
Guest Post with Author Kathy Kulig and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Kathy Kulig to RFTC. Kathy is currently on tour promoting her book Damned and Defiant and has stopped by to chat. Please give Kathy a very warm welcome.

Kathy Kulig is the award-winning author of sexy paranormal and contemporary romances. She has published over a dozen novels and novellas and her work has appeared in eBook, print and anthology. Kathy is a science geek by day and writer of erotic fiction at night. Her interest in mythology, quantum physics and the supernatural, and also her extensive background in science, provide inexhaustible material for new projects in the paranormal realms. Besides her career in writing, she’s a cytotechnologist and has worked as a research scientist, medical technologist, dive master and stringer for a newspaper. When she’s not writing or dreaming up her next steamy story, she enjoys traveling, relaxing by the beach with a book, mountain biking, movies and dinners out. She resides in eastern Pennsylvania with her husband and lives in a 100-year-old Victorian home which has a garage built of rejected tombstones.

Places to find Kathy:

Can Bad Boys Be Good?
By Kathy Kulig

Thanks so much for having me as a guest today. Thanks to the readers too. They rock!

Can bad boys, I mean really bad boys, be redeemed and become heroes? That question will be answered, at least for demon Dante Akanto, in my new release from Ellora’s Cave Damned and Defiant. Readers love the Alpha male and many times there’s a tortured side that makes these Alpha guys lean toward a dark side. I asked a few friends to come up with a few movies where the bad guy was redeemed. Redemption stories can be very powerful stories and creates lots of conflict in a romance novel.

One on my favorite movies I think is a great example of bad boy redeemed is Pitch Black with Vin Diesel as Riddick. He plays a dangerous criminal marooned on a sun-scorched planet with deadly creatures that come out when the sun goes down. He’s their savior as the survivors struggle to fight for their lives. Another movie is Return of the Jedi. Darth Vader has been the evil villain throughout the series, and in this movie, he becomes a father trying to save his son. Other characters and/or movies: Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean, The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, Tim Robbins in Shawshank Redemption, Megamind and Marko Ramius in Hunt For Red October. In National Treasure 2, Book of Secrets, the bad archeologist sacrifices himself to save others, even the Terminator performs an act of heroism in one of the remakes.

When I planned the three-book story arc for Demon in Exile I knew Dante Akanto wasn’t the worst of the bad guys, Gwyllain, the demoness and ruler of Anartia was the ultimate evil villain. But I planned to have Dante as a continuing antagonist throughout the series until I got reader mail. Readers wanted to see Dante find love. Readers cared about him, the bad guy.

They sympathized with him because of HOW he became a demon. Over a hundred and fifty years ago, he was dying, betrayed and murdered (almost) by his ex-wife. Demons from an alternative world rescued him and gave him immortal life but for a price. He had to do the demoness’s bidding. He retained his human side which is shown during various crises.

Then in book one, Desert of the Damned, Dante does one heroic deed and readers get a glimpse of this human side. I believe it was this point readers found hope that he could be redeemed. What ordeals does he have to go through to get there? What choices? And at what cost? That’s the rollercoaster ride Dante is faced in book three. Demon and mortal in one Alpha body struggling on two war fronts— an alternative dimension and Earth. Check out Damned and Defiant to see if love and courage can conquer the demon.

Mortal women surrender to Dante’s seductions. He is a Drone, an immortal who feeds off their lifeforce energy—the chi that keeps his kind alive. When his dimension is on the edge of destruction, Dante must seek the help of one special woman.

Haley Moore is a Sha Warrior—a mortal with excess lifeforce energy. She has always had a strong attraction to Dante and when they meet again he thinks luck is on his side because his quota of chi energy would be obtained after one scorching scene with this mortal. But the problem is that he is overwhelmingly attracted to her and once with this woman won’t be enough.

Haley tries to draw out the man buried deep within the demon. Their fierce, undeniable passion unravels his plans and threatens her life. Can Dante bear to abandon her when he leaves Earth forever? Dante will have to choose whether to return to his world or to give up his immortality and share his future with Haley.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Ellora's Cave |
“You were there that time in the desert when I had sunstroke. Sakari and Brad were there too.”

He glanced down at the floor. “Is that what she told you?”

“She won’t tell me either way. I keep remembering parts of it. I don’t think it was sunstroke. I don’t remember hiking in the desert that day. Sometimes I see an underground room and feel pain, darkness and you holding me. Maybe it was the heat, but it seems so real.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Hmmm. Hallucinations can seem quite real especially when you’re ill.”

“I wasn’t ill and it wasn’t a hallucination,” she said. “Something else happened.”

He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe. “You worry about things that happened months ago?”

Anger made her bold. She stepped up to him and placed both hands on his crossed arms. As the dizzy sensation began, she instantly lowered her shroud of white light and her strength returned. “If you won’t tell me about that night. How about you tell me why you’ve never asked me out? We kissed that one time. Things got pretty hot and heavy there and then you stopped. And don’t tell me that was a hallucination. My knee is between your legs and could do some damage right now.” She smiled a little to show she was teasing. She was breathless and her heart thundered while she awaited his response.

The side of his mouth quirked in the slightest grin. “I need you here,” his voice was raspy and rumbled through her chest.

Check out the Demons in Exile series:
Click for info.

Want to win some goodies from Kathy? Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner will win a eBook from Kathy's backlist
  • 1 lucky winner from the ENTIRE tour will win a $20 Amazon Gift Card
  • 1 lucky winner from the ENTIRE tour will win a totebag filled with books (US ONLY)

To Enter:
  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for Kathy.
  • Please leave your email address along with your comment to be entered. 
  • Giveaway ends today so get those comments in. 

Good Luck =)


Anonymous said...

I guess people always find a bad boy alluring, and what better bad boy than a demon?


Rita Wray said...

Great post and excerpt. Wow, I really like the cover of Damned and Defiant.


Fedora said...

Wow, Kathy! I do love bad boys who find redemption--I think that really is an amazing reminder of hope and of how ultimately triumphant love can be in the workings of the human spirit :) Glad that your readers and you saw that possible of transformation in Dante and that you were able to tell his story! Can't wait to read it!

f dot chen at comcast dot net

June M. said...

Great post! I have this series on my wishlist for awhile. I have always loved the bad boys when they are redeemed by the woman they love :)
manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

Kathy Kulig said...

Yes, those bad boys types are hard to resist, I think. :)

Kathy Kulig said...

Thank you, Kit, I met the artist at RomantiCon and told her how much I Loooved it. :)

Kathy Kulig said...

Hi Fedora, what a wonderful way to put it. I couldn't resist writing Dante's story after receiving that letter from a reader.Dante deserved to be redeemed. Deep down, I knew he had great human spirit and a wonderful heart. The heroine saw it before he knew it himself. :)

Kathy Kulig said...

Ditto with Goddess Fish thoughts. Thank you so much for hosting me on your site. :)

Kathy Kulig said...

Thank you so much, June! Enjoy the series. :)

Natasha said...

Sounds like a really good series!! Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I willbe putting this book on my to read list. Great excerpt. I love reading series books.

wanda f said...

Kathy your book sounds like a fantastic read and your cover is just gorgeous.Have a great week.

bn100 said...

I enjoyed the excerpt.


pc said...

this sounds wonderful..thanks for sharing!

Kathy Kulig said...

Hi Natasha, Oh you're welcome. I'll be doing the drawings for the grand prizes next week.

Thanks you Laura, I'm glad you enjoyed the excerpt.

Hi Wanda, Thanks. I think they did an awesome job on the cover. Can't go wrong with a hunky guy.

BN and PC, Hey! Thank you so much. Ebook drawing will be in a couple days.

Mary Preston said...

Bad boys can be very good. Not in behavior perhaps, but great to read.


Kathy Kulig said...

I'd like to announce the winner of the Free eBook:
Congrats to Laura Troxel! I'll be sending you an email to chose from my backlist.

Today is the last day of my two month long blog tour. Wow!! This has been so much fun, and those of you who have followed along, read the posts and commented have been amazing. I am so greatful for your support. And a huge thank you to the blog tour hosts and Goddess Fish Blog Tours for setting everything up. I'll be posting this at each stop.

I've selected the 2 GRAND PRIZES for this tour. I used to select for me to make it as fair as possible.

For the $20 Gift Card: Congratulations to Rita Wray!! You can chose Amazon, B&N or Ellora's Cave. I'll email you and you can tell me which one.
For the Tote bag of books and goodies: Congratulations to Mary Preston!! I'll email you too so you can send me your mailing address.

Again, Thank you all for your support and kind words. I hope you'll check out the Demons in Exile series. Each book is a stand alone book and they've received great reviews. Happy Reading!

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