
Feature and Giveaway: Tudor Rubato by Jamie Salisbury

Having survived a near-death experience all Amadeus Tudor wants to do is escape to the countryside of Scotland with his wife Zara so the two can have some much needed down time together as a couple and work on rebuilding their relationship. Life for the past couple of years, however has been “a long, strange trip (it’s been)”* for the internationally acclaimed rock star, with no signs of stopping. (*Grateful Dead - Truckin')

But before the couple can even get away, tragedy hits close to home forcing the couple into almost delaying their new adventure. Grace Tudor, the family matriarch insists the two embark on their new adventure and recommitting to each other immediately.

The change of scenery proves exactly what Amadeus needs to reboot his songwriting and his all encompassing bond with Zara. Together they embrace their new adventure as slowly Amadeus, with the guidance of music icon, Peter McNichol embarks on what promises to be another notch in Amadeus’ career.

The road is full of twists and turns for the pair as one moment finds them frolicking in the meadows outside Edinburgh to the next learning the shocking and sinister side of one of Amadeus’ own brothers.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords |
I closed the front door and found Amadeus back in the kitchen helping himself to a huge slice of the blackcurrant pie. He certainly had no problem finding the plates and forks.

“Amadeus! I was going to warm the pasties so we could eat first.”

“But I’m starving.”

“So am I. Put it down. I’ll heat up these pasties so we can eat. Why don’t you open the bottle of wine. And put that pie down!”

“Mmm, okay,” he mumbled as he crammed his mouth full of pie.

I walked over and snatched the plate out of his hand, knowing full well he would eat the entire piece while we waited for the main course. Fortunately for us, the pasties were still fairly warm and I popped them into the microwave for a minute just to make them hot.

I found a corkscrew in a drawer and tossed it to him as I looked for a couple of wine glasses. I took two out of the cabinet and walked them over to him. As I laid them down, the buzzer on the microwave beeped letting me know the pasties were ready. I plated them, grabbed a couple of forks and walked over to the kitchen table situated along a cheerful large window. Amadeus quickly followed and placed a glass next to me as he sat down across the table.

The food was good, and we were both hungrier than we thought. We devoured all four of the pasties before Amadeus was back at his slice of pie. My mind was still spinning with the events of the day. It had been quite a long day for that matter, but I was too keyed up for sleep.

Instead I got up, gathered the dishes and put them in the dishwasher before I walked back over to where Amadeus sat, still at the kitchen table. I began to massage his neck and shoulders.

“How does that feel?”

“God you’ve got good hands. That feels wonderful.”

I knew beneath the table Amadeus was hard as granite, the blood running like lava through his veins, and I knew where this was going if I kept touching him.

I moved his hair to one side and began kissing him against the nape of his neck and smiled as a shudder rippled through him.

“Amadeus,” I cooed softly, “would you like to check out our new bedroom?”

It was all the encouragement he needed. Noisily he shoved back his chair and hauled me into his arms. “Why go all the way upstairs to the bedroom, love?”

Check out the Tudor Dynasty series:
Click for info.

Jamie Salisbury cannot imagine a time when she did not write. A skill that has served her well throughout her professional career. Public relations in and around the entertainment industry, photography, editing, and special event planning all elevated her passion for writing.

An avid reader of histories, biographies, and romance, it's only natural that part of the products of her pen are historical romances featuring characters so authentic they spring forth from the page and shake the reader's hand. Many of her teen years were spent in Chile, but she and her family were forced out of the country when the political climate demanded it.

Taking the plunge to take her writing professional came as a result of a series of foot surgeries that left her with a lot of time on her hands. Unable to walk great distances at the time, she started writing as a way to pass the time. Her experiences of how dramatically her life had changed at first. Then the new world of e-publishing inspired her to digitally publish her first novel, Perpetual Love, rather than relegate it to the dreaded drawer. She couldn't be happier with her decision to grab the publishing industry by the shoulders and force it to pay attention to all she has to offer. Two more novels have followed: Blood Lust and Tudor Rose, with more to follow soon.

Jamie now lives outside of Atlanta, but the love for travel has never abandoned her. Adventure, exploration, and intrigue permeate her prose to the core.

In those few moments of the day when she's not writing or thinking about writing, she finds knitting a way to relax and unwind. Other interests include photography, equestrianism, reading, and of course traveling.

Jamie hopes her writing will entertain, enlighten, and inspire others to pick up the pen and pursue their own dreams. She loves to be contacted by readers, writers, and history buffs.

Places to find Jamie:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter |

Want to win some goodies from Jamie? Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner from the ENTIRE tour will win a swag bag full of goodies. 

To Enter:
  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for Jamie.
  • Please leave your email address along with your comment to be entered, no email no entry.
  • Giveaway ends December 3rd. 

Good Luck =)


laurie said...

the book looks really interesting. i haven't read anything by Jamie Salisbury as yet but i now added her to my TBR list

J R Salisbury said...

Good Morning and thank you for your comment Laurie! FYI, I have just now put a boxed set of five of my books together for $2.99 and it includes Tudor Rubato!

J R Salisbury said...

Good Morning Everyone and thanks for having me here today!
I'll be checking in throughout the day to answer questions or just say hello. Remember, if you leave a comment you are automatically put into the drawing for an ever growing swag bag of all kinds of cool stuff.

laurie said...

thanks for the info. i will still have to put it on my TBR list seeing as i am out of work and don't have any extra for books right now

J R Salisbury said...

I totally understand Laurie!!

Natasha said...

Sounds really good!! Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8@hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Love the cover and description of the book.
Thanks for the giveaway.
olga_sergejeva (at)

lorimeehan said...

This is the first time I've heard of Jamie and the books sound great. I really like the covers.
Lorimeehan 1 @

J R Salisbury said...

You're welcome Natasha!

J R Salisbury said...

Yes, the cover is my favorite Olga!

J R Salisbury said...

I hope you'll give them a try Lori. Check them out at Amazon, B&N or Smaswords!
I love new readers!!

Shadow said...

Hi! Happy Holidays to you! This sounds like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway! Best wishes and many blessings to you!

sweety white said...

Hi..thank you for the giveaway. Great excerpt

sweety dot white at ymail dot com

Unknown said...

How Fun takes place in New Zealand! Something different

pc said...

This sounds like a wonderful that it's a journey to reconnect and refresh and basically fall in love again it sounds like! And your own journey to writing it is great!

bn100 said...

Very nice excerpt and cover.


Filia Oktarina said...

i am intrigue with the story. Looking forward to read this book. Love the excerpt :)

filiafantasy at gmail dot com

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