
Interview with Author Taryn Elliott and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Taryn Elliott to RFTC. Taryn has stopped by to answer some questions as well as chat about her book Ashes and Wine. Please give Taryn a warm welcome.

Taryn Elliott is from the great state of New York—upstate NY, thank you very much. Her family consists of a brother who takes care of keeping the snarky side of her alive and a dog that is more spoiled child than mutt. She counts her writer-friends as the glue that keeps her crazy ideas more in the sane category, and her non-writerly friends as the reason she’s not a complete hermit.

She can’t go a day without laughing, and falls in love with each and every one of her leading men as she’s writing their book. Music is life and every story has its own soundtrack.

Places to find Taryn:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I’m an Aries, I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky…wait. No. I’ve been watching WAY too much Supernatural lately. Sorry about that. I may or may not have a fangirl crush on Jensen Ackle’s Dean Winchester.

But then again, that’s a major part of me…I love to get involved in a good story and more importantly, a really excellent character. The more twisted and undefinable the better. We were a TV household. I used to watch soaps with my mom, and primetime serials with my dad. I fell in love with romance from a really young age. I soaked in all those tropes and storylines and amazing heroes and heroines and made up stories of my own to entertain my best friend.

I come from a pretty small family—now, unfortunately even smaller. I just have a few members from my extended family and a brother left. So, the family dynamic in a story is REALLY important to me. I’m currently splitting my time between full time office worker and full time author.

Did you always want to be a writer?
I took a detour into art for a while. Got a degree in graphic design and fell in love. The love part didn’t work out, but I kept all the good parts of the art and channeled it into my writing. I’m very visual and I think it comes through in my writing. And as a handy side benefit I can take care of my own graphics and website. Talk about handy.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
I’m a reformed pantster. Didn’t think I’d ever say that, but I’ve embraced the outline. I love brainstorming and playing with ideas. Even have a butt load of stickies, markers, and foam boards to prove it. LOL

Where do your ideas come from?
Tricky thing, a writer brain. I can’t even begin to tell you how it works. The last idea I came up with was in the middle of a hometown play. I bring a notebook with me everywhere just in case this sort of thing happens…and instead of paying attention to the first act I scribbled feverishly in a notebook. All because of the word roadtrip. BAM Essssplosion.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
Royal has locked himself up in responsibility, but one night with Tessa opens up a chance at love. If he's brave enough to let her in.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
Lately it’s been two different extremes. Madcap alpha fun a la Kristen Ashley’s Rock Chick series or emotional mind benders like Tiffany Reisz and the Original Sinners.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
Born in Fire by Nora Roberts. I’ve read that book over a dozen times. I even have it in audio version for when I need a fix and have a road trip. It’s set in Ireland, which is my favorite setting for Nora novels. She seems to have a true-blue affinity for the place. I’ve been there and would happily move there in a half a heartbeat.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Love scenes. It’s really hard to be sexy and not sound all cheesy and overly flowery. And yet, you don’t want an insert tab a into slot b either. It’s a really tricky balance.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
  • Nora Roberts - She is my queen. LOL No, seriously, she is. I love her.
  • JK Rowling - hello, she has her own castle. Dinner party of epic proportions. We’ll all meet there.
  • ShakespeareBecause he was full of madness and genius and who doesn’t want to hear sonnets in a drunken slur? Yes, I’ve heard he was a bit of a drunk. LOL At least in my mind he was. Could be because of Dr. Who. Hmm.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
Yes. I’m at the tail end of a manuscript right now. The one I mentioned before—the roadtrip one? It’ll be out sometime in January and I’m having a freaking blast with it. It’s working title is Sex Across America with a much more crude word as the first word. ;) It’s tongue in cheek because I reeeeeeeeeally suck at titles. But really, that’s the gist of it. LOL There’s lots of action in a Silverado truck. LOTS. I also am working on Mercy and Alaric from ASHES AND WINE this winter. And I’m throwing my hat in for NaNoWriMo for a new project with my crit partner, Cari Quinn. 50,000 words in a month will be cake after this last month! Shew!

I know…writers are crazy. =)

Before Tessa met Royal Andreas, her bookstore was on the verge of sinking. And before Tessa met Royal Andreas, she didn’t mind being single. But Royal brings in business with monthly wine tastings featuring his family’s signature vintages–and brings Tessa’s heart to a standstill with intense gray eyes that look on her with nothing but cool indifference.

Yet one searing kiss between the stacks gives Tessa a glimpse of the passion smoldering beneath–and a secret pain further revealed when Royal fills in as the musician at a tasting event. Every note of Spanish guitar tells a story of family tragedy, loss, and ongoing suffering that’s made Royal afraid to lean on anyone…even if he needs Tessa’s sweet flavor more than the richest wine. Only her strength can save him when his world crumbles to ashes. But has Royal learned trust too late to claim Tessa as his own?

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |
Want to win some goodies from Ashlyn? Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner will win a eBook copy of Ashes and Wine
  • 1 lucky winner from the ENTIRE tour will win a graphics package including Facebook banner, icon, Twitter background, and Website topper.

To Enter:
  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for Taryn. 
  • Please fill out each Rafflecopter

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


laurie said...

wonderful interview. thank you so much for introducing me to a new author!

Joanne said...

Congrats on the new release. This book sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it to see more of Tessa and Royal. How did you come up with the character's names?


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I am excited to read this book. How/When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

erin said...

Thanks for a fun post and giveaway! This book is going on my wishlist :)

pamerd said...


Great post. I also love reading about family in romances as I love how interesting a functional or disfunctional family fits together. Such drama.

Your book sounds great and I am adding to my list to read.

Thanks for the chance

Taryn Elliott said...

Thanks so much for stopping by. =) I had fun with the questions. Might have been partial delirium. I've been writing like a crazy woman.

Taryn Elliott said...

Hi Joanne. Thanks for the visit and the compliment! I hope you like it (if you win or buy. ;) heh)

Royal was a running joke with a few of my friends actually. Calling him His Royal Highness as a joke, but I didn't even THINK about using a name like that. I was looking through a baby name site and Royal came up. Kismet. HAD to use it.

And Tessa has been a favorite name for me for a looong time. Had to use it for my dream bookstore owner.

Taryn Elliott said...

Ever since I can remember, I've loved to create stories. I got really serious about it around 4yrs ago. But the thing that pushed me forward was losing my mom. Life is far too short and seeing her lose her fight with cancer got me moving to finish a story and submit it. To push through the fear and submit my story.

Good luck!

Taryn Elliott said...

Thanks so much for stopping by! Good luck on the drawing. =)

Taryn Elliott said...

Thanks for dropping by, Pam. The Andreas brothers certainly love to put the definition of functional to the test. But they're always there for one another. Even if there's fists involved sometimes. LOL

Good luck!

Taryn Elliott said...

Thanks so much for having me on your blog, Danielle. Sorry I got here so late. The craziness of Hurricane Sandy and my first day at a new job made for a really crazy day.

You've got great readers. Thanks so much for all the great replies!

pc said...

Thanks for the great interview...I love finding new authors and their fantastic books!

Natasha said...

Great interview!! Sounds like a really good read!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I love finding new books and authors.

bn100 said...

Nice title. The book sounds good.

Taryn Elliott said...

Thanks so much for stopping in, PC. Good luck!

Taryn Elliott said...

Thanks, Natasha! Dani gave me fun questions to play with.

Taryn Elliott said...

These blog tours are a lot of work...but they are a lot of fun too. I seriously need an unlimited Amazon GC to support my book habit. LOL I find the coolest people on the reviewer blogs.

Taryn Elliott said...

Thank you for stopping in! =)Good luck with the drawing.

Alicia said...

There is a reason I am a reader and not a writer, I can't imagine how difficult it must be to actually write out love scenes.

Thanks for the interview and giveaway!

Mary Preston said...

ASHES AND WINE looks fabulous. I love the title too.

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