twist, the characters were immersed in paranormal realities? I decided to put pixels to screen and write, exploring this topic.

The series starts with A Wicked Awakening. Awakening revolves around small town girl Chérie Abella Manhattan. She’s got more than a few pieces to her puzzle including a dark secret from her childhood, an obese boss whose flinty eyes seek out every hole in her flimsy, cheesecloth armor, a well-intentioned but anger-filled boyfriend and a gorgeous, mysterious guy who slips up behind her on the dance floor, whispers in her ear, and leaves her to melt into a steaming, sizzling puddle on the floor.

As if that wasn’t more than enough problems in her piñata, an ancient crone of a woman with skin like a dried apple, piercing hawk-like eyes, dressed in shabby-chic, psych-ward attire, drops into her life again and again and again with a KA ZAM freakiness, scaring the bejeezus out of her. She informs Cherie that she was assigned to her long ago and she is not very happy with the assignment.

As the series progresses the characters encounter numerous obstacles in their quests to find love, passion and happiness. Book II, A Wicked Beginning, features Cam Tyson’s struggle with a star dreamling from another planet coupled with his quest to master his temper. Coming from an abusive upbringing, Cam has learned to channel his anger – at least some of it – into high risk adventures like rock climbing and white water kayaking. Since the guy only believes in the here and now, he was a lot of resistance to being stalked by something he can’t see. The wicked creature makes himself known by slashing Cam’s leg with his unseen claws, leaving an ugly, green-glowing gash – that’s when Cam starts to pay attention. There’s no denying the painful, ragged edged tear in his thigh. Through facing the wicked beast, Cam learns how to deal with and accept his dark past and his rage at the injustices he has endured.

Book III, Wicked Whispering, begins with Kai Williams and his inability to accept his freakish abilities. He’s always been a little different. He can see and sense a person’s inner secrets when he looks into their eyes. Since he hates this ability, he stops looking at people, keeps to himself and learns how to scuba dive since the sea critters could care less whether or not he knows what they think or feel. Only thing is, when he gets around humpback whales, he goes a little bat-shit, bliss-filled crazy. Kai learns to accept himself when he learns how to love and let go through a series of painful incidences as well as a few insane encounters with a world of paranormal. If he thought he was a freak before, he has no idea how strange he will become.

All of my characters deal with past injustices, sexual insults, addiction or an inability to accept themselves for who and what they are. When they learn to face themselves, they come to find that they are truly exceptional individuals. They turn their suffering into remarkable growth and healing. It’s that kind of exploration that excites me, inspires me and motivates me to write the Wicked Series.

Chérie’s just a small town girl living life the way she thinks it’s supposed to be. She’s got a great guy, a great job and a whole lot of things that don’t make sense. Like, why can’t she stick up for herself? And why did this mysterious guy walk up behind her on the dance floor, whisper “sexy girl” in her ear, make her body quake with sensation and then disappear? Who is this crazy old woman with eyes like an eagle and braids that blaze with fire who keeps dropping into her world? And where are all these bewilderingly vivid dreams coming from with the mysterious guy as the main attraction? Chérie wants answers. She finds these answers and more as she faces her past, and comes face to face with a future that is more remarkable than she ever dreamed possible.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |

Cameron Delaney Tyson’s just an ordinary guy, living an ordinary life, trying to sort out his issues along the way — or that’s what he keeps trying to tell himself, that is. He doesn’t believe in the supernatural, thinks dreams are just daily recycling, and lives in the here and now. Meanwhile, a vicious star dreamling from another galaxy is tracking him, he’s trying to prove himself to the woman of his heart and soul and an ex-playmate is stalking him through sex magic and nightmares. What’s an ordinary guy going to do?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |

When C decides she wants to have an earthly experience, there’s no telling what the consequences will be for the rest of the Galaxy Dancers, especially her beloved consort, K.

This 4150-word humorous, sexy, tongue-in-cheek sci-fi short story is for those who want to dip their feet in the wicked world of the Wicked Series and for the fans of the Wicked Series who have wondered how the Galaxy Dancers came to Earth in the first place. Just blame on on a woman’s curiousity and desire for new experiences.

Purchase: Amazon | 

Kai Williams hears voices…wicked whisperings that threaten his sanity…his life and livelihood…and his ability to love. When the whispering begins to destroy all that he cherishes, he does what any red-blooded guy would do: he goes deep into the darkness, deep into the sea that cherishes and nourishes his soul. There he comes face to face and eye to eye with evil and more heartbreak than he ever knew possible.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Want to win some goodies from Calinda? Check out whats up for grabs.

Up for grabs:
  • 1 lucky commenter from the ENTIRE tour will win a $20 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter:
  • Please leave a meaningful comment or question for Calinda. 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter below.
  • Giveaway ends November 9

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Joanne said...

This series sounds intriguing. Can't wait to read it.Will there only be the three books and one short story?


Calinda B said...

I have 5 books planned for the series. I'm working on book IV right now. Then I'll probably move on to something new. Thanks for stopping by, Joanne!

laurie said...

This series sounds intriguing. Can't wait to read it.

erin said...

Thanks for a great post and giveaway! This series sounds great!


Beckey said...

The series sounds interesting but I am one of those readers that will have to wait until all the books are out and read them in sequence... Sorry

Thanks for sharing the wonderful post


Carin said...

It sounds like you have had an amazing life and this looks like a fantastic series! Thanks Carin
mawmom at gmail dot com

Calinda B said...

Thank you, erin! Good luck with the contest!

Calinda B said...

No worries! Thanks for stopping by!

Calinda B said...

Amazing is an understatement! Thanks for stopping by!

Natasha said...

Sounds like an awesome series!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Alicia said...

After reading this - "dressed in shabby-chic, psych-ward attire, drops into her life again and again and again with a KA ZAM freakiness, scaring the bejeezus out of her." I can't imagine not wanting to read these books :).

Thanks for sharing and for having the giveaway!

Ann S. said...

These sound like great books and its so nice to hear about authors I am not familiar with. Calinda B. sounds like fun. Thanks for the giveaway.

Calinda B said...

Good luck with the contest! Thanks for stopping by.

Calinda B said...

Awesome! Thanks for the feedback! Good luck with the contest.

Calinda B said...

Oh, thank you! Yeah, I'm still relatively new. THanks for stopping by.

June M. said...

This series does sound good. I will have to put it on my wishlist :) Thanks so much for the post.

Calinda B said...

Thanks, June, for taking the time to comment!

bn100 said...

All these books sound good.


Anonymous said...

This series sound a good book.
Are you still rock climbing? I'm only hiking, not have power enough to do rock climbing.

Calinda B said...

Thanks bn100!

Calinda B said...

Currently don't rock climb. I'm into scuba diving now. It's frigging awesome down below the sea!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Calinda B said...

Good luck with the contest, Olga!

Daniel M said...

they all sound wicked fun! thanks for the giveaway - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Di said...

this is a very interesting mix of stories in this series
sallans d at yahoo dot com

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