
Feature and Giveaway: Exposed to You by Beth Kery

It’s not often you’re hired to paint a body tattoo—and what a body—on a total stranger at a Hollywood film set. A reserved and careful art teacher, Joy would never forget it. In a rare fit of raw desire she gave herself completely, knowing she’d never see him again, or ever repeat such a shameless, naked impulse.

Little did she know, the man with whom she shared that lightning bolt of lust was star Everett Hughes. For Everett, women and sex came as easily as fame. But how could he hope to convince the guarded Joy that beneath the hard body and sexy façade of celebrity was a real man who wanted only one, real woman?

In the heat of an intoxicating affair, Everett endeavors to break down her barriers, gain her trust, and expose himself as the real deal. But can Joy do the same, and reveal to him the vulnerable woman who longs to be loved, wanted, and desired forever?

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Beth Kery grew up in a huge house built in the nineteenth century, where she cultivated her love of mystery and the paranormal. When she wasn't hunting for secret passageways and ghosts with her friends, she was gobbling up fantasy novels and any other books she could get her hands on. As an adult she learned about the vast mysteries of romance and sex and started to investigate that phenomenon thoroughly, as well. Her writing today reflects her passion for all of the above.

She is a national bestselling author of over thirty books and short stories. She also writes under the name Bethany Kane.

Places to find Beth:

1 lucky winner will win themselves a copy of Exposed to You.

To Enter:
  • Leave a comment answering the question: If you could have a one night stand with someone famous who would you choose? 
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter form below.

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Natasha said...

I wouldn't want to. Thanks for the chance to win! I can't wait to read Exposed To You!!!

Lisa said...

It would be Joe Maganiello, Alcide from True Blood. Thanks for the giveaway!!

lorimeehan said...

Adrian Paul from the Highlander tv series. Thanks for the giveaway. I love Beth's books.

Joanne said...

It would be Manu Bennett from Spartacus. Thanks for the blurb and giveaway.

Unknown said...

Don't tell my hubby, but it would probably be Colin Firth.


Maria D. said...

Tough question - so many great

I would choose Michael Fassbender - there's just something about him that really turns me on. Thanks for the giveaway

junegirl63 at gmail dot com

erin said...

Thanks for the fantastic post and giveaway! I'm dying to read this book :) Ummm... I'd probably have to pick Sam Worthington or Chris Hemsworth. Love the Aussies :)

mariehahn13 said...

Daniel Craig :) But at some point during the encounter, he would HAVE to utter "Bond. James Bond." Soooooooo sexy :)

Thank you for an awesome giveaway! :)

songbird1613 at yahoo dot com

Booklover Sue said...

That is a "hard" question to answer! Joe Maganiello(hard body!), Gerard Butler(accent is so HOT!)or Jason Statham (bad boy!). Thanks for giveaway!

susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

Maris said...

Great question. David Gandy!! dsr002(at)gmail(dot)com

Cris said...

I wouldn't really want to... but I wouldn't say no to Johnny Depp. Methinks it'd be an interesting night :)

Alicia said...

Not really a one night stand kind of person, but for the sake of a hypothetical, I would say Zac Efron.

I love books with the celebrity as a real person theme :)

Thanks for having the giveaway!

Mina said...

I was just watching the BBC drama North and South starring Richard Armitage in the role of Mr Thornton, thinking how good he looks... He is a possibility :) Congrats on your new release and thank you for the giveaway opportunity.
minadecaro at hotmail dot com

Alex said...

I'd have to choose Idris Elba, there's something about that man. :) thanks for the giveaway!!!

Cathy P said...

I've never been a one night stand woman, but I guess it would be Pierce Brosnan from Remington Steele.

Cathy P said...

Oops! Did it again! Forgot to put in my email: kscathy AT yahoo DOT com

Unknown said...

I love this book!!! Cant wait to read the rest. My one night stand would be with matthew Mccoughy Im sure I missplead his last name,but he was soo good in magic Mike.

Beckey said...

Um, thats tough question, cause I am not totally sure...
Thanks for sharing the synopsis of the book...

molly.frenzel said...

I would choose Gerard Butler from the movie 300. He's soo hot!
molly dot frenzel at gmail dot com

Jacki C. said...

It would have to be Joe Maganiello or Jon Bon Jovi (he's on my honey-do list. "Honey? Can I do him?) :)

Ann S. said...

I think it would be Chris Hemsworth, really would love me some Thor. I think the hubby wouldn't understand, but what a fantasy, sigh....


Daniel M said...

Einstein, maybe if he explained it to my i'd get it - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

June M. said...

Oh, hard to choose. Chris Hemsworth is very nice, but Charlie Hunnam is sexy too. But I have always loved Hugh Jackman. Can we have more than one? LOL
manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

Di said...

fist name that popped into my head was Hugh Jackman, but since he's married wouldn't go there so ...

Chrisbails said...

No brainer for me. It is Joe Manganiello. I love him on True Blood. I use him as characters in my books when I read, especially wolf characters. This book sounds awesome. Beth is a new author for me. Thanks for the giveaway.

Maureen said...

I can't imagine such a situation.

Daniel M said...

sandra bullock, have a crush on her since miss congeniality - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

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