
Interview with Author Valerie Bowman and Giveaway

Today I am happy to welcome debut author Valerie Bowman to RFTC. Valerie is celebrating the recent release of her book Secrets of a Wedding Night and has stopped by to answer a few questions. Before I share the interview with you all, let's get to know a bit about Valerie.

Valerie Bowman grew up in Illinois with six sisters (she’s the youngest) and a huge supply of historical romance novels. After a cold and snowy stint earning a degree in English at Smith College, she moved to Florida the first chance she got. She now lives in Jacksonville with her two rascally dogs. When she’s not writing, she keeps busy reading, traveling, or vacillating between watching crazy reality TV and PBS. Valerie loves to hear from readers.

Places to find Valerie:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
Sure! I grew up in Illinois, the youngest of seven sisters —yes, ALL girls—went to college in Massachusetts where I majored in English and minored in history, and now live in Florida with my two dogs who are prominently featured on my Facebook page. I'm scared of spiders, I adore cake, and I watch only two television shows, Hoarders and Downton Abbey. I know, weirdly different, huh?

Did you always want to be a writer?
Yes. I wrote my first 'book' in Kindergarten. It was called The Three Little Chickens. One of the chickens worked at KFC and almost got cooked. Ah, the drama. I wrote some short stories when I was a pre-teen and I tried my hand at writing my first book in the 8th grade. I got about half way through. I didn't get serious about creative writing again until 2007. I still have The Three Little Chickens. ; )

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
I'm a plotter. I find that if I can get the basic plot elements down before I begin, the rest is just a matter of typing quickly.

Where do your ideas come from?
Anywhere and everywhere really. When I wrote my debut novel, SECRETS OF A WEDDING NIGHT, I actually came up with the title first (it just came to me one night) and I brainstormed a plot that would go with that title. I often get ideas when I'm driving or while I'm sleeping. I have to wake up and quickly jot them down before I forget.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
Lily is rumored to have written a scandalous pamphlet. Secrets of a Wedding Night has scared the ton’s young ladies from the marriage mart. Recently jilted Devon issues her a challenge: write a retraction or prepare to be seduced!

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
I love anything historical especially romance, but I also love true crime. Go figure!

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
All of Judith McNaught's Regencies are favorites of mine, especially Once and Always.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Any scene that begs for description is the hardest for me to write. Like if I'm describing a country home or a ballgown. Those details are in my head but I find it difficult to put them on paper adequately. The easiest for me is dialogue. Love, love, love it!

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Ooh, this is a tough one to answer but I'd have to say, Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer and Lisa Kleypas. How fun would that be! I'd love to get their different perspectives on the evolution of the Regency romance novel. Though I suspect I would spend the entire evening asking Jane Austen overly personal questions about life in the early 1800's.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
Yes! I just finished the manuscript for book three of my Secret Brides trilogy and am working on two related novellas and a new trilogy. The new trilogy is based on fun romp plays which are my absolutely favorites! Stay tuned!

Thank you so much for having me!


Young, widowed, and penniless, Lily Andrews, the Countess of Merrill,has strong opinions on marriage. When she spots a certain engagement announcement in The Times, she decides to take action. She will not allow another hapless girlto fall prey to a man—particularly the scoundrel who broke her heart five years ago. Anonymously she writes and distributes a pamphlet entitled “Secrets of a Wedding Night,” knowing it will find its way into his intended’s innocent hands…


Devon Morgan, the Marquis of Colton, desires a good wife and mother to his son—someone completely unlike Lily Andrews, the heartless beauty who led him on a merry chase five years ago only to reject him. When Devon’s new fiancĂ© cries off after reading a certain scandalous pamphlet, he vows to track down the author and make her pay. But when he learns it’s his former fiancĂ© Lily, he issues a challenge: write a retraction or prepare to be seduced—to find out how wonderful a wedding night can be…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out the Secret Brides trilogy:
Click for more info. 

1 lucky winner will win themselves a copy of  Secrets of a Wedding Night

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: If you were going to write the story of your life, what would the title be?
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.
  • International Shipping Available

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Eli Yanti said...

The title should the lady of bookworm ;)

kipha said...

Hi Valerie. Wow, I'm seeing you everywhere these days. Not that it's a bad thing.
*cough stalking cough*
I just love learning new things about me authors.
But to answer the question, mine would be...

"From, Your Love and Only"

Valerie Bowman said...

Hi Eli, Great title!

Valerie Bowman said...

Hi Ki, Thanks for stopping by. Interesting title. Makes me want to know more. :)

Diane D - Florida said...

Hi Valerie. Congratulations to you on your debut of "Secret's of a Wedding Night".

If I were to write a book on my life, I would title it "Up's, Down's and Victories" .

nurmawati djuhawan said...

i will write 'loving an ugly duckling'
the woman must be a common girl ...not an heiress...not pretty but really brave and sweet...always help others..
and the guy must be a powerful lord ( maybe a duke ? :p), handsome, rich and cold ...

thx u :)

Annwitch said...

Looking forward to the book, love historical romances. My book would be "4 the Love of Family" I have four kids and four dogs, only one husband, and I try to drive them as crazy as possible. Either that or they will get me first : )

Unknown said...

I have so many titles I love, but the very first of mine would be The Other Side of Me (written by himitsume). I believe I have this wicked side that I show to certain people only. :D

pc said...

Congrats, Valerie!
I think my life would be called "Every Which Way".

Mina said...

Hi Valerie! I don't know what life has in store for me, but I hope I'll be able to write "happily ever after" at the end of my book. As for the title, it could be Four Sisters And A Bathroom...coming from a large family yourself, you can easily picture the tragic and coming aspect of such a plot.

sienny said...

It'll be simple, 'my life'

Abigail Sharpe said...

Fun interview, Valerie! You had weird tastes in TV. :) I can't watch Hoarders because of the bugs... ick.

A book about my life would be titled, "Don't I Know You From Somewhere?"

I already own the book so please don't enter me in the drawing.

Em said...

It would be a humorous story of a odd duck.

Cathy P said...

Hi Valerie! I have also seen you on several other blogs and am looking forward to reading your books. They sound musty (must read).

I guess the story of my life would be "Looking for love in family that never comes."

pamerd said...


Great post and interview. I am so excited to read this book. The title of my book would be "It's always the quiet ones"

Thanks for the chance

Valerie Bowman said...

Great title, Diane!

Valerie Bowman said...

Ooh, I'd love to read that, Nurmawati!

Valerie Bowman said...

Ha! The 4 dogs seem like more work than the 4 kids to me, Ann!

Valerie Bowman said...

Ooh, sounds like you could write a trilogy at least!

Valerie Bowman said...

I like it!

Valerie Bowman said...

Oh my goodness, Mina, yes! My dad had to put in an extra hot water heater for us so we could all take showers in the morning. Madhouse! Best of luck!

Valerie Bowman said...

A classic!

Valerie Bowman said...

Hi Abigail, I want to read your life story book! And yes, Hoarders is disgusting but I can't look away. I balance it with the beauty of Downton Abbey. :)

Valerie Bowman said...

I actually like that as the title: The Humorous Story of an Odd Duck


Valerie Bowman said...

Hi Cathy, "musty" I love that. I'm going to use it from now on!

Valerie Bowman said...

"It's Always the Quiet Ones" Love it!
I read a quote recently that said something like, "The quiet ones are always the ones you want to listen to." So true.

Abigail Sharpe said...

No wonder no one ever listens to me... *grin*

Barbara E. said...

My book would be called Book Hoarding-Everything You Always Wanted to Know. :D

Valerie Bowman said...

Love it, Barbara!

sheryl said...

My story would be called "How to Live Your Life while Reading Everyday."

Jyl22075 said...

Wow, 6 sisters! I only have two and they get on my nerves. LOL!

I would call my book While I Was Making Other Plans.

Jyl22075 at

Jeanne M said...

Hi Valerie!

If I was going to write the story of my my life the title would be "Until There Was You"!

Like many young people today when I was younger I looked for all the wrong things in a man and in fact moved from New York to Arizona to go to college when I graduaed from High School to be as far as possible from the person I thought was the man of my dreams.

It wasn't until years later when I moved from Ariozna to Jacksonville, Florida that I met "the one". In another time and place I probably wouldn't have paid attention but without knowing it I opened up my heart and he stepped in. At first I wasn't going to even go out with him because he was in the Navy stationed at NAS Cecil Field and it was during the Vietnam War. My older sister was married to a Marine pilot who had only recently returned from Vietnam and I knew all about the seperations that would happen, the lonely nights and the fear for his safety but instead I took the chance and fell in love.

Before meeting him I never understood that true love in unconditional but can last forever with love, understanding, patience and most of all unconditionally giving each other your heart. This year we celebrated our 42nd anniversary and I have never regreted opening my heart and letting him in!

Texas Book Lover said...

I would probably title it "What I've Learned and Still Need To"

Thanks so much!

bn100 said...

Life with desserts

Leah Weller (leahluvsmedieval) said...

The title of my book would be Right Soul, Wrong Place.

I have such a deep inner pull for the medieval era that I feel I was born in the wrong time and place. So my book would be a medieval time-travel story where I would go back where my soul yearns to be.

leahweller (at) bellsouth (dot) net

Mary Preston said...

It would have to be something simple I think, but also convey more excitement than I wished for at times.


Joanne said...

Happily Never After. That about sums it up.

Maureen said...

That is such a tough question. I think it would be: Home Is Where the Heart Is.

jmcgaugh said...

Oh, I like Maureen's answer. I think I would call mine Becoming Me.

laurie said...

for me it'd be 'life in the sandbox' lol

and val the book you are giving away looks good

Valerie Bowman said...

Now that's a How To book I'd like to read, Sheryl. : )

Valerie Bowman said...

Love that title!

Valerie Bowman said...

What a beautiful story, Jeanne! Happy 42nd anniversary!

Valerie Bowman said...

Excellent title!

Valerie Bowman said...

Ooh, that would apply to me, too.

Valerie Bowman said...

Wow. That's really cool, Leah.

Valerie Bowman said...

Love it!

Valerie Bowman said...

Oh no. But that sounds like a great chick lit book, Joanne. I'd read it!

Valerie Bowman said...

Another classic.

Valerie Bowman said...

That's a fabulous title.

Valerie Bowman said...

Love 'Life in the sandbox,' Laurie. Thanks

Unknown said...

Great interview!The title of my book would be "Rainbow at The End Of The Road"

thanks for the giveaway

Unknown said...

Hmmmm...The title would be 'I will Love you Forever' :) I love myself, no matter what - all my faults and all the good/nice things that I have!

Unknown said...

My title would be... Starting Over Again. It seems like that's what I'm always doing!

Unknown said...

I think mine would be Don't Sweat the Small Stuff.


Hot Off the Shelves said...

I really hope mine would be romance - involving second chances and learning from your past.

Anonymous said...

My title will be " You and the wicked side of me"

Valerie Bowman said...

Love those themes, Jasmyn!

Valerie Bowman said...

Great title!

Valerie Bowman said...

Oh, I love that Olga!

Valerie Bowman said...

Patricia, one of my favorite quotes is: Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight - Japanese Proverb

Valerie Bowman said...

Also a classic, Joy!

Valerie Bowman said...

Ooh, Lilian! Spicy!

Valerie Bowman said...

I wanted to thank Danielle so much for having me. What a fun group of answers! And thanks to everyone who commented!

Di said...

"Time Flies When you're Not Lookin'"
sallans d at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I love that!

Filia Oktarina said...

My title was "You're My Heart"

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