
Gods & Goddess Week: Stephanie Julian and Giveaway

This entire week is dedicated to all those wonderful books that feature Gods & Goddesses as the main characters. We have great interviews and some awesome giveaways through out the week so make sure to check back each day with Stitch Read Cook and Ramblings from this Chick for all the fun! Today we have the super awesome Stephanie Julian visiting.

Stephanie Julian is the author of the Forgotten Goddesses, Magical Seduction, Lucani Lovers, The Fringe and Darkly Enchanted series. A former reporter for a daily newspaper, she enjoys making up stories much more than writing about real life. She’s happily married to a Springsteen fanatic and is the mother of two sons who love her even when they don’t have any clean clothes and dinner is a bowl of cereal.

Places to find Stephanie:
Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter |

What inspired you to write about Gods & Goddesses?
I’d been writing about Etruscan Magic for a couple of years in the series Magical Seduction and Lucani Lovers when I got an idea about what it would be like to be a goddess living in the modern world. What would they do? What would they be like? That was my jumping off point for the Forgotten Goddesses series. Of course, then I needed a plot. And a bad guy. And oh yeah, lots of sexy heroes.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
The very last scenes of a book. I don’t want it to end but when the story’s done, you have to figure out how to wrap it all up. That’s the tough part for me.

Quick & Easy
Day or Night? Night. Hot summer nights, in particular. There’s something about the dark and the heat.
Love at First Sight or Second Chances? Love at First Sight. I love writing about that first spark and building on that.
Weres or Vamps? Definitely were. I love the whole man-vs-animal aspect.
Paperbacks or Ebooks? I was one of those never-gonna-read-ebooks people. And then I got a Nook. And that was all she wrote.
Past, Present or Future? Present. Enjoy it because it will be gone before you know it.
Reading or Writing? Ooh, tough one. I’ve been a reader longer than I’ve been a writer but I love to write. I’m calling that one a draw.
Coffee or Tea? Neither. Hot chocolate.
Plotter or Panster? A little of both really. I usually start writing the first scene I see in my head before I have a plot but then I always write down a brief synopsis.
Reality or Fiction? Both. Fiction makes my reality so much more entertaining but I love my husband and sons and wouldn’t trade that reality for anything in the world.
Laptop or Desktop? Desktop. I love sitting in my office at my desk creating.
Angel or Demon? Demon. Much more fun.
Authors Choice: Ask the readers something! What is your favorite myth about the gods and goddesses?

Now, something for the characters...

Tell us something we don’t know about your hero/ine?
Amity from GODDESS IN THE MIDDLE had a fling with bad-boy Veive, God of Revenge. You’ll be seeing more of him in later stories.

What's a day in the life of Amity consist of?
Amity enjoys her work at the local hospital. She’s a goddess of healing and she likes being useful. She’s always at work on time and almost never leaves on time but, when she returns home, she gives her complete attention to her men, Rom and Remy. And who wouldn’t?


Romulus and Remus are sexy werewolf cousins with an unbreakable bond. When they meet beautiful goddess Amity and save her from an encroaching demon, they discover that the three of them together are way more powerful than any of them could ever have imagined. And they're going to need that power to overcome the forces that are determined to steal Amity's magic and destroy the two men.

As different as night and day, and each an amazing man in his own right, Rom and Remy make all of Amity's deepest fantasies come true ...

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Click on cover for more info.

Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

To Enter:
  • Please answer Stephanie's question: What is your favorite myth about the gods and goddesses?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form. 
  • US/Canada Shipping ONLY

**Don't forget to head over to Stitch-Read-Cook to check out the rest of Stephanie's interview. 

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


laurie said...

my favorite gods/godesses have been the greek ones

sheryl said...

I think it's funny that Zeus turns himself into an animal to come down to seduce mortal women.

erin said...

thanks for the fun post and congrats to Stephanie on her newest release! I tend to like the Greek stories :)

Unknown said...

I love the myth of aphrodite :D but I love most of the greek gods :)

Unknown said...

I love the story of the twins Artemis and Apollo and how protective they were over their mother (Leto). Leto was Zeus's love before he married Hera and Hera chased her out of Olympus. She gave birth to the twins on an island while being cared for by other goddesses. The twins became expert archers in order to protect her.

lorimeehan said...

I really can't think of any Greek romances that I like. It's been so long ago since I've ready any.

Natasha said...

My favorite is Hades and Persephone. Thanks for the chance to win!

Jen B. said...

I was going to say Medusa but I'm not sure she qualifies as a goddess. I know a bit about Artemis so I will choose her.

jmcgaugh said...

I always liked Cupid and Psyche.

June M. said...

I have always loved Ares & Hades the most of the Gods. Great interview, BTW :)

JenM said...

I love Hades and Persephone, it always seemed so romantic to me.

Leannessf said...

I love Cupid and Psyche!


Alysenn "SweetPidi" Floyd said...

My favorite myth is when Athena was born...Legend has it that she just walked out of Zeus' head!!!LOL!!! I wish in real life it happened that way!

Di said...

does Hercules count? It's been a while since I've checked out the Gods & Goddesses.
sallans d at yahoo dot com

bn100 said...

Hades and Persephone

Carol L. said...

I love them all but I too will go with Hades and Persephone. Thanks for the opportunity.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

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