
Guest Post with Author Jillian Stone and Giveaway

Today I am happy to welcome back to RFTC author Jillian Stone. Jillian is celebrating the release of her newest book The Moonstone and Miss Jones and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor over to Jillian, let's get to know a bit about her.

Jillian Stone’s Victorian Romantic Suspense novel AN AFFAIR WITH MR. KENNEDY won the 2010 RWA Golden Heart and is the first novel in The Gentlemen of Scotland Yard series for Pocket Books. Her sexy, supernatural Steampunk novel, THE SEDUCTION OF PHAETON BLACK, won the 2010 Romance Through The Ages Erotica category and sold to Kensington Brava. Jillian lives in California and is currently working on the next adventure for both series.

Places to find Jillian:

Phaeton Gets A Lap Dance!
It happened once upon a time in a London far, far in the future.

Book bloggers often ask me if I have a favorite character or scene in the Phaeton Black series and I have to say that there are several scenes in The Moonstone and Miss Jones, which I had so much fun writing I still think about them and laugh, which is rare for me.

I’m going to share at least part of one scene with readers here at Ramblings from this Chick today, but first, I’d like to give you all a bit of background here’s a brief blurb:

The Moonstone and Miss Jones
Phaeton and America, Part Deux: A Tale of Two Londons

When Phaeton is shanghaied in Shanghai, America Jones assumes the worst––that he has abandoned her in the Orient. An angry Miss Jones returns to London, where their spirited partnership takes an unexpected turn. Alarming attacks by strange creatures plague the city, setting the stage for a terrifying future. People and things–well–there's no other way to explain it, but things appear to be unraveling in a parallel, alternate London. With help from the Nightshades, Phaeton and Miss Jones venture into the strange futuristic London to extract the Moonstone and close the rabbit hole between two worlds.

So, as you can see, Phaeton and America are dealing with parallel Londons––the alternate London being set more than one hundred years in their future. (Which makes it a contemporary London to us.) I had a good deal of fun imagining what it might be like to be transported from 1889 London to modern day London. The problem of modern fashion, for instance–mini skirts–no complaints from Phaeton there) and such exorbitant prices!

And oh yes, I couldn’t resist the idea of Phaeton in a modern day nightclub looking for a succubus who also happens to be a lap dancer! Here’s the excerpt:

At the bar, waiting for their second round, Phaeton surveilled the passage that led to what the bartender had called the private rooms. A female dressed in nothing more than a corset and skimpy panties descended the back stair with a paying customer. The glowing overhead sign read: Stairway to Heaven.

Phaeton counted out his remaining cash and turned back to face the bartender. “How much?” He narrowed his eyes. “For one of the private dancers?”

“Forty quid for a ten minute lap dance.” The female bartender looked him up down. Phaeton needed details. “And…what exactly happens in ten minutes. For forty quid?

“You want me to talk dirty to you?”

He dropped his gaze to her unrestricted, bouncing breasts and leaned across the bar. “Would you please, love?”

Phaeton returned to his comrades, his head swimming with lusty images. He passed around the drinks. He clinked a toast. “Drink up gents, we’re going to call on Velvet.” He led the way downstairs into yet another sub-basement covered with padded walls and plush furniture––the throbbing beat from the dance floor, though muffled, still filled the room.

Phaeton’s gaze meandered though a sea of gyrating…booty. The word for buttocks in the Outremer. He tried to remember what the Ryder sister looked like and got distracted. Everywhere he turned there was a near naked female grinding on a customer. He wasn’t sure his brain was functioning––but he was sure his cock was.

“Mr. Black––is that you?”

Phaeton pivoted. “Velvet.” She stood with her hands on her hips wearing something resembling string with small swatches of fabric covering nipples and triangle. “You’re looking wonderfully…” He forced himself to make eye contact.

“Naked?” She grinned.

“Yes, indeed. Is there someplace we might go to talk, briefly?”

A bald headed bloke with huge bulging muscles appeared out of nowhere. “You gentlemen have had your peep––now pay up or get out.”

Phaeton tossed the last of his banknotes at the man. “There’s a tip in there for Velvet.”

“Tip her yourself.” The hairless bruiser handed a tenner back and walked away. “Ten minutes.” He tossed over his shoulder.

Velvet took him by the hand and led him to a chair in the corner of the room. “How are your sisters?”

“I don’t see them very often––I don’t crossover much anymore.” She looked over her shoulder. “Sit down and keep your hands at your sides.”

“Ah yes, the most titillating part of this brief entertainment––I can’t touch you.” Phaeton leaned back into the armless, upholstered chair and watched. Deep violet eyes and raven hair––he had forgotten exactly how attractive she was––for a succubus.

Phaeton cleared his throat. “I’m looking for an unusual object of power…” She looked at him over her shoulder and bent over––shaking her bum in his face. Phaeton swallowed, “…melon sized.”

Facing him she raised her leg in the air, and placed her foot on his shoulder. Leaning close, her little triangle of fabric dropped to eye level as she rocked into him. “Would it be black––shaped like a very large egg? With some kind of substance fluttering about inside?”

He kept his eyes on hers. “You just described it perfectly.”

She pushed off him, and smiled. Legs spread wide, she snapped the strings at her hips as though she might suddenly remove the small bottoms. Velvet turned her backside to him and slid down his knees. She lay back against his chest and kept that booty grinding against him. Phaeton gripped the underside of the chair with both hands and hung on for dear life.

I hope you enjoyed the excerpt and that it has intrigued you enough to purchase The Moonstone and Miss Jones. Here’s what RT Book Reviews says about the read: "...Stone's second steamy steampunk showcases her vivid imagination and wonderfully cheeky, irreverent dialogue."

Question for commenters: In another scene in the Moonstone and Miss Jones, Phaeton lands outside a lingerie boutique off Regent Street. Mesmerized by what he sees in the window, he goes inside and is rather taken with the panties––boy shorts, cheekies, hiphuggers, bikinis, thongs and v-strings...

Which style of panties do you think Phaeton purchased to take back to 1889 London as a gift for America? Sigh, such a thoughtful paranormal investigator! ;)

Thanks for stopping by today and thanks so much to Ramblings from this Chick for having me back! Good luck to all the commenters––Phaeton is looking forward to answering comments about ladies’ undergarments!

A master of paranormal deduction—and paramour seduction—Phaeton Black has a knack for bumping into things that go bump in the night, from ghoulies and ghosties to long-leggedy beauties…

Mooning For The Moonstone

Barely escaping the clutches of a succulent succubus, Phaeton Black returns to London only to get sucked into another unearthly scheme. Professor Lovecraft has been tinkering with the secrets of life and death, replacing body parts with the latest mechanical marvels. To succeed, he needs to tap the power of the fabled Moonstone—and he needs Phaeton’s help. Of course, Phaeton would prefer to investigate the more interesting body parts of Miss America Jones. Perhaps, bringing his lady friend along for the ride won’t be to too much trouble…

Shanghaied In Shanghai

The bewilderingly beautiful and bountifully gifted daughter of a Cajun witch, Miss Jones is always up for an adventure, especially with Mr. Black as her traveling companion. But when Phaeton is mysteriously shanghaied in Shanghai, America thinks he’s run out on her. Stranded in the Orient—and steaming mad—she’s prepared to look under every stone for the missing detective. The case has put them both in the most compromising positions, but this time, Miss Jones is on top and Mr. Black is at the bottom…of a truly infernal plot.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | Indiebound | The Book Depository |
A lone gaslight sputtered above the stair landing. America steadied herself and waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness below. The hansom ride from the Docklands to the West End had been one of the most harrowing in her life––with the possible exception of a rickshaw pulled by Zulu in Durban, South Africa.

She squinted and a few details emerged from the flat below, including a shadowy figure in the overstuffed chair. A soft snore rumbled its way up the stair––it was Phaeton, all right. She ventured further into the room for a better look.

He lounged in the chair with his pelvis forward, legs spread. America angled her head, studying him. There was a rough of whiskers on his chin; could he look anymore dashing? She exhaled a sigh. Only if he opened those liquid brown eyes.

“A little lower, darling.” He mumbled, still asleep. It suddenly hit her. He was safe. He was healthy. The bilge rat.

“Darling, is it?” she whispered. Her gaze trailed down his open waistcoat to the buttons on his trousers. As if in answer to her own lascivious thoughts the buttons began to open.

She grinned at first––was this some new kind of power emerging? Something ancient and primal fueled by lust? She had noticed a marked increase in her abilities these last few months, there was no question they were getting stronger. She reached out and her hand was slapped away––by what she had no idea. She tried again and was flung across the flat onto the lumpy old chaise longue.

America sat up and stared. Something tugged at Phaeton’s trousers––something powerful enough to manipulate the physical world and yet remain unseen. Rising to her feet, she strode across the floor and slapped Phaeton hard across the face.

He groaned, still in a deep trace. “Just the tip, Georgiana.”

She slapped him again. “Snap out of it!”

Jarred awake, Phaeton pushed away from her and blinked––several times. She slapped him again. This time he rubbed his jaw and his eyes watered. “America?” Gradually, between squints and blinks, he came around.

Her fists landed on her hips. “Who is Georgiana?”

Phaeton eased back into his chair, though he regarded her with some wariness. “A rather persistent succubus. And you certainly aren’t one of those––thank God.” If it was possible for a man to have sultry eyes, Phaeton had them. He tilted his chin and studied at her. “Though, I must admit the nasty little vixen has me in some discomfort––would you mind?” He gave a nod to the bulge in his trousers.

“Stuff it, Phaeton.”

“Exactly.” A slow grin twitched on the devilish mouth. “I’m just asking.”

“Goodness––separated for less than two months and I had already quite forgotten how exasperating you can be.”

“You followed me––rather sweet of you. I wasn’t sure you would. I thought you would think I jumped ship and sailed off––abandoned you.”

America’s eyes narrowed into cat slits. “According to your wire, which I received just yesterday, you were shanghaied––in Shanghai.”

Phaeton shrugged. “Old joke, not particularly amusing anymore.”

She stared at him. “You must trust me when I say, it was never comical––in the least.” America shook her head and moved to the pantry area of the flat. She braced herself against the table edge. “I chased you halfway round the world, Phaeton. I want the truth this time, and not a crafty as you please answer.” She swept an errant curl back into her top knot. “I believe I’ve known eels less slippery.”

Phaeton wore that cajoling half smile. “You’re angry with me.”

“Mad at you? No Phaeton, I’m not angry with you. I’m...I’m furious.” America choked on her own words, or was it the painful and growing lump in her throat that stifled her breath? “I searched for you for in every opium den and every back alley of Shanghai. Only after a great deal of money changed hands was I able to find out you’d cut and run––aboard the Boomerang. Do you have any idea how I worried?”

“I’ve caused you great torment, but I swear to you none of it was my doing. Yes, I was on that ship––in leg irons for more than half the voyage. I was cracked over the head in Blood alley, stuffed in a sack and taken aboard ship. “Phaeton rolled his eyes a bit. “Turns out the captain was a regular chap, with a good supply of whiskey––nightly card play.”

America shook her head. “How lovely for you. I don’t suppose there was any chance to escape––or any way to get word to me?”

“But I did get word to you, love––darling––” Phaeton appeared rather stricken.

The tears that had welled up, were streaming now. “And while we were separated did you…think of me?”

Phaeton rose from the chair. “Every minute.” He strode toward her slowly. “Of every hour.” He caught her up in his arms. “Of every bleeding day.” His gaze fell to her mouth, and her lips parted. Good God, what a hussy––she was sending him an invitation.

“Have I ever told you I love you––outside of the throes of passion?”

America shook her head.

“I love you.”

America pressed her hands to his chest. “Too late, we’re in the throes of passion.”

Check out the next book in the Phaeton Black series:
Click on cover for more info. 

Want to win some goodies from Jillian? Check out whats up for grabs

Up For Grabs:
  • 5 lucky winners from the ENTIRE tour will win themselves a copy of The Moonstone and Miss Jones
  • 1 lucky winner from the ENTIRE tour will win Phaeton’s most charming charm bracelet. And find clues to the Moonstone’s hiding place in this modern, edgy take on the traditional charm bracelet created by Ana Karolina, a 19-year-old Mexican born designer who made her debut at Nordstrom at the ripe old age of 17. This silver-plated chain bracelet makes skulls and bugs look oh-so cool!

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering Jillian's question: Which style of panties do you think Phaeton purchased to take back to 1889 London as a gift for America? Sigh, such a thoughtful paranormal investigator! 
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


kipha said...

Thanks is awesome and such a hard question to answer I had to laugh. But he probably bought a thong? That was the first thing that popped up in my head. Other wise a sting bikini, almost the same one as Velvet's.
kp_kazamei(at) yahoo(dot) com

miki said...

^^ i don't know why but i could see him buy edible undergarnments just to make her blush to epic proportions^^


Annwitch said...

You know he definitely brought something to make her blush. I am thinking a Victoria's Secret lacy string bikini that ties in the side. It also would not be pink, I think red, black or both. Thanks for the great book and giveaway.

Yvette said...

The book looks wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win.

nurmawati djuhawan said...

i collected ur books..i love the covers so much and the story are interesting too..
thx 4 the chance of win :)

chikojubilee at gmail dot com

Lisa said...

The book sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway!

laurie said...

The book looks wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win.

Alicia said...

That is a really hard question - I'm going to go with the VS Cheeky style - completely impractical, but they do look nice :)

Thanks for the chance to win!

Maris said...

I love the covers of these books. Thanks for the giveaway.

Barbara E. said...

I think Phaeton would have picked out a nice lacy black thong to bring home to America to model for him.

G. Jillian Stone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
G. Jillian Stone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Phaeton Black, Paranormal Investigator said...

Phaeton: klpah my dear, I do love the look of thongs, however, I thought I should bring home something a bit less shocking with a bit more fabric––though, the sight of America in a thong is wickedly exciting...

Phaeton Black said...

Jillian: Just to warn you ladies, Phaeton finds this discussion incredibly arousing so do your best to entertain him! ;)

Phaeton: miki, you know me so well. And if the boutique had offered them, I would have had a go just to see America's epic well as to enjoy the garment on her...Christ, now I have this enormous erection.

Phaeton Black said...

Jillian: He actually bought three different colors.

Phaeton: Annwitch, I bought an ivory satin panty with a strategically placed rhinestone, a black see-through number with little velvet bows at the hip, and a lavender lace little nothing....very stimulating of you to ask, darling!

Phaeton Black said...

Lovely name, are you shy Yvette?

Phaeton Black said...

nurmawati! You are collector of Phaeton Black series as well as the Gentlemen of Scotland Yard, you delightful young lady! ;)

Phaeton Black said...

No discussion of lacy under things, Lisa? Ah well, good luck with the contest!

Phaeton Black said...

Good luck, Laurie! If you'd like to take a guess on style/color of panties feel free to return. I'm always up for it, so to speak...

Phaeton Black said...

Alicia, darling, I find the cheeky style so alluring....those curves of bum cheek peeking out the bottom of the briefs...wonderfully arousing.

G. Jillian Stone said...

Good luck, Maris!

Phaeton Black said...

Barbara, my dear, Of course you're right. Black, see through, little black velvet bows at the hip––but then, I feel certain you know me rather well. ;)

G. Jillian Stone said...

Hi everyone, Jillian here!

Although Phaeton appreciates each and every one of your responses, he'd rather talk naughty, so from here on out, you might notice that he occasionally leaves the plain thank you replays to me...after all, I'm just the lowly author and he's the superstar Byronic hero!

heeza said...

Because of Phaeton and Miss Jones I am addicted to steampunk. I absolutely love the books and am looking forward to more in the series. As for what Phaeton bought America, it was three pair of very naughty panties. One had a strategically placed gem. I am assuming they were thong, black and lacy.

Linda said...

I was going to say something black & lacy then thought he might actually prefer red instead. & a matching bra to go with it too!

May said...

Something with lace perhaps?

Love your books btw!

Mary Kirkland said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary Kirkland said...

My guess would be a thong.

erin said...

lol... boyshorts or a thong :)

Filia Oktarina said...

Love the cover book. The pic was very interesting, will love to have it in my collection :)
About question,....mmmm, i not sure, maybe like thong and have a lace.

filiafantasy at gmail dot com

Pheaton Black said...

Phaeton: "Excellent news, heeza! And you are the first one to mention that I brought three different colors/designs. I couldn't make up my mind...ghastly expensive but worth every last farthing!"

Phaeton Black said...

Sizzling red, Linda? My word you are a little minx, aren't you?

Phaeton Black said...

Your close, May! In fact, America wears something in lavender...very small patches of lace held together with string. A little bit of heaven, as I recall.

Phaeton Black said...

Mary, love, Thongs, v-strings, as little fabric as possible, and yet just enough to titillate!

Phaeton Black said...

Erin, compared to pantalettes, boyshorts are hot, but then when I saw the v-strings and the thongs, all the blood went from my brain to know where.

Phaeton Black said...

Filia, The cover is very red, isn't it? A lacy thong...I wonder if there could be less fabric and still call it underwear...

Hot Off the Shelves said...

Did they have thongs back then? It would definitely be something lacey and silky.

Unknown said...

Lol, maybe a French panty (very feminine boy cut short panties) with purple lace, the whole thing a slip of silk. ;-)

Congratulations Jillian! :-D

Phaeton Black said...

Jasmyn, lovely name, interesting spelling,

The thong is the one with the tiny string running between...cheeks, correct? Yes, that one is stimulating, but the style I purchased has a teeny tiny bit more three colors, one was a lacy, violet colored little nothing.

Phaeton Black said...

Stella, my dear,

How lovely to hear from you. The French panty sounds lovely. As long as I can see a tantalizing curve of buttock cheek...well, you can imagine...

Your easily aroused friend, ;)Phaeton

Diane D - Florida said...

I think that you bought some crotch-less panties, in different colors to take back.

Love your books Jillian.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he buy v-strings and the thongs with red color.

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