
Gods & Goddess Week: Tina Folsom and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Tina Folsom to the Gods and Goddess event. Please give Tina a warm welcome.

Tina Folsom was born in Germany and has been living in English speaking countries for over 20 years, the last 11 of them in San Francisco, where she's married to an American.

Tina has always been a bit of a globe trotter: after living in Lausanne, Switzerland, she briefly worked on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean, then lived a year in Munich, before moving to London. There, she became an accountant. But after 8 years she decided to move overseas.

In New York she studied drama at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, then moved to Los Angeles a year later to pursue studies in screenwriting. This is also where she met her husband, who she followed to San Francisco three months after first meeting him.

In San Francisco, Tina worked as a tax accountant and even opened her own firm, then went into real estate, however, she missed writing. In 2008 she wrote her first romance and never looked back.

She's always loved vampires and decided that vampire and paranormal romance was her calling. She now has 16 novels in English and several in other languages (Spanish, German, and French) and continues to write, as well as have her existing novels translated.

Places to find Tina:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
Dionysus, God of Wine and Ecstasy, is robbed of his memory and taught a lesson in humility, finding love in the process.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Fight scenes: there’s so much choreography involved, and you constantly have to figure out where everybody is, what they’re doing, who they are hitting, whether anybody’s falling, stumbling, getting up again. It’s difficult to keep track of everybody, especially when you write a large scale fight scene. Now, sex scenes, on the other hand, are easy for me!

Quick & Easy:
Day or Night? Night
Love at First Sight or Second Chances? Love at First Sight
Weres or Vamps? Vamps
Paperbacks or Ebooks? Ebooks
Past, Present or Future? Past
Reading or Writing? Writing
Coffee or Tea? Tea
Plotter or Panster? Plotter
Reality or Fiction? Fiction
Laptop or Desktop? Laptop
Angel or Demon? Demon

If you could take your partner/spouse anywhere in our world or yours where would it be?
Dionysus: I love taking Ariadne to my vineyard in Napa. It’s a wonderfully serene place, the perfect place for our sons to grow up in. And it gets us away from the hustle and bustle of Charleston, where Ariadne has her wine shop. Besides, we get disturbed much less there, than if we were to go to Olympus. The Gods would constantly stop by my villa there just to piss me off.

What are three qualities that would describe you?
Ariadne: I’m headstrong (even though I hide it well), very loyal, and I’m a dreamer and I’ve never been able to hide that. Luckily I won’t have to hide it, not with Dionysus.

When the god of wine and ecstasy, Dionysus, callously dumps his latest conquest, the mortal Ariadne, the goddess Hera has had enough. She robs Dionysus of his memory to teach him a lesson in humility.

Ariadne is deeply hurt after Dionysus dismisses their night of passion as “just sex” and doesn’t want to see her anymore. When she finds him bloodied and beaten and suffering from amnesia, she quickly forms a plan to get back at him. As she pretends to be his fiancĂ©e, Ariadne makes Dionysus believe he loves her. But the longer the charade continues, the more difficult it becomes to really see who teaches whom a lesson.

And what if Dionysus gains his memory back? Will there be hell to pay for her deception, or can a mortal woman truly win a god’s love?

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo |

Check out the Out of Olympus series: 
Click for info.

Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner from the win a eBook of choice from Tina. 

To Enter:
  • Please leave a meaningful comment/question for Tina.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form. 

**Don't forget to head over to Stitch-Read-Cook to check out the rest of Tina's interview. 

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


laurie said...

the premise of this book sounds really good! i have added it to my TBR pile

Beebs said...

I haven't read any of your Gods or Goddesses yet, but I do love your Venice Vampyres, any more of those planned?

sheryl said...

I love Tina's Scanguards series and I can't wait to read this series. I love books about Greek gods

erin said...

Sounds fantastic! Thanks for sharing! I'm definitely going to have to go check out this series!

wanda f said...

I love your books Tina .I couldnt put down A Touch Of Greek and cant wait to read A Scent Of Greek .Hope you have an amazing week.

Unknown said...

I love finding new authors and books.

suzi1811 said...

I just finished both the books out in the Out of Olympus Series at the weekend! I'd had my eye on A touch of Greek for a while and then when I noticed it on sale it gave me the perfect excuse to treat myself to both it and A scent of Greek! Loved them both and can't wait for the next books in the series!
suzi1811 @

donnas said...

Sounds great. I have not heard of your series before but I love Greek mythology.

JenM said...

I read A Touch of Greek and really enjoyed it. I've been wanting to read A Scent of Greek. I imagine Dionysus would be a fun hero.

Unknown said...

Tina, Your book sounds amazing but I am even more impressed by all the traveling you have done throughout your life. I'm guessing that your travels have been somewhat of an inspiration in your writings!
I love the fact that you chose to write about gods like Dionysus and Triton.
Thank you for the giveaway!

Connie said...

Dionysus would be MY choice of a Greek God because we both like wine. What more could one want? :-)

lorimeehan said...

I love your books Tina. I've read both of your vampire series and several of you other books. The Greek myth books sound great.

May said...

Love these books. It's a new series for me but would love to read it!

Tina Folsom said...

Many thanks for all your comments and for considering this series. I'm planning to write the next one in the series later this year. I'm also hoping to write another Venice Vampyr, but I don't know yet when.

Alex said...

This should be an interesting read, because I've never read a story about Dionysus that depicted as such a human and non-partying god.

Mary Preston said...

I'm just wondering if you would still consider English as your second language, if ever? Does it present any challenge when you write?

starryblue said...

I really enjoyed reading A Touch of Greek. The mythology was amazing.

bn100 said...

I like the character interview.

Carol L. said...

It's a new series for me but it's on my TRL. Sounds like some good reading. :)
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

I forgot to say don't enter me as I can't read e-books on this computer
Carol L.

Beautiful Disaster said...

I can't wait to read something by you. You're a new author for me :) I love books about the gods I really just enjoy mythology in general. I have since I was in jr.high.
lorih824 at yahoo dot com

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