
Guest Post with Author Juliet Madison and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Juliet Madison to RFTC. Juliet is celebrating the release of her book Fast Forward and has stopped by to chat. Please give Juliet a warm welcome.

Juliet Madison is a naturopath-turned-author with a background in dance, art, internet marketing and perfume sales (yes, she was one of those annoying people in department stores who spray you with perfume). Nowadays she prefers to indulge her propensity for multiple careers by living vicariously through her characters. She likes to put these characters into extraordinary situations and take them on a challenging journey to discover their true passion and inner strength, weaving in some laughs, tears, romance and sometimes a touch of magic along the way.

Living near the beach on the beautiful south coast of New South Wales, Australia, Juliet spends her days homeschooling her son and running her internet business and her nights writing fiction while doing her best to avoid housework.

Places to find Juliet:

Opposites Attract

Paula Abdul was right when she sang the catchy tune - Opposites Attract, and in fiction, having two people who seem like total opposites fall in love is a common trope, and often makes for a very entertaining story. What I like about stories like this is that the characters learn to embrace their uniqueness, and also that of the love interest. The relationship dynamics are also interesting when you put two people with opposing views or goals in the same room together, it can create compelling conflict but also a greater reward when they finally realise how their differences are what make them work well together as a team.

In my novel, Fast Forward, just released from Escape Publishing, the two main characters are opposites. Kelli is an aspiring supermodel who wakes on her twenty-fifth birthday in the future to find she’s now a fifty-year-old housewife and mother, married to the guy who was the high school nerd. Kelli is obviously quite beautiful, and she believes modelling is the obvious career choice for someone with her genetic blessings. As a teenager, she, along with many other students, used to call William McSnelly (her husband in the future), McSmelly. Imagine her shock when she finds she’s become Mrs McSmelly in the future! Kelli is also very creative and talented with art and design, but she suppressed her abilities because it reminds her of a traumatic childhood incident, so she chose to focus on her modelling career. But in the future, she is no longer a model and finds she has a career she never thought she’d have. Kelli is confident, assertive, determined, ambitious, and takes immense pride with her appearance.

William, or Will, on the other hand, was a pudgy, pimply kid who became a business success story. He is still a tad dorky, but is also charming, affectionate, warm, loyal, and dedicated. His business skills have served him well, and he achieves his goals with hard work, planning, and determination. At school the only thing he cared about was doing well in his studies so he could do the best he could in life. For Kelli, it was all about the social side and being popular. Yet, somehow, these two ended up together in Kelli’s future, even though she thought her future would include Grant, her hot shot boyfriend.

In business they work well together because Kelli is creative and Will knows how to make the most of that creativity, business-wise. As a couple (though Kelli of course doesn’t realise this when she’s launched into her nightmare of a future), his calm nature balances out her feistiness, and his charm and wit softens her intensity. Kelli’s resourcefulness and ambitious nature also benefits Will because it stops him from becoming too settled in his ways. Together, they (in Will’s words) are ‘like a lock and a key’. Their full potential is only seen when they are connected.

Can you think of any characters in books or movies who are opposites and yet become attracted to each other or end up together?

Leave a comment with your email address to go in the draw for a $50 Amazon gift card or the runner up prize of a $25 gift card. Comment on other blogs during Juliet’s February blog tour for more entries into the draw! Winners drawn 1st March.

You can also win a bonus $25 gift card by purchasing Fast Forward and emailing your receipt to fastforwardbook (at) gmail (dot) com - replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

Aspiring supermodel, Kelli Crawford seems destined to marry her hotshot boyfriend, but on her twenty-fifth birthday she wakes in the future as a fifty-year-old suburban housewife married to the now middle-aged high school nerd.

Trapped in the opposite life of the one she wanted, Kelli is forced to re-evaluate her life and discover what is really important to her. Will she overcome the hilarious and heartbreaking challenges presented to her and get back to the body of her younger self? Or will she be stuck in the nightmare of hot flushes, demanding children, raunchy advances from her husband and hideous support underwear forever?

Purchase: | Amazon | iTunes | Kobo |

Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner from the ENTIRE tour will win a $50 Gift Card
  • 1 lucky winner from the ENTIRE tour will win a $25 Gift Card

To Enter:
  • Please answer Juliet's question: Can you think of any characters in books or movies who are opposites and yet become attracted to each other or end up together?
  • Please leave your email address along with your comment to be entered. 
  • Giveaway ends March 1st.

Good Luck =)


*Pernille* said...

Dirty Dancing was the first movie that came to my mind - baby is the sweet, rich, smart girl, while Johnny is the wild, passionate bad boy :)

*Pernille* said...

opps forgot the email

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, great example! I LOVE that movie. Will have to watch it again sometime! :)

Natasha D said...

The first couple that came to mind was Katherine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart - in 'The African Queen'. Despite their age they spark and sizzle despite being soooo opposite and scathing of each other.

laurie said...

Dirty Dancing was the first movie that came to my mind - baby is the sweet, rich, smart girl, while Johnny is the wild, passionate bad boy :)

Unknown said...

I think of Failure to Launch. Matthew McConaughey is super laid back and unmotivated to even move out of his parents house whereas Sarah Jessica Parker is a go getter, super motivated type person. Some how they manage to meet in the middle and have a romance

fencingromein at hotmail dot com

May said...

I like the couple in Greg and Dharma.. It is an old tv show....

maybe31 at

Anonymous said...

In DIVERSION, Lucky is a mouthy ex-con and Bo is a straitlaced former Marine.


Leannessf said...

I first thought of the movie Knocked Up - she is a professional, successful woman, and he was an out-of-work (or supposed working on his celebrity porn site with his friends) pothead. Loved the movie!

leannessf at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I thought about the characters in the movie "How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days." They were working at cross purposes and should never have worked, but they did.

Marcy Shuler

Sherri Lewis said...

My favorite movie was probably Monster-In-Law..... Charlotte is a dog-walking, tempory working, free spirit, who falls in love with Kevin who is a doctor and comes from a wealthy family. His mother does everything she can do to break up their relationship.

Kim said...

Honestly, I can only think of Julia Roberts and Richard Gere from Pretty Woman. Richard's character was pretty SERIOUS. Julia's character is fun and play. They each balance the other out.


Di said...

How about the classics in comedy - Lucille Ball & Desi Arnez or Samantha & Darren in Bewitched.

sallans d at yahoo dot com

bn100 said...

Sebastian and Evie from the Devil in Winter


Anonymous said...

Some GREAT examples there guys, thanks! And I love a lot of those shows/movies. Bewitched is one of my favourites :)

Mary Preston said...

DHARMA AND GREG comes first to mind. She comes from such a hippy dippy family & his family is so uptight.


WinterFaerie said...

The STEP UP the movie. Channing Tatum & Jenna Dewan's characters were from opposite ends of life and yet they ended up together at the end of the movie! I loved that movie. Opposites always attract.

lavendersbluegreen said...

I thought Far and Away the movie had 2 people who came from very different places and seemed to be very different coming together. It is an old fav of mine.
I think your book sounds terrific... how scary for her to find herself suddenly in a whole different her / world.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Booklover Sue said...

Dharma and Greg were the ultimate opposites attract couple next to Lucy and Desi!

susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone, I must get Dharma and Greg on DVD sometime! I watched a few episodes on TV but didn't follow it 100%, but what I saw was good.
I've loved hearing all your suggestions of opposites attract - some good examples for me to research when I write another opposites attract story!

Thanks Danielle for having me on the blog! :)

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