
Guest Post with Author Juliana Stone and Giveaway

Today I am happy to welcome back to RFTC the uber awesome Juliana Stone. If you are familiar with RFTC you know that I regularly have Juliana stop by because I love her lots and her books freaking rock! Juliana is celebrating the release of her newest novella To Hell and Back and she has stopped by to chat. Please give Juliana a very warm welcome.

Juliana Stone's love of the written word and 80's rock, have inspired her in more ways than one. She writes dark paranormal romance as well as Contemporary Romance and spends her days navigating a busy life that includes, a husband, kids, a dog and a cat.

Places to find Juliana:
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Hi everyone! So glad to be here with Danielle. I hope you all survived Halloween and if you’re like me you ended up with a little more chocolate than you needed.

I’m super excited because this week the companion novella to WRONG SIDE OF HELL, released. TO HELL AND BACK continues Logan and Kira’s love story and I’m so happy you all get to see what happens after the first novella.

If you’ve read any of my League books, you know that I have a fondness for all sorts of otherworld creatures. From shifters, to vampires, to sorcerers and witches, to hellhounds. But one thing these heroes all have in common, is the fact that they will do anything for the woman they love. Anything.

Sigh, oh to have a man like that in your corner. In Wrong Side of Hell, Logan has to overcome his distrust and mixed feelings toward the human, Kira Dove. He’s being asked—or rather—blackmailed into rescuing her. But it doesn’t take long for him to realize that this woman is meant for him. That fate has played a part in bringing them together.

And in this second novella, you see exactly what they’re up against as they race to try and find a place to live and survive in a world where your friend might be your enemy. But as you read this story I hope you get the feeling, the understanding, that Logan will do whatever it takes to get the job done.

All Logan Winters wants is to be left alone with the woman he loves. But fate isn’t on his side and the demon Lilith isn’t to be trifled with. She wants to know the secrets he will never give up and he’ll do anything to make sure they stay hidden.

On the run, with a secret of her own to keep and protect, Kira Dove must do whatever it takes to survive. But Kira and Logan soon discover that the path to salvation is littered with treachery, and they’ll each have to journey to hell and back to make sure their love survives the oncoming storm…

For a chance to win an ebook copy of TO HELL AND BACK all you have to do is leave a comment and tell me what your favorite love story is. Doesn’t have to be paranormal, it can be anything!

Logan and Kira’s epic love story, first seen in Wrong Side of Hell, continues…

All Logan Winters wants is to be left alone with the woman he loves. But fate isn’t on his side and the demon Lilith isn’t to be trifled with. She wants to know the secrets he will never give up and he’ll do anything to make sure they stay hidden. On the run, with a secret of her own to keep and protect, Kira Dove must do whatever it takes to survive. But Kira and Logan soon discover that the path to salvation is littered with treachery, and they’ll each have to journey to hell and back to make sure their love survives the oncoming storm…

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Check out my review here.

Check out the League of Guardians series:
Click for info.

Up for grabs:

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment answering the following question: What is your favorite love story? 
  • Please fill out each Rafflecopter form

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Elizabeth H. said...

Hi Juliana!! Ooooh! How did I not know about these books before!! I will definitely have to check them out! While paranormal romance is my favorite genre, I have many fave love stories and could never choose just one! One of my favorites is Cat and Bones from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series. Bones is such a hardcore alpha but when he expresses his love for Cat, WOW!! I wish I could find a guy like that! Thanks for the chance to win!

Shawny said...

My favourite love story isn't a romance novel at all, but comes from the fantasy/fairy tale novel Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier. Red and Jenny are just about the most perfect archetypes for fairy tale heroes and heroines. Ooo. I might have to go re-read it now. Thanks for the giveaway!

Joanne said...

I have several favorites starting with Diana Palmer's Long, Tall Texans series and then there's Bet Me and Anyone But You by Jennifer Crusie.
Congrats on the new release. This book sounds fantastic. Thanks for the great post and giveaway.

laurie said...

my favorite romance story is the madness of lord ian mackenzie by jennifer ashley

Beckey said...

Congrats on the release

There is a couple of love stories that I say here
The romance stories that Lisa Keyplas has written her books and I could go on...

I will be looking into read some of your books

Thanks for sharing

Filia Oktarina said...

Congrats on the release!!

I have a lot of favorite love story, like stories that Lisa Keyplas, Julie Garwood and Nalini Singh books.

Em said...

My favorite is probably the Kristen Ashley, I love her alpha male characters.

Phoenix Carvelli said...

The Princess Bride is one of my favorites. I loved the movie, too!

Steelerlady2379 said...

Well actually my favorite would be my mom and dads, they were a blind day set up by my moms sister and my dads Uncle and there third date was there wedding night and they have been happily married for it will be 59 years in July.
But now as far as a love story from one of my books, would have to be the many couples that were brought together in Kate Douglas Wolf Tale Series. Kate's books may be a little graphic lol.... but she knows how to write some of the most beautiful love stories I have ever read.
Happy reading and writing*

Anonymous said...

oh, good one, I forgot how much I enjoyed that book!

Anonymous said...

agreed, Bones is deelish

Anonymous said...

all I have to say is Hardy Cates. sigh...

Anonymous said...

Ah, that's sweet!

jmcgaugh said...

That's a really hard question to answer, since favorite romance books (or books with my favorite heroes or couples) aren't necessarily also my favorite romances. One that doescome to mind is Acheron by Kenyon.

sheryl said...

I think the one story that I can read over and over is called A Time to Love by Gail Symmonds. It's about a woman that goes back in time and falls in love with a Scottish laird. She is returned to her own time, where she finds him again in the future. Love this story.

wanda f said...

My favorite classic is Beauty and the Beast with romance novels my favorite is always the one Im reading at the time its constantly changing Ive never met a book I didnt love.

Natasha said...

My favorite is the Twilight series. Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

my fav : suddenly you by lisa kleypass,,

thanks ^^

Sebrina said...

I don't know my favorite! I always freak out at questions like this b/c my mind goes blank! Gahh... How about I just say that I love when the characters have to work really, really hard to get to the point where you WANT to call it a 'love story'?

Melody May said...

I love so many stories, but I think my favorite is A Scandalous Pursuit by Ava Stone.

Barbara E. said...

I can't name just one story as my favorite, I've read so many wonderful love stories it's just too hard to pick. I'll say that any story by Eloisa James is a favorite though.

pc said...

If I had to pick one love story out of the many I love, I would say Princess Bride.

bn100 said...

Pride and Prejudice

Unknown said...

Angel & Kels from Shiloh Walker's Hunter's Edge.

drainbamaged.gyzmo at

Unknown said...

I'm a little corny, but my favorite love story is Beauty and the Beast.

donnas said...

I really dont have one favorite.

Victoria said...

It's between Elena and Clay, Kelley Armstrong's Tales of the Otheeworld and Riley and Quinn, Keri Arthur's Riley Jenson books.

Ann S. said...

Elizabeth and Darcy from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, sigh....

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