
Interview with Author Macy Beckett and Giveaway

Today I am happy to welcome to RFTC author Macy Beckett. Macy is celebrating the release of her debut Sultry With a Twist and has stopped by to answer a few questions. Please give Macy a very warm welcome.

Macy Beckett writes hot and humorous romances set in Sultry Springs, Texas: where first loves find second chances. Her debut novel, SULTRY WITH A TWIST is now available in stores, and two more Sultry Springs romances will follow in 2013.

Places to find Macy:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
You bet! After a lifetime of bouncing from place to place (my dad was in the military), I eventually settled in the Cincinnati ‘burbs, where I live with my husband and three kids. I love reading, movies, and yard sales. Yes, yard sales. Don’t judge. =)

Did you always want to be a writer?
Nooooooo! I have an English degree, so I’ve been writing since the dawn of time. For me, writing always equaled WORK, and everyone knows that work is no fun. It wasn’t until I “retired” from teaching to stay home with my babies that I began to crave the challenge and the intellectual stimulation that writing provides. Now I enjoy it (most days). Don’t get me wrong, it’s still WORK, but it’s also my passion, and that makes all the difference.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
I’m a Plantser—a hybrid. I need a basic outline, synopsis, and character studies before I begin, but I leave the rest up to my daily whims.

Where do your ideas come from?
You know, most authors say they hate this question, but I don’t mind it. I can tell you that 99% of my ideas come to me when I’m:
A. Washing my hair in the shower
B. Taking a quiet walk
C. Driving alone
From that, I can infer that my ideas come to me when I’m performing quiet monotonous tasks—allowing my mind to relax as opposed to pushing for ideas.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
I cheated. This is 145 characters:
A bogus warrant forces June Augustine back to her tiny hometown for a month of community service under the supervision of her first love, the devilishly sexy Luke Gallagher.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
When it comes to romance, I’m drawn to light, funny contemporaries. If it’s dark and angsty, odds are I’m not reading it. Real life is serious enough. I want a book to make me smile.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
Haha, I’m about to make a giant hypocrite of myself, because my favorite book of all time is JANE EYRE, which is the epitome of dark and angsty.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Transitional scenes are the toughest because I have to move the plot from one turning point to the next without boring the reader. (Or myself.) The easiest ones to write are the sex scenes. I can usually crank one of those out in a day, compared to 4 days for a transitional chapter. Again, don’t judge. =)

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Ooh, that’s a tough one. I love to laugh, so I’d probably choose a couple of authors likely to leave me in stitches: Jen Lancaster and Jenny Lawson. I’d also love to meet Margaret Atwood, but I’d probably be too awestruck to speak—not a very enjoyable evening for her.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
Oh, yes. I’m always working on something. Book two in the Sultry Springs series, A Shot of Sultry (Trey’s story) is now available for pre-order and book three will release in the fall of 2013. I’m also plotting the sequel to ALIENATED, a YA sci-fi that’s coming in early 2014. (You can learn more about that series on my website.)

Thanks so much for having me. It was a pleasure chatting with you!

Welcome to Sultry Springs, Texas: where first loves find second chances…

Nine years after June Augustine hightailed it out of Sultry Springs with her heart in pieces, one thing stands between her and her dream of opening an upscale martini bar: a bogus warrant from her tiny Texas hometown. Now she’s stuck in the sticks for a month of community service under the supervision of the devilishly sexy Luke Gallagher, her first love and ex-best friend.

If Texas in July wasn’t already hot enough, working side-by-side with June would make any man melt. Luke wants nothing more than to strip her down and throw her in the lake—the same lake where they were found buck naked and guilty as sin all those years ago. In their heads, they’re older and wiser. But their hearts tell a different story…

Purchase: Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out my review here.

1 lucky winner will win themselves a copy. 

To Enter:
  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for Macy.
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.
  • US/Canada ONLY, NO PO Boxes

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Annwitch said...

I love a story that rekindles an old romance. The book sounds like a great read, small towns are great settings.

Macy Beckett said...

Thanks for having me on the blog today! Ann, I love rekindled romances, too. Probably because they're so rare in real life. :)


Arabella Sabrien said...

The book is really awesome! Macy Beckett is one of my favourite authors now.

Cris said...

I tend to favour dark & angsty (probably because I'm a huge romantic suspense fan), but I definitely go for light & fluffy when I read contemporaries to take a break from all those serial killers. This series is definitely going on my TBR queue! Congrats on the release! :)

misskallie2000 said...

Love second chance romances and looking forward to your Sultry series.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

This book looks great! Can't wait to read it.

Joanne said...

Congrats on the release. I love second chance stories. This book sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it. Will there only be the three books in this series?

pc said...

Congratulations...looks like a great read! Have you ever met someone you thought must be a character you want to write about?

erin said...

thanks for a great post and congrats on the new release! Sounds fabulous :)

Macy Beckett said...

Thanks, guys!

Joanne, as of now, there are 3 books planned for the series. We'll see what happens, though.

pc, no, all my characters are totally fictitious. But there's a bit of myself in each one. I can't help that. :)

Cathy P said...

Hi Macy! Congratulations on your debut! I also love rekindled romance, and your book sounds musty (must read). I am definitely looking forward to reading your books after reading this blurb. I think it's great that you can crank out sex scenes in one day. Don't most authors have trouble writing sex scenes?

Na said...

I'm really looking forward to your release! Sultry Springs sounds like a place I'd want to visit!

Jane Eyre is also one of my favorite novels.

Cathy P said...

PS: I forgot to leave my email.

kscathy at yahoo dot com

Macy Beckett said...

Not the pervy ones, hahahaha!

Texas Book Lover said...

I love the name of the just sounds so sexy!

Macy Beckett said...

Thanks, Texas! The only downside to naming the town Sultry Springs is that it limited us when it came to choosing titles. It's harder than you think coming up with a good title with the word 'Sultry' in it!

Mina said...

This book has been in my tbr list for a while... It immediately grabbed my attention and I would love to win!

bn100 said...

Nice interview. Sounds like an interesting book.

sheryl said...

This sounds really brest. I love small town romance. Added to my tbr list.

*yadkny* said...

I cannot wait to read this story! I've seen so many great reviews, so I know I am going to love it!!!

Hot Off the Shelves said...

I think it's interesting that you equated writing with work. It is work, but it can seem like fun when it's something you love. This book sounds great - I'm glad you decided to write.

Anonymous said...

For me, it depends on my mood, but most days I love the dark and angsty stories. It might come from my English degree. ;) Most Classics we read were dark and angsty, weren't they? Interesting interview, Macy. Good luck with the book!

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