
Feature and Giveaway: The Scoundrel Takes a Bride by Stefanie Sloane

Lady Sophie Afton wants one thing and one thing only: Revenge against the man who ruthlessly killed her mother fifteen years before. Painstakingly preparing herself for the task and awaiting just the right moment, she approaches Lord Carmichael armed with the skills required of a spy and the knowledge that the Corinthians have reached an impasse in her mother’s case despite all the progress made by her dear friend Viscount Hardwicke. The Rook was only the beginning. Another man cut her mother’s throat, but it will take a woman to bring his identity to light.

Carmichael cannot refuse her. And just at the moment Sophie believes she’s on the cusp of experiencing the defining moment of her life, Nicholas Young appears. The younger brother of her betrothed, Nicholas had disappeared years before into the wild of the East Indies, where, if rumors were to be believed, he’d made his fortune through questionable means. In truth, Sophie had given little thought to her childhood friend. Until now. There was no denying that she adored Langdon Young, Nicholas’s older brother and the man she was meant to marry. But the moment Nicholas stalks back into her life, Sophie knows she will never belong to another. His touch inspires desire, his kisses need, and his skin on hers brands Sophie for life.

Aided by her Corinthian counterparts, with Nicholas at her side, Sophie delves into the dangerous depths of the London crime world in search of what she’s longed for her entire life. Or is it? Can revenge mean more than love?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |

Check out the Regency Rogues series:
Click on the cover for more info.

A native Northwesterner with the pale skin to prove it, Stefanie Sloane credits her parents’ eclectic reading habits—not to mention their decision to live in the middle of nowhere—for her love of books. A childhood spent lost in the pages of countless novels led Stefanie to college where she majored in English. No one was more surprised than Stefanie when she actually put her degree to use and landed a job in’s Books editorial department. She spent over five years reading for a living before retiring to concentrate on her own stories. Stefanie currently resides with her family in Seattle.

Places to find Stefanie: 
| Site | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads |

In celebration of the release of The Scoundrel Takes a Bride, Stefanie is holding a contest on her Facebook page. 1 lucky winner will win a Kindle e-Reader along with a $50 Amazon Gift Card.

For your chance to win, please enter via this link -

Good Luck =)


Beebs said...

Wow! That's an amazing giveaway Stefanie! I'll be visiting :)

Leah Weller (leahluvsmedieval) said...

I had already entered. A very generous giveaway indeed! Thank you for the chance. :)

jmcgaugh said...

Wow! Great giveaway!

Ann S. said...

Thanks for the great way to start 2013. Great giveaway.

Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway!

Chrisbails said...

Wow, what a great giveaway. Big fan of Stephanie and definatley want to read this book also. Thanks for the great giveaway.

lorimeehan said...

What a great giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win.

kipha said...

Sounds amazing~! Thanks.

Mary Preston said...

Fabulous thank you!!

Unknown said...

I just started reading historical romances. I will be adding this book to my buy list.

Michele F said...

Always find a suspenceful romance one of my favorite things to get into.

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