
Gods & Goddess Week: Elisabeth Naughton and Giveaway

This entire week is dedicated to all those wonderful books that feature Gods & Goddesses as the main characters. We have great interviews and some awesome giveaways through out the week so make sure to check back each day with Stitch Read Cook and Ramblings from this Chick for all the fun! Today we have the super awesome Elisabeth Naughton visiting.

USA TODAY Bestselling Author Elisabeth Naughton writes sexy romantic adventures and paranormal novels full time from her home in western Oregon where she lives with her husband and three children. Her work has been nominated for numerous awards, including the prestigious RITA© awards by Romance Writers of America, the Australian Romance Reader Awards, the Golden Leaf and the Golden Heart. When not writing, Elisabeth can be found running, hanging out at the ballpark or dreaming up new and exciting adventures.

Places to find Elisabeth:

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
The Eternal Guardians are seven warriors descended from the greatest heroes in Greek mythology who protect the world from threats born of the Underworld.

What two authors are you dying to write an anthology with?
Larissa Ione and Kresley Cole

Quick & Easy
Day or Night? Night
Love at First Sight or Second Chances? Second Chances
Weres or Vamps? Neither—Greek heroes!
Paperbacks or Ebooks? Ebook
Past, Present or Future? Present
Reading or Writing? Writing (I live in my own little fantasy world)
Coffee or Tea? Tea
Plotter or Panster? Planster (a little of both!)
Reality or Fiction? Fiction – reality is too depressing
Laptop or Desktop? Laptop
Angel or Demon? Oh that’s hard. I have to go with demon because I love a bad boy. So much potential for growth.
Authors Choice: Ask the readers something! What’s your favorite Greek myth?

Now, for the characters...

What are three qualities that would describe you?
Natasa: Secretive, passionate, determined

What initially drew you to your partner/spouse?
Titus: Her mystery.

TITUS – To most his gift seems like a blessing, but for him it’s a curse the other Eternal Guardians seek to exploit. One he would gladly trade for the chance to be free…even to the detriment of the world he’s bound to protect…

Available in March 2013!

Check out the Eternal Guardians series:
Click on cover for more info.

Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner will win a copy of Enslaved

To Enter:
  • Please answer Rosanna's question: What’s your favorite Greek myth?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form. 
  • US Shipping ONLY

**Don't forget to head over to Stitch-Read-Cook to check out the rest of Elisabeth's interview. 

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

I love the story of the twins Artemis and Apollo and how protective they were over their mother (Leto). Leto was Zeus's love before he married Hera and Hera chased her out of Olympus. She gave birth to the twins on an island while being cared for by other goddesses. The twins became expert archers in order to protect her.

AquarianDancer said...

The myth of Hades and Persephone. There are so many different versions that it is easy to pick the one you like best. :-D

sheryl said...

I loved the story of Perseus, the son of Zeus. He was famous for killing Medusa and saving Andromeda from the sea monster.

Wkonsunshine said...

Icarus... a reminder of how pride cometh before the fall.

erin said...

Probably Achilles, especially the Brad Pitt version ;)

Unknown said...

I thought the Birth of Athena was kinda wicked :P and I like the original Achilles but there is just so much to pick from <3

JenM said...

I've always loved Hades and Persephone, especially the modern retellings that make it out to be a romance, rather than him kidnapping her against her will.

Carol L. said...

I'm right there with Hades and Persephone. Also Athena. These were some crazy Gods. :) I love The Eternal Guardian series. Thanks for the opportunity.
Carol L.
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

lorimeehan said...

Favorite Greek myth...the Trojan Horse. I loved that story.

Barbara E. said...

My favorite Greek myth is the story of Hercules.

Annwitch said...

I am not a fan of snakes, but Medusa's story is so unique. Sometimes I wish I had the power to turn a man into stone, ok not really, but sometimes it's a thought.

bn100 said...

Jason and the minotaur

Jen B. said...

I love the story of Medusa. Is that a Greek myth? The story is so tragic.

Sophia Rose said...

I love the Seven Labors of Hercules. Mythology stories are so good. These sound good. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

Michelle the Romance Witch said...

Definitely the story of Persephone's capture and subsequent captivity by hades... I like to think they fell in love and had an HEA even if its not really true. :)

pamerd said...


My favorite story (myth) is Jason and the Argonauts.

Thanks for the chance

Di said...

I've always liked Hercules - is that a Greek Myth?

Leannessf said...

Cupid and Psyche!


Chrisbails said...

I love the story of Medusa. She has always been a favorite of mine. I even dressed up as her for Halloween with a cool mask with the snake hair and everything. I was about 9 years old. Quite awhile ago.
Thanks for the giveaway.

jmcgaugh said...

Cupid and Psyche.

pearls said...

Cupid and Psyche, and how you can never have your heart and mind at the same place at the same time.

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