
ARC Review: Rogue Rider by Larissa Ione

I went into this book not sure exactly what to expect. I just wasn't sure how Larissa would be able to redeem Reseph in a way that felt realistic and true to the series. Oh my goodness I don't even know why I worry because Larissa Ione always has a way of blowing my mind. Seriously, I'm not the biggest fan of amnesia story lines. They always seem a bit over the top and completely unrealistic but it actually worked for me this time.

First let me say that I love Reseph. Oh my but is that one sexy horsemen. Not only is he sexy but he is so lovable that it just breaks your heart knowing the things he did while he was Pestilence. I was really skeptical of how his redemption was going to pan out. Would he remember anything? Would it just be swept away under the carpet as if it never happened? I loved the way Larissa had things go down.

Jillian lives alone in a remote Colorado town. She's just trying to forget the demon attack that almost killed her a year ago. When she comes across a man laying naked in the snow she quickly rescues him and takes him back to her cabin. When the man wakes up with no recollection of who he is or where he came from with the exception of his name she knows she must take him into town. But quickly Jillian and Reseph begin to forge a bond and both find it hard to stay away from one another. What starts off a a friendship quickly turns to more and both Jillian and Reseph are finding that their feelings for one another run deep.

Reseph might have no memory of his previous life but he knows that what he feels for Jillian is real and something that he's never felt before. He is determined to love her and keep her safe. When Jillian's neighbors are murdered he somehow knows that it was a demon attack. Reseph begins to feel that he might be the cause and is afraid that he might be a danger to Jillian if he stays around her. When Limos, Thanatos and Ares show up at Jillian's cabin he instantly remembers everything from his past including everything he did as Pestilence.

The way Reseph reacts to what he did as Pestilence is heart breaking. Reseph is such a caring, fun loving guy but as Pestilence he was pure evil and he did truly unspeakable deeds that affected everyone around him. How can anyone forgive him for his acts even though it really wasn't him but Pestilence?

I thought that Jillian was a great heroine. She's a survivor and she's strong, caring and is willing to do whatever needs to be done to help Reseph. I found her a great match for Reseph. I liked that no matter what her love for Reseph is unwavering.

There is a lot happening in this book that will blow your mind and leave you wondering just what Larissa Ione has up her sleeve for future books. Some crazy ish went down and I know that I definitely can't wait to read more from her.

This book blew my mind and I couldn't tear myself away from my kindle. I stayed up to six thirty in the morning to finish because I just couldn't stop reading. Reseph is one sexy mo fo and I LOVED him and Jillian together. I can't wait to get my hands on Reaver's story. I just know it's going to be good. I'm antsy with anticipation.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**

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Alicia said...

It sounds like I'm going to need to give this author a try :)

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