
Guest Post with Cheryl Dragon

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC, author Cheryl Dragon. Cheryl is on tour for her book The Last Man, and has stopped by to chat. Please give Cheryl a warm welcome.

A lover of unusual things, Cheryl Dragon enjoys writing unique stories with sinfully hot erotic romance. Her two favorite settings are Las Vegas and New Orleans...where anything can happen! Cheryl lives in the Chicagoland area with her deaf albino cat. By day she analyzes numbers for a division of a large international conglomerate, which leaves the creative juices free for her erotic romance novels.

Places to find Cheryl:

Nobody’s Perfect

The Last Man is about coworkers who turn to lovers. As much as the hero and heroine know about each other from working together day after day, there are always secrets. Not being sure a friend or coworker is into you is a common fear in those situations.

Even as much as coworkers and friends may know about their everyday lives, there are always secrets and flaws we try to keep hidden from the world. A phobia, fear, or crazy family member? Maybe it’s our past? In the Last Man, we know Monica grew up in a strong female run household and she has trouble relying on men. It shows in her work, trying to make fathers pay their fair share of child support.

What isn’t automatically known is Jeff’s family background. In their work with families, Jeff pushes for fathers to have as much visitation as possible. I won’t give away his situation because the details really don’t matter (and I don’t like spoilers of that magnitude). The fact that he shares the details with her is what matters. Sharing their pain, perceptions, and secrets is a big part of moving to a deeper level.

Plus, seeing an issue through someone else’s eyes can shed new light on how one sees a topic. Both of the main characters are lawyers and love to debate. Good points are made on both sides and the honest exchange brings smart and sexy people closer!

Hope you’ll check out the ins and outs of The Last Man

Jeffery Ellison and Monica Collins face off daily in Atlanta's family court system. Both want the best for their clients but they rarely agree. The sparks are obvious to everyone else, but Monica has been disappointed by men too many times. Jeff knows pushing her will only hurt the respect and trust they've built. A match with 1NS sounds like just the thing. The pair is off to Vegas for a legal conference and to enjoy their one night stands. Jeff does his best to spend time with her outside of work but he can't be sure she's his for the night. All he can do is hope that Madame Eve agrees with his heart and Monica will let her guard down long enough to see their passionate potential.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Decadent Publishing |


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