
Guest Post with Author Maggie Robinson and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to RFTC the fabulous Maggie Robinson. Maggie is celebrating the release of her newest book Lord Gray's List (which looks phenomenal) and has stopped by to chat. Please give Maggie a very warm welcome.

Maggie Robinson is a former teacher, library clerk and mother of four who woke up in the middle of the night, absolutely compelled to create the perfect man and use as many adverbs as possible doing so. A transplanted New Yorker, she lives with her not-quite perfect husband in Maine, where the cold winters are ideal for staying inside and writing hot historical romances.

Places to find Maggie:
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I’m so happy to be back here rambling about my latest release Lord Gray’s List and thrilled that the Rhapsody Book Club has chosen its hero Ben Gray as its heartthrob of the month! They do stats on the heartthrob, and here’s what they say:

Occupation: Aristocrat and man about town
Height: 6’5”
Eyes: As green and stormy as the North Sea
Hair: Golden, and curled in poet-like disarray
Turn-on: The decidedly troublesome Evie Ramsey
Goal: Put his troubles to bed

The description tickled me. The hair and eyes come straight from my words in the book, so somebody at the Rhapsody Book Club read it, LOL. I don’t believe I ever said exactly how tall Ben was, but I wrote him as a big guy.

And I love the last—writing this book, which centers around a Regency-era newspaper, I learned some newspaper terms. When you “put the paper to bed,” you are printing the final edition. When you’re “out of sorts,” it means there are no more letter tiles to use when you’re setting up the press, which I guess would make you pretty grumpy. I watched a lot of You Tube videos showing printing processes with antique equipment before everything became automated and digitized. I’m no expert, but it was such fun throwing Evie and Ben together slaving over a hot press!

Here’s a blurb on the book:

Sometimes scandal comes looking for you…

Every Tuesday, The London List lands on the city’s fashionable doorsteps. Valets and viscounts alike can’t wait to read all the news that’s not fit to print. When Benton Gray’s scandals appear week after week on the front page, he’s forced to take desperate measures—he’ll make a gentleman’s agreement to buy the newspaper and shut it down. But when he meets the person responsible for reporting the gossip, Ben finds he’s no gentleman. It’s his lost love Evangeline Ramsey, wearing trousers and wielding a poison pen!

Writing this book made me think about the durability of the printed word. I used to work in a historical society, where one of my jobs was to transfer old newspaper clippings to acid-free paper before they disintegrated. Newsprint is pretty fragile stuff, but words can live forever. How do you save yours? Do you read mostly on e-readers or do you have a stack of yellowing paperbacks? I have one dead-tree edition of Lord Gray’s List for one commenter!

From duchesses to chamber maids, everybody’s reading it. Each Tuesday, The London List appears, filled with gossip and scandal, offering job postings and matches for the lovelorn–and most enticing of all, telling the tales and selling the wares a more modest publication wouldn’t touch.

The creation of Evangeline Ramsey, the London List saved her and her ailing father from destitution. But the paper has given Evie more than financial relief. As its publisher, she lives as a man, dressed in masculine garb, free to pursue and report whatever she likes–especially the latest disgraces besmirching Lord Benton Gray. It’s only fair she hang his dirty laundry, given that it was his youthful ardor that put her off marriage for good.

Lord Gray–Ben–isn’t about to stand by while all of London laughs at his peccadilloes week after week. But once he discovers that the publisher is none other than pretty Evie Ramsey with her curls lopped short, his worries turn to desires–and not a one of them fit to print.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |
Want to win some goodies from Maggie? Check out whats up for grabs.

Up for grabs:

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment answering the question: How do you save your books? Do you read mostly on e-readers or do you have a stack of yellowing paperbacks?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter below.
  • International shipping available

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


gamistress66 said...

while I am doing more e-reading I still enjoy paper books & have the stacks (both keeper stacks & tbr stacks) to prove it :) congrats on the latest release

jmcgaugh said...

Mostly, I save shelves & shelves & boxes & boxes of paperbacks, with some hardbacks. I do have some e-books and audiobooks, too. Interestingly, all the audiobooks I've bought are books I've read and really like; most of them, I own in paperback, too!

Ann S. said...

I have been trying to use my e-reader more, but old habits die hard. It is tough to resist a bookstore or a store with a book section, grocery stores included. I am looking forward to reading Lord Gray's List thanks for the chance to win.

Beebs said...

Both! I'm a book junkie. I have started to read more on Kindle but I wouldn't part with my print books so my house is still over-run. It's gotten worse over the last few years as my younger son is a bookworm too so we're vying for space on the bookshelves. :)

Maggie Robinson said...

Hi, everyone! I'm driving back from Connecticut today so will check in later. I noticed I misspoke in the post--ticked should read tickled--very different meaning, cause I was so pleased with the Rhapsody Book Club write-up! I got my RBC catalog and Ben's the centerfold!!! I'm going to have it framed. :)

I almost always read on my Kindle, but I still have more books than I know what to do with.

Thanks so much for having me here!

Unknown said...

I still enjoy paper books.
thanks for the giveaway ^^

Beckey said...

Good Morning

Thanks for sharing the post and about intriguing book (love the cover art)

My collection of books has over taken a spare bedroom, mostly older collections from the 70s thru about 2000, there is few newer ones that I have gotten too, and its a mix of children books to what most call bodice ripper (that saying still has me chuckling) the newer ones I have either on my nook or saved after reading on external hard drive.
Family and friends do come over and borrow books (most return but there is some that don't)


laurie said...

Thanks for sharing the post and about intriguing book (love the cover art)

i mostly use an e reader for my reading. what i do is i use a usb stick to store all the books i have read that i want to keep so i can keep space free on my reader. with the paper backs i DO have i only keep the books i like

Joanne said...

Congrats on the new release. This book sounds fantastic. Cant wait to read more of Ben and Evie.
I have ton of paperback and hard cover books along with over 2000 on my ereader. I love them all. I am a re-reader, but if I know I won't read the book again, I'll donate it.


Eli Yanti said...

Congrts on the new release, Maggie :)

I'm prefer paperback, but sometimes i'm reading ebook.

erin said...

Thanks for a great post and giveaway! congrats on the newest release!

Man... I'm about evenly split. I still have overflowing paper bookshelves and my Kindle is near to bursting...

sienny said...

mostly on books, cause i love the feel of paperbacks on my hands while reading

Maria D. said...

I have a combination of paper books which I keep in plastic totes to keep them out of moisture and then I have both a Kindle and a Nook .....

Mary D said...

I have some paperback, but most of my books are on my ereader. Saves space! lol. I can't wait to read your new book Maggie!


Cathy P said...

Thanks for the interesting post and giveaway! I am looking forward to reading LORD GRAY'S LIST. I prefer paperback books and I have a LOT of them, Sometimes I read stories off my computer, but I prefer holding the book in my hands as I read it.

hope said...

I have the Kindle Ap on my Ipad that I am trying to use but it is so hard to resist the smell and feel of a new book.

Steelerlady2379 said...

Hi Maggie, thank you for spending a little time with us and doing the giveaway!
Most of my books are ones in print, I have quite a few that are on my Nook for PC, and my Kindle for PC. Well my older son just got me a Nook Tablet and my younger one got me a $50 gift card for my birthday. I was like a little kid when I received these things!!! I like a combo of both ebooks and print. I will often purchase books used and can get them cheaper then purchasing an ebook. I keep my printed books on a shelf and some are yellowed, but it takes quite awhile for that to happen. I would love to have a book shelf that has doors and will preserve my books.
Happy reading and writing*

Ora said...

I have both in my house. I am having a problem giving up all of my printed books even though I will buy books for my nook more often than not.
I started reading Lord Gray's List this morninga nd enjoying it, which I knew I would since I have enjoyed all your other books.

Leah Weller (leahluvsmedieval) said...

Paperback/hardbacks rule the roost at my house. If I have to build on to keep them I will, LOL! I don't own an e-reader but have downloaded a few onto my mothers and we swap back and forth so I can get those read. I just love having the actual book in hand.

Congratulations on the release and thank you for the chance in the giveaway!

Alicia said...

I pretty much only read ebooks if I have to - otherwise I prefer books in my hands. I recently moved, and my new place has a beautiful, and huge, built in bookcase - a lot of my "prettier" books went there.

I have a few boxes of older paperbacks in the closet, mostly stuff that I bought used. I need to sort those into donate and save piles at some point.

I also have a lot of book shelf space in the shelves that my tv sits on - again books as decoration.

Sadly, none of this accounts for the bookshelves and boxes that are still at my parent's house . . . thankfully my Mom has only recently started to utilize my old room for other purposes, so hopefully they won't complain about that for a while yet.

The problem is those used book sales that the library puts on - on a normal day I am fine, but on dime day . . . well I can do some damage, even just out of nostalgia - after all I probably don't actually need that Sweet Valley Twins book that I never got to read in middle school, but it was only ten cents.

This is why I may eventually end up with a room full of only books!

dmr8888 at yahoo dot com

sheryl said...

I do have a Kindle that I try to put MOST of my books on. I do have some of my favorite series on my bookshelf because they are keepers.

wanda f said...

I used to have boxes and boxes of books but I donated them to the library so that others who love the same genres as me can have more choices to read.I have a e reader and a couple of usb drives and thats where I keep all my books these days.Thank you for this chance to win .Have a great week.

Unknown said...

I have both Paperback and kindle books. And switch back and forth. I love them both!

Unknown said...

forgot email

Unknown said...

I enjoy both, but my paperback craving way worst than e-book.

pc said...

Love the blurb!
I love my paperbacks...I have toteboxes and stacks of books everywhere. Now, I am slowly getting ebooks to slow down my collection of paperbacks but paperbacks will always be my one true love!

bn100 said...

I have both.

bn100 said...

I read both ebooks and paper books. Paper books are on a bookshelf.

Unknown said...

I just moved from Michigan to Nebraska & couldn't bring all my beloved paperbacks with me, so I left 80% of them at a consignment shop in Michigan & only brought a few author collections, about 4 boxes full. However, I have over 6000 books on my Kindle.

drainbamaged.gyzmo at

June M. said...

I do have both. I have many paperbacks that I started reading before I discovered a love for ebooks, and for those of favorite authors that I love to see displayed on shelves. But I have way too many ebooks too. That little "buy now" button is just too easy....and the books don't take up space so you think why not go ahead and buy them, I will get to them eventually. LOL.

nurmawati djuhawan said...

sometimes i read ebooks with my tablet...but i still prefer paperback...i am a book collector :)
thx 4 the giveaway...

Unknown said...

Oh, "buy now with 1-click." They're going to put that on my tombstone. So so addictive!

Unknown said...

I hope you love it! Thanks for reading!

Unknown said...

Good morning again! My husband has 2 Nooks (they used to be mine) and I have 2 Kindles. As I said above, it is just so darned easy to download books with 1 click. My bank statement is practically nothing but Amazon charges, LOL.I don't get to our local B & N that often (everything else around closed) so I always know I can get just what I need instantly!

Barbara E. said...

I mostly read paperbacks but have a Kindle, iPad and iPhone, so I read e-books when I'm on the go as well. I save my books on the many bookshelves I have in my office, living room, bedrooms, etc. :D

Natasha said...

I don't have an e-reader so I have tons of paperbacks! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I have one overloaded bookshelf. I do have a Kindle, but found out that I love the feel and smell of books too much to strictly buy e-books!

Linda said...

I have both. Depends which is cheaper tho I try to get ebook if avail - I'm an international reader & there are a LOT of geo restrictions imposed on us! Have to admit I love a good ol' paperback to hold in my hands.

JanD said...

I only started reading more ebooks this year but my purchasing ofpaperbacks has dwindled the past few years mainly because of space. I do take care of my favorite paperbacks and hardcovers.
bituin76 AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I prefer paperback, but i read ebooks using my samsung galaxy tab or using my laptop

Mary Preston said...

I mostly read paper - my preference - therefore there seem to be bookcases in every room.

Filia Oktarina said...

I prefer read with print books, but sometimes i read ebooks too. I have a lot of print books and ebooks to,and always make me confuse to read first, paperback or ebook. :)

Unknown said...

I prefer reading paperbacks and yes I have many of them!

Kim in Baltimore said...

Aloha! Because we move often in the miltary, I have only kept a handful of signed books when I have me the author. I enjoy passing along my ARCs and other books I win to readers on base, at the USO, even overseas!

Queen of Books Sue said...

Paperback books can be used, new or traded to someone who doesn't have a kindle or nook. Which I can't afford. I like sharing my own with others.

pamerd said...


I have both however this year I bought more ebooks than paperbacks so I am slowly moving to all digital.


drgnys30 said...

I have my fav books in both ebook and paperback....but my main collection is all hubby swears he is going to sell the lot of them on Ebay...hehe

Thanks for the giveaway!

drgnys30 at yahoo

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