
Guest Post with Author JoAnne Kenrick and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author JoAnne Kenrick to RFTC. JoAnne is currently on tour for her book Shamrocked and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor over to JoAnne, let's get to know her a bit.

Born n bred Brit, JoAnne Kenrick grew up in a wee sea-side town in North Wales and has enjoyed a variety of vocations such as holistic healer, window dresser, and ghost tour guide. Having lived in Wales, England, and Scotland with her dear family, she finally escaped the dull British summers to reside in sunny Australia. After two years, they moved to the States where she endured three harsh winters in Minnesota. She now lives in North Carolina with her husband, two kids and two puddy cats. When they aren't demanding her attention, or jumping on her head, she strums away on the keys of her little laptop, creating worlds and adventures she could only ever dream of.

Places to find JoAnne:

Whenever anyone mentions their local pub, I always hear that song play out in my head. You know the one.

Where everybody knows your name… lalala

Local pubs in Britain are always full of people and faces you know, and it really does feel like a second home and it's patrons and tenders feel like family.

This is the sense, the feeling, I wanted to re-create for the Irish Kisses series. I wanted a family of unlikely characters who pull together due to their connection to the bar, and are always there to support each other in the best possible way they can. Sometimes it's in the most unusual ways. And I wanted readers to connect with them as they would with their very own local pub. To have them wanting to pop in for a quick drink and a catch up with their favorite people.

In Sweet Irish Kiss, book one, Devlin thought he was helping out his boss and good friend Shaun Bell by packing a few extra surprises in his overnight bag. He figured he was so long out of the game that he needed a little direction into the world of dating and making a woman happy. Although he really stepped out of the friendship boundaries by placing Shaun in what he thought was a really embarrassing situation, he'd really nailed it on the head. Shaun had needed that excuse to be a little extra naughty.

In Shamrocked, he re-pays the favor by offering to pay for Devlin's very own 1NS even though he's make it pretty clear he is not ready for dating, nor does he have the time to meet Mrs. Right. Or Mrs. Right Now.

This back and forth of favors goes between the characters in each of the Irish Kisses books, and although they seem as if they are interfering busy-bodies, they actually mean well and care deeply for each other.

What type of settings make you feel as if you're in your second home? And what makes it feel that way to you?

Devlin Kinney is focused on his Irish Rock band, Shamrocked. Between that and tending bar at Bell's Irish Pub, he's rushed off his feet. Still, he's envious of Shaun who found his perfect woman through Madame Eve's exclusive agency, 1Night Stand.

Pushed for time, he follows his friend's lead and hopes to be matched with a woman ballsy enough to share in his fetish for things that go buzzzz.

At the event of the year for soap stars, Elizabeth Grant meets Devlin and mistakes him for her soon-to-be co-star on The East End. Before she has a chance to confess she's not his 1Night Stand as he seems to think, the silver-tongued smooth dancer proves irresistible. He seems perfect...for one night of pleasure. She's ready to play the role of her life!

Will his Irish charm and toys be enough to hold onto his leading lady, or will his heart be shamrocked into next week?

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | All Romance | Bookstrand | Smashwords |

Check out Irish Kisses series
Click for more info.

1 lucky commenter will win a eBook copy of Shamrocked

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment answering the question: What type of settings make you feel as if you're in your second home? And what makes it feel that way to you?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


erin said...

Thanks for a great post and giveaway1 Congrats to Joanne on the new release!

I don't really feel that way while reading. While I get lost in the story and characters, there's no actual place that seems like a "second home" to me. Sorry!

laurie said...

to me what feels like a second home would be any book baised in the UK. most of my family is from there and i have visted it a few times

Natasha said...

I don't think any make me feel that way. Thanks for the chance to win!

bn100 said...

Don't think any books make me feel at home.

pc said...

I'm not sure that books make me feel at home...I love being pulled into another world or time or place. Some books will feel comfortable because they have situations or issues I'm familiar with.

pamerd said...


I think the stories that involve families (series) remind me of a second home. I think when you see characters come back in the different books it is like coming back home.

Thanks for the chance

Mary Preston said...

I think books set in England or family situations I can relate to.

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