
Feature and Giveaway: Moon Shifter Series by Katie Reus

Fear has a scent. So does desire…

Ana Cordona has been a strong leader for the lupine shifters who survived after all the males and most of the females in her pack were mysteriously poisoned. As tough as she is, with no Alpha male, the pack is vulnerable to the devious shifter Taggart, who wants to claim both their ranch and Ana as his own. When Connor Armstrong comes back into her life, promising protection, it’s almost enough to make Ana forget how he walked out on her before—and reluctantly accept his offer to mate.

The minute Connor sees Ana again, it reawakens a raw hunger. He must have her for his bondmate—his wolf cries out for it. But his human side knows he must proceed with caution because of their complicated past. If he is to truly have her body and soul, he must go beyond his burning desire and win back her heart. Whatever it takes, he is determined not to leave her side again.

But Taggart and his rival pack are not their only enemies. A human element in town is targeting shifters. Their plan not only threatens Ana and Connor’s future, but the lives of the entire pack…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Lupine shifter Nikan Lawless has it bad for Esperanze Cordona, the sweet and curvy woman who only views him as a friend. But when Nikan is assigned to act as Esperanze’s bodyguard during a weekend education conference, he knows it’s the perfect opportunity to seduce her off her feet—away from the pack.

To put his plan into motion Nikan cancels one of their hotel rooms, giving them time to get to know one another in a whole different way. But when a man from Esperanze’s past shows up in need of help, Nikan must shield her from a group of dangerous rogue shifters, all while trying to prove that they’re destined to be mates.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo |

To protect her, he will unleash the beast within…

As his pack’s second-in-command, lupine shifter Liam Armstrong gives orders and takes what he wants—until he meets red-headed, blue-eyed December McIntyre. Liam knows the human beauty is his intended mate the moment he sees her, but December is far too strong-willed to accept his protection.

December, whose brother is the town sheriff, has every reason to mistrust shifters after one killed her youngest sibling. But the forceful and handsome Liam has gotten under her skin in a way she hadn’t thought possible, and the desire she feels for him is almost too much to bear.

When a radical hate group targets all humans known to sympathize with paranormal beings, December is attacked in her bookstore. Reluctantly, she turns to the only one who can help her: Liam. And he is going to take her to places within herself she never knew existed.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

As the beast within struggles to break free, he must learn to be what she needs…

Surviving for centuries, powerful lupine shifter Jayce Kazan managed to stay away from humans until he met Kat Saburova and was consumed by the need to protect her. But while Jayce shared his passion with the human seer, he refused to make her his bondmate—a refusal that caused the end of their relationship.

A year later, an attack that left Kat near death has resulted in another lupine shifter turning her. Furious that he wasn’t the one to save her, Jayce is determined to show Kat that he is the one she should rely on. But the newly turned shifter is still traumatized and worried that she’ll hurt those she loves, unless she can learn to control her inner wolf.

And as Jayce struggles to protect Kat from her own worst instincts and convince her to rekindle their love, the extremists who almost killed her are looking to finish the job…

Pre-Order: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Katie fell in love with romance at a young age thanks to books she pilfered from her mom’s stash. Years later she loves reading romance almost as much as she loves writing it. However, she didn’t always know she wanted to be a writer. After graduating summa cum laude with a degree in psychology and working too many jobs she hated, she finally figured things out.

She now spends her days writing dark paranormal romance and sexy romantic suspense. Her publishers include Carina Press, Harlequin Nocturne, Ellora’s Cave and NAL/Signet Eclipse (Penguin). Regardless of genre, she always includes a happy ending. When she’s not creating stories she loves spending time with her husband and family.

Places to find Katie:

Katie Reus'
2/20 - Rabid Reads

Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner will win a copy of Mating Instict (US ONLY)
  • 1 lucky winner from the ENTIRE tour will win a signed set of the Moon Shifter series, 3 sets of trading cards and a custom made wolf themed book thong (INT Shipping Available)

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment/question for Katie
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter forms

Good Luck =)
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Elizabeth H. said...

I love the series! My question for Katie is, do you have any plans for another paranormal series in the future? Thanks for hosting the tour and for the chance to win!!

Melissa Limoges said...

I haven't had a chance to read this series yet, but all the books in the series sound so good. And the covers are beautiful. Looking forward to checking them out soon.

Joanne said...

Congrats on the new release. Mating Instinct sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it to see more of Kat and Jayce.
Is there any genre that you'd like to write but haven't yet?

Rebe said...

I've only read Katie's RS books, but they are lots of fun! I need to check this series out. And I know it's wrong, but I totally cracked up at "Anonymous"'s spamming. So bizarre, lol.

Beautiful Disaster said...

This sounds like an awesome series. I have added them to my TBR list so can't wait to get started on them. Thanks

Unknown said...

I love paranormal, this series is on my TBR list and it looks amazing <3

Di said...

I haven't read Katie's books yet, but I'm very curious about shifters.

erin said...

Congrats to Katie on the new release! Sounds fantastic :) I'm a bit behind on this series and I look forward to catching up.

lorimeehan said...

Hi katie. Congrats on the new release.
Do you have any ideas for what your next series or stand alone book might be about?

Katie Reus said...

Hi Elizabeth! Thanks for stopping by... to answer your question, yes, but not in the near future. I've got projects lined up for the next year and a half BUT I do have an idea that's been rolling around in my head so who knows :)

Katie Reus said...

Hi Joanne! Nope, I'm writing exactly what I love :)

Katie Reus said...

Hi Lori! I do have an idea about my next pnr series but I'm still working on the fifth book in my Moon Shifter series and have two more books in my upcoming Deadly Ops series to write so for the next year and a half I'm pretty booked up. Oh, and I also have the next three book outlines for my Red Stone series lined up so it'll be a while before I put out a new series and I probably won't be doing any stand alones for a long time. :)

Victoria said...

Hi Katie - I love your books. Do you know what will unfold at the end of the series when you begin writing it or do the characters speak to you as you go along?

Barbara E. said...

I haven't had a chance to start the Moon Shifter series yet, but I'm definitely looking forward to reading this whole series.

bn100 said...

Sounds like a nice series

Vanessa N. said...

I've the first in this series and thought it was great. Can't wait to reading the shifter series.

Vanessa N. said...

forgot my email

Annwitch said...

Love these books, I can't wait for Mating Instincts.


Lexi said...

You have a lot lined up! Busy woman. Any chance you know if they are talking about you writing more in the Moon Shifter series?

strawberryrose said...

Hello Kate Reus,
I wish I had the talent to write for a living. I have a great imagination but have a hard time writing it down by myself. Not you problem as far as I can see. Thank the Gods. How do you come up with you story ideas?

Judy Peterson

June M. said...

Hi Katie!
I love this series so much!!! I can't wait to read more about Kat & Jayce, they played a great secondary part of the last. I really hope that your publisher contracts for many more books in this series, I love getting to return to a world that I enjoy :)
manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

Filia Oktarina said...

I still haven't read this series, but i do love paranormal genre. Looking forward to read this series :)

wanda f said...

Cant wait to dive into this series sounds awesome .Hope you have a fantastic week

Maris said...

I love shifter books. Haven't read yours..yet. But I'm definitely checking it out. dsr002(at)gmail(dot)com

donnas said...

Congrats on the release!!

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Natasha said...

I can't wait to start this series!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

lavendersbluegreen said...

These look really good. Thanks for the interview and giveaway!

Katie Reus said...

Hi Victoria! At the series end? No! I plot out each book ahead of time so I know what each book will hold and have a general idea where a series will take me but the Moon Shifter series actually surprised me. The h/h for the fifth books surprised me b/c I thought it would be another couple :)

Katie Reus said...

Sadly we don't even discuss that until after my current contract is fulfilled. And the fifth book isn't even due until January 2014 so... I'll know after that, lol! I'm hopeful though because I LOVE this world. However, even if my publisher doesn't pick up my contract writers have options now so I wouldn't worry about this series not continuing :)

Katie Reus said...

Hi Judy! Ha, I have no idea :) I've always had a really vivid imagination. I do a lot of plotting with writer friends to actually flesh books out, but I'm always making up stories in my head for complete strangers. It was probably inevitable that I become a writer :)

Katie Reus said...

Thanks everyone for stopping by! I believe I answered all questions but if I missed something feel free to contact me directly :)

Leannessf said...

I haven't read this series before, but it looks like I've been missing out! Definitely now on my TBR list!


jmcgaugh said...

These look really great; can't wait to read them!

Booklover Sue said...

I have not read any of your books yet, which one would you recommend to a new reader?

susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

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