
ARC Review: The One That Got Away by Kelly Hunter

I was surprised by how much I liked this book and when I say liked I really mean loved. I loved this book. It was so good and I just couldn't put it down. Looking at the cover I thought I was going to be reading something light and cheery, but that was definitely not the case. This book was deep and filled with so much emotion.

Several years ago Evie and Logan spent one passion filled week together that left a lasting impression on both. Neither has been able to get over what happened between them even though they both went their separate ways to live their lives. Now their paths have crossed again and both try to act like nothing serious occurred between them. The passion between Evie and Logan is apparent to everyone around them. Both continue to deny their feelings but before long neither are able to keep their hands and mouths off one another.

When Logan and Evie spent that one week together, it scared Logan to death. The passion and heat between them was explosive and brought out a side of Logan that he was afraid of. Evie just gave in too easily to his demands and his need to dominate her freaked him out. When Evie is accidentally hurt during one of their interludes, it's a wake up call to Logan. He sees himself becoming like his father who was abusive to him and his mother and he is terrified. So he makes the decision to walk away from Evie and all of the feelings and emotions she brings out in him.

Seeing Evie again brings back all of the feelings and emotions that Logan had long ago buried. Logan would like nothing more to be with Evie but he just doesn't do relationships. He keeps himself closed off from everyone and no one really knows the real Logan, not even his family.

I loved the relationship between these two. It was hot, explosive and in your face. Yet at the same time it was sweet and tender. The way that these two were able to grow and learn from one another was great to see. They both have such a strong bond and I love that Evie was patient and strong enough to stick with Logan and help him conquer his demons.

This was such an amazing book filled with so much love and passion. I definitely can't wait to read more from this author.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**

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