
Gods & Goddess Week: Laura Kaye and Giveaway

This entire week is dedicated to all those wonderful books that feature Gods & Goddesses as the main characters. We have great interviews and some awesome giveaways through out the week so make sure to check back each day with Stitch Read Cook and Ramblings from this Chick for all the fun! Today we have the super awesome Laura Kaye visiting.

Voted Breakout Author of the Year in the 2011 GraveTells Readers’ Choice Awards, Laura is the bestselling and award-winning author of over a half-dozen books in paranormal, contemporary and erotic romance. Hearts in Darkness is the EPIC eBook Award Winner for Best Novella and HOLT Medallion Award of Merit Winner for Best Romance Novella, Forever Freed is the NJRW Golden Leaf Winner for Best Paranormal of 2011 and is a finalist for two GDRWA Booksellers’ Best Awards, and North of Need, the first book in the Hearts of the Anemoi series, is a finalist for a FF&P PRISM award, was named GraveTells’ Best Book of 2011 and won their 5-STAR Gold Heart Award, and won Sizzling Hot Read of the Year at Sizzling Hot Books. Laura lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.

Places to find Laura:

If you could be any literary character, who would it be?
Bella, mated shellan of the Black Dagger Brother Zsadist (J.R. Ward, Lover Awakened)

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
I’m not sure I find particular scenes hard to write, but some are slower to write, particularly sex scenes. For me, that’s because there are layers upon layers of things going on: the physical actions, the emotional reactions, the mental thought process in response to it all. I often find I have to go back through my sex scenes and make sure all of those are in there so that the scene has its full impact for the reader.

Quick & Easy
Day or Night? Night
Love at First Sight or Second Chances? Love at first sight
Weres or Vamps? Pshaw! Vampires!!!
Paperbacks or Ebooks? Hmm…I read both with equal pleasure!
Past, Present or Future? Present
Reading or Writing? Hmm…I couldn’t live without either one!
Coffee or Tea? Tea
Plotter or Pantser? Pantser, although I’m being forced to get better at plotting
Reality or Fiction? Reality
Laptop or Desktop? Laptop – have laptop, will travel!
Angel or Demon? Angel
Authors Choice: Ask the readers something! Ooh, awesome! Two questions: What do you most enjoy about reading stories about gods and goddesses? And what’s YOUR favorite paranormal creature to read about and why?

Now, for the characters...

What's a day in the life of (character name) consist of?
Ella Raines: Learning the ins and outs of my new goddess-hood by day, memorizing the contours of Zeph’s body by night

What initially drew you to your partner/spouse?
Zeph: her powerfully compassionate nature

Betrayal is all he's ever known, but in her, he'll find a love strong enough to be trusted...

When Marcella Raines' twin brother dies, she honors his request to be buried at sea, never expecting the violent storm that swamps her boat. Though she's gravely injured--and still emotionally damaged from her recent divorce--Ella fights to survive.

Zephyros Martius is the Supreme God of the West Wind and Spring, but being the strongest Anemoi hasn't protected him from betrayal and loss. Worse, he's sure his brother Eurus is behind it. When Zeph's heartbreak whips up a storm that shipwrecks a human, his guilt forces him to save her.

Ella is drawn to the vulnerability Zeph hides beneath his otherworldly masculinity and ancient blue eyes. And her honesty, empathy, and unique, calming influence leave Zeph wanting...everything. When Eurus threatens Ella, she and Zeph struggle to let go of the past, defend their future, and embrace what they most want--a love that can be trusted.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |

Click for more info.

Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner will win a $10 Gift Card (Amazon/Barnes & Noble)

To Enter:
  • Please answer Stephanie's question: Two questions: What do you most enjoy about reading stories about gods and goddesses? And what’s YOUR favorite paranormal creature to read about and why?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form. 

**Don't forget to head over to Stitch-Read-Cook to check out the rest of Laura's interview. 

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Tracey said...

There beauty and strengths, how they can change things for the good of man kind if necessary. X it has to be werewolves how beautiful string and loyal, they are faithful to there true mate. 😋😋

JessS said...

Gods and goddesses are just damn cool. Especially if you've heard of them before from like mythology and stuff. Plus they're super powerful and just so foreign to ordinary people. Personally I''m not sure I have a favourite character, although maybe mages/witches.

Victoria said...

I love reading about gods and goddesses because it takes a lot to bring them down to earth. They have big issues to get over (our poor tortured deities) and I like that.

My favorite paranorm is which ever one I'm reading at the time. I love them all. Zombies still give me a little difficulty though.

Thank you.

sheryl said...

I like seeing the Gods and Goddesses show real emotion and fall for a human.
I love reading about vampires and shifters.

Laura Kaye said...

Awesome comments, guys! Love reading why you enjoy gods and goddesses! Thanks for commenting!

laurie said...

I like seeing the Gods and Goddesses show real emotion and fall for a human.
I love reading about vampires and shifters.

Shonna said...

I love their power and boldness. One can bring such goodness and then the next bring a twisted vengeful mind full of hateful acts to the story.
My favorite paranormal creature? I change my mind all the time as to what my #1 pick is. For a few months I want to read nothing but vampire stories. Then I switch to fairies or some type of shifter. Paranormal creatures are like a box of chocolates to me, and I love the whole box.

Jyl22075 said...

I love the power that Gods and Goddesses have. I absolutely love the Hearts of the Anemoi series! I think one thing that makes them extra special is how each God has different powers over the weather. I'm extremely excited for South of Surrender.

My overall favorite paranormal creatures are shifters of all shapes and sizes.

Anonymous said...

I love comparing books about Gods/Goddesses to the actual legends, and, if they're from a culture I'm not as familiar with, maybe learning a bit. My favorite paranormal creatures to read about are fairies :)

Unknown said...

I love seeing an all powerful being (a god/goddess) fall for a mere mortal. My favorite paranormal creature to read about is probably a vampire. Sometimes vampires are overdone, but they were the first paranormal I read about 20+ years ago.


Beautiful Disaster said...

Hi Laura,
I have always liked mythology. In high school I took Latin for 2 years so I could be a part of the Latin club because they did neat things like toga parties and dress like your fave god/goddess. I was fortunate to have a Latin teacher who also had a love for history and a fascination of mythology as well. It continued into adulthood and I read anything that was about mythology. I'm a big history buff anyway even before romance novels :) Later I started reading Sherrilyn Kenyon and met her too and the rest is my history. My library is continually expanding. Love, love, love your books, Laura.
lorih824 at yahoo dot com

May said...

I love reading about their super powers! I love vampires even though they are kind of ruined for me ever since Twilight.

JenM said...

I love reading about gods and goddesses because I find mythology fascinating - all those wonderful stories that people have come up with through the years to explain the unexplainable. As for paranormal creatures - shifters are my favorites, but I like just about anything except zombies.

Maria said...

I love reading about gods and goddesses because I think it's really neat to mix mythology with modern day romance. I think it reminds us of our pasts. As for my favorite paranormal creature - I don't really have a favorite - I love vampires, weres, fae, elves - not big on trolls zombies

Laura Kaye said...

Fun comments, guys! Good luck!

Unknown said...

I love reading about vampires, shifters, witches and fairies. I enjoy reading stories about gods and goddesses because they are interesting.

Unknown said...

I don't know I find them pretty exciting, and I always loved mythology growing up - the stories where deep. I love reading about gods and goddesses, vampires, werewolves, faes, you name it <3

Barb P said...

It's the ole Oh how the mighty have fallen thing! The Gods and/or Goddesses falling for the lowly human **LOL**. I love it! I have to admit that generally speaking my fav PNR books are about vamps or shifters. Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway! Your books have been on my TBR list for quite some time now.

lorimeehan said...

He books I've read about gods are Donna Grants but no goddesses. I like shifters the best but I won't turn down a vamp.

Barbara E. said...

I love reading about gods and goddesses interacting with mortal men and women, that's always fun. My favorite paranormal creature to read about is vampires because I'm fascinated with their power, mysteriousness, and immortality.

Laura Kaye said...

One of my favorite things about paranormal is the paranormal creature interacting with the human. You can just imagine how exciting/scary/mind boggling that would be! Thanks for all the comments, guys!

Preet said...

I guess seeing God/Goddess fall in love. They become more human like and easier to relate to, plus they have superpowers. What's not to like?

And I have no favorite paranormal creature. I like them all equally. :)

Di said...

I like to learn a bit about mythology when I read about Gods & Goddesses. I kinda like shifters - they are usually depicted as very sensual and strong.

bn100 said...

I like the mythology aspect. I like werewolves because they're alpha.

AquarianDancer said...

The great myths and legends were my bedtime stories as a child. It comes from having an English major who worked for the school systems for years as a mother. I've loved them ever since.

Carol L. said...

I love reading about them because they are so powerful, sometimes full of themselves and I always love to read they have fallen in love with a Mortal. :)
I love all paranormal characters but I have to say Fallen Angels are my top pick.
Carol L.
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Ashley Applebee said...

I love reading about Gods and Goddesses because they are so powerful and perfect but can fall in love with a mortal :) My favorite paranormal creature is shifters! (and vampires...I guess I really have A LOT of faves) I love reading about shifters because they are so dominate and alpha!
Ashley A

Mary Preston said...

The rules don't apply for gods and goddesses. They are not 'mere mortals'.

I do love Angels.

Natasha said...

I love reading about gods and goddesses because they are strong and powerful and they are also great reads for a good escape. Vampires are my favorite paranormal creature.
Thanks for the chance to win!

donnas said...

I love mythology so thats why I like to read about them. Vampires are my favorite paranormal. Their myth is so adaptable to making new stories
bacchus76 at myself dot com

Laura Kaye said...

Enjoying all your reasons for loving gods and goddesses! :)

*yadkny* said...

What I most enjoy about reading stories about gods and goddesses is seeing the creative mix of mythology the author weaves into the story. My fav paranormal creature is the shifter:)

jmcgaugh said...

Enjoyed your interview.

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