
Gods & Goddess Week: Rosanna Leo and Giveaway

This entire week is dedicated to all those wonderful books that feature Gods & Goddesses as the main characters. We have great interviews and some awesome giveaways through out the week so make sure to check back each day with Stitch Read Cook and Ramblings from this Chick for all the fun! To kick things off we have the lovely ROSANNA LEO!

Rosanna Leo is a multi-published author with Liquid Silver Books. She loves it when the geeky girl gets the hot guy and has made it her mission to see that happen in as many of her books as possible. She is the author of For the Love of a God, The Selkie, Sweet Hell, Up in Flames and the upcoming Sunburn.

Places to find Rosanna:

If you could be any literary character, who would it be?
Ooh, well it would have to be Jane Eyre. I know, there’s a lot of creepy stuff that happens in that novel, and I’d probably be a lot less brave than Jane was! But I think I’d also endure a lot to have a crack at Mr. Rochester!

What 2 authors are you dying to write an anthology with?
Well, if we’re talking pie in the sky, I would love to do something with my pals Parker Kincade and Robin Danner from Liquid Silver Books. I love Parker’s sense of humor and Robin’s ability to weave sensuality into her scenes. They are both super talented and I love them to bits!

Quick & Easy
Day or Night? I’m going to go on my own and say twilight…and not because of Edward.
Love at First Sight or Second Chances? Love at first sight.
Weres or Vamps? Right now, weres.
Paperbacks or Ebooks? EBOOKS, baby!
Past, Present or Future? Past.
Reading or Writing? Writing.
Coffee or Tea? Hello…!!! And make it a double.
Plotter or Panster? Both.
Reality or Fiction? Fiction.
Laptop or Desktop? Laptop…on my desk…haha!
Angel or Demon? Demon
Authors Choice: Okay…if you could have intimate relations with any Greek god, who would it be and why?

Now, something for the characters...

What are three qualities that would describe you?
Apollo: If I had to describe myself, I guess I’d say tall, blond, Greek.
Patience: Hellooo! I can add to that. How about a blond Greek god who’s as tall as he is broad? A paranormal stunner who takes my breath away and makes me (literally) see suns when he smiles at me. The hottest man who has ever walked this planet.
Apollo: (grinning) Really? That’s what you think?
Patience: (quivering in her seat) Uh, sure. You could say so.

What initially drew you to your partner/spouse?
Apollo: She was so anal!
Patience: (her eyes wide) Apollo, don’t be rude.
Apollo: No, not like that. I mean, you were one uptight woman when I met you. It took a lot of convincing to help you relax. (grinning) I liked the challenge.

Patience O’Conner is a travel blogger who lives for her work. Her dedication to her readers brings her to the famed Helios Resort in Mexico, a locale that stuns her with its beauty but at which she suffers from some very strange accidents.

Luckily, hunky resort bartender Apollo Delos is always there in the nick of time, a malcontent guardian angel. Apollo stuns Patience again and again with his life-saving abilities, to say nothing of his smoldering looks and apparent desire to keep her alive.

Before long, Patience wonders if there is more to the sexy bartender than mixed cocktails and insane first-aid skills. Something strange is happening at Helios and Apollo doesn’t want to talk about it.

Can Patience open herself up to this enigmatic man, even though she is terrified to be vulnerable again? And can Apollo recover from an eternity of hurt and learn to trust once more? They must both decide before Death comes calling.

Purchase: | Amazon |

She approached the booth, only to find the blond bartender manning it. Her eyes almost popped and she blurted, “You!”

He grinned, but there was still a tightness around his eyes, as if he were sizing her up. “Hello, Patience.” His strained expression said volumes about what he considered to be the unsuitability of her name.

She tried to ignore the sucker punch in her gut, the one that hit her as soon as his deep, velvety voice caressed her eardrums. “Aren’t you supposed to be at the bar?”

His smile grew wider, showing off his perfect white teeth. “I’m everywhere.”

“Clearly.” She forced herself to look away from his gorgeous face, feeling light-headed because of the suns dancing in her eyes, the suns that seemed to come from him. To distract herself, she touched a few of the painted bowls on display. Not that it snuffed out those blasted suns.

He stepped closer. “Do you see anything you like?”

She choked on her saliva and coughed like a victim of the Black Death. He rushed to calm her, putting his hand on her back, massaging. She recovered upon feeling his touch and was hit by the bizarre, fleeting notion his touch made her recover. As if he’d healed her.

Utter nonsense. Yet as much as it was nonsense, her head swam with the bizarre possibility.
“Better?” he asked quietly, his face serious now.

She stared into the man’s eyes. They were blue, so very blue. “Uh, yeah, thanks.” Curiosity got the better of her and the question poured out. “What’s your name anyway?”
He breathed in. “Apollo Delos.”

“Oh, wow,” she said, breaking into a grin. “Just like Apolo Anton Ohno! I loved him on Dancing with the Stars!”

He got a curious look and let out a strange laugh. “Yeah. Just like him.”

Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner from the win a eBook copy of Sunburn

To Enter:
  • Please answer Rosanna's question: If you could have intimate relations with any Greek god, who would it be and why?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form. 

**Don't forget to head over to Stitch-Read-Cook to check out the rest of Rosanna's interview. 

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


laurie said...

if i had to have 'intamite' relations with any greek god it'd be apollo. i have always found him the most facinating

sheryl said...

I think it would have to be Ares, he's the bad one! ;)

Rosanna Leo said...

Thanks so much for hosting me, Danielle!

Rosanna Leo said...

Thanks for joining us Sheryl!!

Rosanna Leo said...

So glad you could come today Laurie!

Unknown said...

Aw, thanks so much for the mention, Rosanna! You know I would love to do an antho with you!

erin said...

Thanks for the fun post and giveaway! I'd also have to say Ares :)

Connie said...

Since I like wine, I think that Dionysus would be my choice. I would also like to learn to make it and perhaps he could teach me in our - ahem - spare time!

Rosanna Leo said...

Thanks Robin! You know I mean every word!

Rosanna Leo said...

Hi Erin! I shall have to get Ares in one of my books!

Rosanna Leo said...

Thank you Connie! You might like my book Sweet Hell then- it features a very delicious Dionysus!

Mary Jo Burke said...

Gotta go with Zeus.

Beautiful Disaster said...

Hi, I am a big fan of mythology. I like a lot of them and if you want a tortured soul, well...there's a lot of them. I will mention two that are maybe not as well known. I would choose Helios or Orpheus. Both because of their unconditional love, one for his son and the other for his wife.
I follow by email and FB

Natasha said...

I would say Ares. Thanks for the chance to win!

Alex said...

I'm not sure exactly because there are a few I'd be interested in. But I'd have to say Ares or Baccus.

Susanne Bellamy said...

Neptune - thinking bronzed lifesaver type here! And permanent cruising, all year round. Looking forward to reading Sunburn. Thanks for the opportunity of entering.

Mary Preston said...

Ares - got to love the bad boy.

Unknown said...

Im going with Ares. Always love a bad boy!!

donnas said...

Dionysus, he knows how to party

Rosanna Leo said...

Thanks for commenting, Mary Jo! Zeus would be fun.

Rosanna Leo said...

Thanks Beautiful Disaster, for this terrific answer!

Rosanna Leo said...

Thanks for coming out, Natasha!!

Rosanna Leo said...

Thanks Alex -they would be fun!

Rosanna Leo said...

Thanks for your kind interest, Susanne! :)

Rosanna Leo said...

Ares is a popular one, Mary! Thanks for commenting!

Rosanna Leo said...

Hi Laura! Thanks for joining in the fun!

Rosanna Leo said...

LOL- good answer, Donna! Thank you!

Unknown said...

Seeing as I'm an island girl and love the water I will have to go with Poseidon....

jmcgaugh said...

As I said in my other post, I'd go for Hercules (a demigod), as played by Kevin Sorbo.

Unknown said...

Aw, thanks for the mention, Rosanna! And I say let's do it! :)

Joanne said...

I think it would be Ares, the God of War. Always liked a bad boy!

bn100 said...

Hades because he's different

Carol L. said...

I'll take Hercules anytime and I'm thinking back many many years when Steve Reeves played him. Yum.... :)

Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

oops, again I forgot to say don't enter me for the e-book as I can't read them on this computer.
Carol L.

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