
Feature and Giveaway: A Marriage of Inconvenience by Christine Young


When the duchess decides to wed her to a wastrel and a fop, Ravyn Grahm takes matters into her own hands and declares her engagement to another man. Instead of fessing up and telling her great aunt what she has done, she goes through with the pretense. Aric Lakeland is the bastard son of an earl and has a dangerous reputation. But Ravyn is willing to do most anything to keep the duchess from discovering the lie.


He'd bought land in America, looking to put down roots and end his life of adventure, but Aric Lakeland got more than he bargained for when he encountered a beautiful heiress who made a promise she didn't want to keep. But the promise could not be undone and standing between them were more obstacles than either ever dreamed. Aric had made plans to spend the rest of his life in America and that was at odds with Ravyn's plan of living in England and running her father's estate. Now, he'll have to choose between his dreams and the woman he loves more than life.

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Trees rose on all sides of the trail, the tops of the first row barely visible beneath a seething lid of slate colored clouds. A fine-pitched wind wailed through the leaves and needles and a light rain sprinkled down upon them. Aric thought about going off the trail to hide their destination but thought better of it for Ravyn’s sake. He didn’t know if the two men would return, but the men would have burying to do first which gave Aric an edge of a few hours. They would have to stop sometime though and they wouldn’t be able to light a fire.

He’d seen enough of Ravyn to know she was afraid of the wind and the memories. Whatever memories those could be, he wondered if she’d ever tell him. Hell, no. She would be heading back to London by the end of this week. She would find out in the next few days just how unsuitable she was for this type of life.

Unlike her cousin Amorica, she would never find happiness here. Amorica had never flitted from one ball to the next. Ravyn looked so worn he’d swear the wind would blow right through her. They’d been riding for sixteen hours now. Four hours had passed since the attack. He knew he’d have to stop soon or she wouldn’t make it. Isn’t that what he wanted? Bloody hell but it was. He just couldn’t make her go much further. The wind flexed, twisted and howled from the eastern seaboard, carrying the promise of more rain.

"We can make camp here," he said.

"Don’t stop on my account," The naked pain in her voice made Aric wince. "I don’t want to be the cause of us getting robbed blind or murdered in our sleep," she said softly. "I’m stronger than you think I am."

"Perhaps. But I don’t think anyone’s going to be coming after us tonight in this weather. The threat of a storm looms strong and no one would be out in this."

She gave Aric a sideways look of disbelief. "Except Aric Lakeland and his wife."

He had the grace to feel guilty. "I didn’t know what the weather would be like when we left," he said. "It’s as far to Damian’s farm as it is to turn around and go back home. And right now the road ahead looks a whole lot friendlier."

Born in Medford, Oregon, novelist Christine Young has lived in Oregon all of her life. After graduating from Oregon State University with a BS in science, she spent another year at Southern Oregon State University working on her teaching certificate, and a few years later received her Master's degree in secondary education and counseling. Now the long, hot days of summer provide the perfect setting for creating romance. She sold her first book, Dakota's Bride, the summer of 1998 and her second book, My Angel to Kensington. Her teaching and writing careers have intertwined with raising three children. Christine's newest venture is the creation of Rogue Phoenix Press. Christine is the founder, editor and co-owner with her husband. They live in Salem, Oregon.

Places to find Christine: 
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Want to win some goodies from Christine? Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner from the ENTIRE tour will win a $25 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter:
  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for Christine.
  • Please leave your email address along with your comment to be entered. 
  • Giveaway ends January 11th.

Good Luck =)


Unknown said...

I'll be adding your book to my TBR list. It sounds amazing!

Unknown said...


nurmawati djuhawan said...

i always love marriage in convenience's theme...
i can't wait to read chrostine's novel....
thx u for the giveaway :)

chiko_jubilee at yahoo dot com

laurie said...

I'll be adding your book to my TBR list. It sounds amazing!

Beautiful Disaster said...

Ooo...I can't wait to read this. I love a good historical romance with a head strong heroine. Christine is a new author for me so can't wait to check out her books. Thanks!
Happy New Years,

Christine Young said...

thank you for the lovely comment.

Christine Young said...

A Marriage of Inconvenience was fun to write. I really liked the theme too.

Christine Young said...

thank you.

Christine Young said...

thanks for the wonderful comment.

Christine Young said...

Thanks for hosting A Marriage of Inconvenience today. This book is available for $2.99 during the tour and it is the third book in a 12 book series. Allura is the first, The Wager is the second book and the 4th is a WIP.

Unknown said...

I love all the excerpts. It really sounds like my kind of romance

fencingromein at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Another wonderful book I just learned about and thank you for the excerpt! So Swoon worthy!

lilypondreads at gmail dot com

Mary Jo Burke said...

Love the dress on your cover!

Unknown said...

Beautiful cover and very interesting description of the story. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

My email: olga_sergejeva (at)

erin said...

Congrats to Christine on the new release! It sounds fantastic :)

PM350 said...

would LOVE to win & read!! PICK ME!!!
Picardsmom at yahoo dot com

hotcha12 said...


May said...

Sounds like a great book... will loook for it...

maybe31 at

Vanessa said...

Sounds like a great book! I'd love to read it. momlovesdeals at gmail dot com

Mary D said...

Is this your first book Christine? I haven't read anything by you before, but I will be putting this book on my TBR list.

Unknown said...

I can't get enough of historical romance books...this one is going on my tbr list for sure...


Cathy P said...

A MARRIAGE OF INCONVENIENCE sounds like a must read. You are a new author for me, but after reading this, I will try your books. Thanks for the chance to win.

kscathy AT yahoo DOT com

MomJane said...

This is such a great sounding romance. I love this genre.

lorimeehan said...

I love marriage of convenience stories. I like to see how the love between them develope.

Ann S. said...

The book sounds great. I loved the excerpt and can't wait to find out if they stay in England or go to America.


Catherine Lee said...

Ravyn sounds like a strong, determined heroine. My favorite kind!
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

chey said...

This sounds like a book I'd enjoy reading!
chey127 at hotmail dot com

Theresa N. said...

I've added your book to my reading list.
Theresa N

Linda said...

Hi Christine! You're a new author to me & I'm quite excited to have come across this post. Aric & Ravyn are most unusual names.

pc said...

Wonderful excerpt and blurb....this sounds like a great read, love historicals and strong heroines! Thanks for sharing...going on my wishlist and I'll check it out! happy 2013!

Unknown said...

I just started reading historical romances. I will be adding this to my buy list.

Leah Weller (leahluvsmedieval) said...

OMG! This one sounds so good and just went on my list!


Natasha said...

Sounds like a great read!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

bn100 said...

I enjoyed the excerpt.


Mary Preston said...

A book I just know I will enjoy reading. Fabulous thank you!!!


Connie said...

Oh wonderful! I am always hooked by a marriage of convenience theme in a novel. It's my favorite! This is going on my Wish List for sure.

Connie Fischer

Anonymous said...

This excerpt was exciting in that they are being chased and now have to deal with harsh weather.

strive4bst(At) yahoo(Dot) com

Karen H said...

Sorry for the late post. I’m playing catch-up here so I’m just popping in to say HI and sorry I missed visiting with you on party day! Hope you all had a good time!

kareninnc at gmail dot com

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