
Interview with Author Kate Perry and Giveaway

Today I am happy to welcome author Kate Perry to RFTC. I discovered Kate a few months ago when I stumbled across her book Return to Me while it was free on Amazon and oh my goodness, I gobbled up that book and quickly went searching for more from her. If you haven't read any of the books from her Laurel Heights series you are seriously missing out. I devoured them all within days. I'm so happy that I'm able to welcome Kate to the blog and be able to share her books with you all. So please, guys give Kate a very warm welcome.

When Kate was a little girl, all she dreamt about was moving to France and living in a stone castle while painting the Provencal countryside. To prep herself, she studied French, stocked up on berets in every color, and practiced her shrug for hours in front of the mirror.

But then, because indentured servitude seemed more attractive than eating baguettes and drinking wine, she took a detour into the world of high tech. Mostly, she worked as a lackey for companies like C|NET and ClearStation/E*TRADE. In those years, she developed interactive online tutorials, designed training programs, and published education articles and product-training manuals. Eventually, that insanity wore off and she decided to try something more stable. Writing seemed the logical choice.

Now she lives in San Francisco. Unfortunately Kate doesn't own her castle yet, but she holds out hope that one day soon she can pull her berets out of storage.

Places to find Kate:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
It's common knowledge that I love tutus and cupcakes. It's also all over the place that I'm a Kung Fu master. And everyone knows that I'm a freak magnet.

But I don't think very many people know that I'd like to be a backup singer for a band—with a tambourine, and perhaps a cage. Although I suspect I'm a decade too late for this dream.

The good news is, I can live out my dreams in my books. Stay tuned for the backup singer book…any day now…

Did you always want to be a writer?
I always loved telling stories, but as a child I wanted to be a gypsy. I was going to have my own cute little purple and red wagon with a bull named Philippe pulling it. Turns out, you can't get paid for being a gypsy. But you can get paid to write in cafés in your pajamas, which is almost as cool.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
I'm a get-it-done-er. Pants. No pants. I'll do whatever it takes.

Where do your ideas come from?
I always start with the heroine and work out from there. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm a kickass girl, and I like to write about kickass girls, and kickass girls tend to tell their own stories.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
She was a romance writer who needed inspiration, and she found it in the most unlikely arms... DREAM OF YOU, a Laurel Heights Novel (#5).

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
Happy ones, preferably about food or love, so it's no coincidence mine often combine these two traits. LOOKING FOR YOU has a wine heiress heroine and CLOSE TO YOU follows a café owner.
Bet you can't guess what the heroine of my next book does. (No need to guess…answer coming at you in a few…)

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
DREAM OF YOU by Kate Perry. Duh.

But other books I love...
... to name a few.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Whichever scene I'm working on. =)

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
The Kate Who Came to Dinner: Three Authors She'd Enjoy Dining With

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I'm working on the next Laurel Heights book for Daniela Rossi, elusive pastry chef to the stars (didn't I promise you more food?). So far it's deliciously sexy, but I'm not one to tease so until then, dive into Dream of You with its own deliciously sexy hero.

Love sucks.

Lola Carmichael's known it since her boyfriend broke up with her the night she expected him to propose. Only with a deadline looming for her next romance novel, she better find inspiration fast.

Enter arrogant sports radio DJ Sam Touchdown Taylor. Who'd have thought a playboy ex-jock would be just what she needs to get her creative juices flowing…and her heart beating again.

When Lola discovers Sam is using her to win back his dream job, she knows she should give up on Happily Ever After, but part of her hopes heroes do exist…and dreams do come true.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes |

Check out the Laurel Heights series
 Click for more info. 

Check out all my reviews for the Laurel Heights series here.

Win some goodies from Kate.

Up for grabs:

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  • Please leave a meaningful comment or question for Kate.
  • Please fill out each Rafflecopter form

Good Luck =)
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erin said...

Thanks for the fun post and congrats to kate on the series! They look like a lot of fun :) Thanks for the giveaway!

molly.frenzel said...

I really enjoyed the interview and look forward to reading this series! Thanks!

JenM said...

I can tell Kate has great taste - I'm another huge fan of the Lymond Chronicles. Francis Crawford was my first book boyfriend, LOL. Best wishes on the release.

laurie said...

thanks for the wonderful giveway. the books look really good. would love a chance to win some of kate's books

Alicia said...

Thanks for the fun interview - that question about putting the novel in less than 140 characters seems unfair to give to an author :)

I do have to wonder, does the technique of putting a book up on Amazon for free for a period of time actually help to boost future sales or get more reviews?

I love the idea of a protagonist who is a romance writer, I'll have to check this one out!

Joanne said...

Congrats on another wonderful addition to the Laurel Heights series. How many more books will there be in this series? Thanks for the great interview.

bn100 said...

Nice interview. This sounds like a good series.

Unknown said...

Loved the interview especially with talk of more food ;). Thanks for the interview and giveaway! :)

Mary Preston said...

A fun bio. I do love berets. I also love the writing of Neil Gaiman.

Natasha said...

Great interview! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Great interview and awesome giveaway!

Maureen said...

I really enjoy so many of the things Kate puts in her stories, kickass heroines, romance and food.

Filia Oktarina said...

I enjoyed the interview and looking forward to reading this series! Thanks for the post :)

*yadkny* said...

Kate is a new to me author, but I can't wait to read her Laurel Heights series!

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