
Interview with Author Melissa Mayhue

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC author Melissa Mayhue. Melissa is celebrating the recent release of her book Warrior Reborn and has stopped by to answer a few questions. Please give Melissa a warm welcome.

Melissa Mayhue is the award-winning author of Thirty Nights with a Highland Husband, Highland Guardian, Soul of a Highlander, A Highlander of Her Own, A Highlander's Destiny, A Highlander's Homecoming, Healing the Highlander , A Highlander's Curse and Warrior’s Redemption. She and her family live in Colorado in the shadow of the beautiful Rocky Mountains with two insanely spoiled dogs, one domineering cat, a turtle with an attitude, and way too many fish in their aquarium.

Places to find Melissa:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I’m a wife, mother and – for the last two and half years – a grandmother. I’m addicted to research, love travel, genealogy, reading, growing and using herbs and I have probably the messiest office on the face of the planet.

Did you always want to be a writer?
Yes. I started writing so many times I lost track. But I’d always have an excuse to quit [school, work, kids] because it was tough! J Until, finally, I reached the point where I knew if I was ever going to see my book on the grocery store shelf [my big goal!], I’d actually have to sit down and write it!

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
Definitely a Pantser. When I start a book, I know the characters [but not everything about them], what their main problems are, and that they’re going to end up happy. All the rest comes to me as I sit at the keyboard.

Where do your ideas come from?
I wish I knew the answer to that. It would make writing SO much easier!!! They seem to come from all the least expected places… something I see or a conversation I overhear, or a piece of music, or some random fact I stumble across while I’m researching something else entirely.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
The Warrior Series: Scottish Highlanders + Faeries + Norse Gods + Vikings + time travel + adventure = Happy Ever After

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
Romance [I have to have my Happy Ever After] and fantasy. It makes me a natural sucker for Paranormal Romance!

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul by Douglas Adams. It’s the story that forced me to actually give in and write my own book because it was ‘thisclose’ to perfect… except that, since it wasn’t a romance, the author didn’t give me the spelled-out Happy Ever After I wanted.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Battle scenes and love scenes. Because I SEE them [like a movie] rather than HEAR them [as with other scenes] so I always have to work much harder when I write them to find the words I want to describe what I see in a way that will [if I’m successful] allow the reader to SEE them, too.

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Hopefully this is a “…any three authors, living or dead…” kind of question. =)
  • Douglas Adams, because anyone who can write with the wit and imagination Mr. Adams did would have to be a joy at dinner conversation. 
  • Nora Roberts because I so admire her work ethic and how prolifically she writes. [And I’d be hoping the magic of that ability to write quickly might somehow be contagious!]  
  • Hmmm… I’m going to have to leave that third seat at the table open. Since I’ve been writing, I’ve had the privilege of meeting so many truly fascinating writers, women I would love spending an evening with just to listen to them speak about their lives, that it’s impossible to pin their numbers down to just one of them.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I’m working on the third in The Warriors series, tentatively titled WARRIOR UNTAMED.

Thank you so much for allowing me to visit with you today. I’d love to invite all your readers to visit me at my website,, to learn more about my books and the stories behind the stories!

Former special ops agent CHASE NOBLE has been searching his whole life for the place where he belongs. As a descendant of Fae, he senses fate has more in store for him, and he will not rest until he discovers what his true purpose is. When he travels back in time to medieval Scotland, he discovers his mission is to save a beautiful woman—the same woman he is destined to be with.

CHRISTIANA MACDOWYLT possesses the gift of foresight. Prisoner of her evil half-brother, Christiana’s visions show her that only one warrior can rescue her—a man she is mysteriously drawn to. The only problem is, he’s in the future. Now she must rely on the magic of a Faerie to transport him to the past. And when Christiana finally meets Chase, the sparks between them set off a smoldering desire. But will the magic that brought them together also tear them apart?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out the Warrior series:
Click for more info.


Kim in Baltimore said...

Aloha, Melissa! Love the Twitter description of your books! I have a Hawaiian proverb for you:


A dream is a bearer of messages to man.

Cathy P said...

Hi Melissa! I am reading WARRIOR'S REDEMPTION now, and love it. I also have THIRTY NIGHTS WITH A HIGHLAND HUSBAND which I haven't read yet.

laurie said...

Melissa! Love the Twitter description of your books! will have to get them

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