
Guest Post with Author Maya Rodale and Giveaway

Today I am excited to welcome back to RFTC author Maya Rodale. I can't profess my love of Maya's books enough and I'm so happy that she's able to join me for the release of her newest book, Seducing Mr. Knightly. Please give Maya a warm welcome.

Maya Rodale began reading romance novels in college at her mother’s insistence. She is now the author of numerous “dazzlingly sexy and witty” historical romance novels. A champion of the romance genre and it’s readers, she is also the author of the non-fiction book Dangerous Books For Girls: The Bad Reputation Of Romance Novels, Explained and a co-founder of Lady Jane’s Salon, a national reading series devoted to romantic fiction. Maya lives in New York City with her darling dog and a rogue of her own.

Places to find Maya:

Dear Annabelle solves the problem of lovelorn heroines

Dear Annabelle,

I am trapped in a haunted castle with two men: a wickedly seductive ghost who is promising me an eternity of pleasure, and the delectably handsome, wonderfully kind and in all other ways completely perfect man who doesn't have any idea that I have loved him for years. What should I do?!

Bea Sinclaire from Captive Bride (A Regency Ghost Novel)

Dear Bea,

Oh, can I ever relate to the anguish of loving an unsuspecting gentleman for years. Literally: years. Indeed, though he knows me as one of his “Writing Girls” at the newspaper he owns Mr. Knightly has, alas, remained utterly oblivious to my undying affection.

That is, until I embarked on an audacious scheme to make him notice me. After so many years of his obliviousness to my affections, I decided that before I “settled” and accepted the hand of Mr. Smythe, the baker up the road, I ought to make my feelings known to Mr. Knightly.

Thus, I suggest that you let your true feelings be known.

Given the romantic novels I am fond of reading, I am given to understand that even if you forgo an eternity of pleasure, with the right man many earthly pleasures await. How can you lose?

Annabelle from Seducing Mr. Knightly
Reprinted with permission from The London Weekly

What are some of your favorite scenes from books, movies or real life where the hero or heroine confesses their love?

He’s the only man she’s ever loved…

For ages it seems advice columnist Annabelle Swift has loved Derek Knightly, editor-owner of The London Weekly from a distance. Determined to finally attract her employer’s attention, she seeks advice from her loyal readers—who offer Annabelle myriad suggestions…from lower-cut bodices (success!) and sultry gazes (disaster!) to a surprise midnight rendezvous (wicked!).

She’s the only woman he’s never noticed…

Derek never really took note of his shy, wallflower lady writer. But suddenly she’s exquisite…and he can’t get Annabelle out of his mind! She must be pursuing someone, but who? For some inexplicable reason, the thought of her with another man makes Knightly insanely jealous.

Will Dear Annabelle find her happy ending?

But Knightly’s scandalous periodical has been targeted for destruction by a vengeful Lord Marsden, and the beleaguered editor now faces a devastating choice: either marry Marsden’s sister to save his beloved newspaper…or follow his heart and wed his Writing Girl.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out my review here.

Check out the Writing Girls series:
Click on cover for more info.

Want to win some goodies from Maya? Check out what's up for grabs.

Up for grabs:

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment answering the following question: What are some of your favorite scenes from books, movies or real life where the hero or heroine confesses their love??
  • Please fill out each Rafflecopter form
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Good Luck =)
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Natasha said...

I don't really have any favorites. Thanks for the chance to win!

Lisa said...

The first one that immediately comes to mind is When Harry Met Sally when Harry rambles on about how he loves and adores all of Sally's quirks and eccentricities and ends with the best line, "I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." Le sigh! And I must say, I love romances when the hero makes a BIG ROMANTIC GESTURE and Knightly's to declare his love for Annabelle was a doozy and I loved it! :D

No need to enter me in the giveaway!

Abigail Sharpe said...

It's a TV show, and it's not exactly a confession of love, but on Gilmore Girls, when Luke and Lorelei kiss for the first time... BEST KISS EVER on the small screen.

Go watch it on YouTube. Just ignore the naked screaming guy at the end.

Chrisbails said...

I have a couple just from the top of my head because they are books that I just read recently. In the 50 Shades series when Ana figures out that she is in love with Christian and then when Christian finally figures it out. I also loved Backstage Pass by Olivia Cunning when Brian figures out that he loves Myrna and knows that it is too soon to tell her because that is not what she wants.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Maya Rodale said...

These are all awesome! I'm totally with Lisa. Harry's speech is just perfect!

Mary D said...

People get over love. They can live without it, they can move on. Love can be lost & found again. But that won't happen for me. I won't survive you, Eva. What Gideon said to Eva in "Bared To You" by Sylvia Day. Yep, that was a good one! lol

pc said...

I love Princess Bride when Wesley saves Buttercup..."As you wish."
ivegotmail8889 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Lona said...

When Lothaire figures out he loves Elizabeth, from the Immortals after Dark series. Great giveaway, Love the covers.

blinkysthebest at aol dot com

sheryl said...

I an reading Lord's Fall by Thea Harrison and there is a part in there when dragos tells Pia that he loves her. It is the first time that he tells her and he realizes she is everything. LOVE IT!!!

sheryll1974 AT netscape Dot net

Jen B. said...

I love the book Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon. When Acheron tells Soteria who and what he really is just kills me. Then he sings to her. I actually love the song Savin' Me because of that scene. jepebATverizonDOTnet

Ann S. said...

I love the scene when Darcy tells Elizabeth how he loves her in spite of himself and all the reasons she is inferior. It wasn't exactly the romantic expression of love that a girl wants, but what a great scene. I just love Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice.

jmcgaugh said...

I agree that Harry's line is great, too. I also love the scene in Pretty Woman when he shows up at her apartment.

Oh, and the scene in Babylon 5, where Sheridan tells Delenn that he "can't imagine my life without you in it."

Leah Weller (leahluvsmedieval) said...

The first thing that came to my mind was "the kiss" from First Knight. So bittersweet.

Phoenix Carvelli said...

I loved the scene in Ever After when Prince Henry and Princess Gabriella are at their wedding. They are both marrying because of duty to their country and parents. She is sobbing and as the service continues she begins wailing. At this, Prince Henry starts to laugh. He kisses her on the cheek and sends her off to the man she loves, while he heads out to find Danielle, his love.

Joanne said...

It's from the TV show Gilmore Girls, when Luke tells Lorelei that "I'm in. I'm all in." He's loved her for years and they finally get together.

drgnys30 said...

I loved in the Outlander series when Jamie confesses to CLaire the real reasons for marrying her..they are in the library and and she starts flinging books, and vases at it!

Unknown said...

My moment was in The Bedeviled Bride when Beth told Michael he should be looking at their beautiful surrounding, instead of watching her and Michael told her that he could never get enough of looking at her.

kipha said...

It has to be when Darcy talks to Elizabeth in the gazebo in the rain. Although it wasn't really a confession it made me squeal!! But I love every confession I read in books, they're all different and each have their own touches to it that will make me sigh in merriment.

mariehahn13 said...

There are way too many to choose from! But, since there were a couple of other Pride & Prejudice favorites, I'll share mine :) In the movie with Keira Knightly when they walk towards one another in the field and he says "You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." Oh. my. gosh. LOVE!

Also, in a book I recently read - From Notting Hill With Love, Actually by Ali McNamara - there's a huge scene at the end that was so romantic, I nearly fell out of my chair reading it! (I won't say it so as to not ruin it for anyone!)

songbird1613 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I love, when Darcy proposes to Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice. In the book, movies, and mini-series.

Di said...

I immediately thought of the movie Ghost, but I'm not sure if there is a specific scene where they first admit love, but just before he goes to the lite the love is evident.
always makes me cry

sallans d at yahoo dot com

Melody May said...

I love the scene in A Scandalous Pursuit, where Olivia goes in search of her husband and tells him she's leaving him. He retorts back, I've already left you. She tells him that the city is good for her condition and the country estate would be better for someone in her condition. She basically walks out of his life hoping he will follow her. It takes Alex a minute to digest all she said and tries to find. Then he races off to his country estate to try to stop her from hidden information.

Alicia said...

I think it is because I have been reading more books with a lot of action in them lately, but I am loving the scenes where they confess their love at the most inappropriate time, when they are about to go into battle.

Maureen said...

I like the scene in Pride and Prejudice where Mr. Darcy declares himself.

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