
Forever's Scottish Seduction Tour: Interview and Giveaway with Margaret Mallory and Sue-Ellen Welfonder

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC authors Margaret Mallory and Sue-Ellen Welfonder. Both authors are currently on tour celebrating the release of the books The Chieftain and Seduction of a Highland Warrior and have stopped by to answer a few questions. Please give both ladies a warm welcome.

Margaret Mallory abandoned a career as a lawyer to become a romance novelist. Why this surprised everyone, she doesn't know. Who wouldn't rather have thrilling adventures with handsome Highlanders than write briefs and memos? Margaret lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband, a goofy dog, and a crabby cat.

Places to find Margaret:

A la Twitter style, please describe your book in 140 characters or less.
Whew, here’s my whole book in a 140 character tweet:

Ilysa loves her chieftain from afar. 2 save the clan, he must make a powerful marriage alliance. What can a hero do when luv & duty collide?

What types of scenes are your most favorite/difficult to write?
My favorite scenes to write are the ones that make me weep over my laptop. Seriously. If I’m making myself cry, then I know it’s a good scene.

The hardest scenes to write are the first few in the book. I need to captivate my reader, immerse her in my story, and do it all very quickly. Adding to my troubles, I don’t know my characters as well as I will later in the book.

If you could have dinner with any three authors (alive or dead), who would you choose and why?
Shakespeare because he is witty and brilliant.

Diana Gabaldon because she wrote one of my all-time favorite books, Outlander, with one of my all-time favorite heroes, Jamie Fraser.

The last one is hard because I’ve met so many romance authors at conferences and other events that I would love to have dinner with. I’ll say Kristan Higgans because she was such a sweetie to me when she hardly knew me, and she’s funny, too.

Four fearless warriors return to the Highlands to claim their lands and legacies. But all their trials on the battlefield can't prepare them for their greatest challenge yet: winning the hearts of four willful Scottish beauties.


Connor, chieftain of the MacDonalds of Sleat, holds the fate of his people in his hands. Rival clans are plotting to take over his lands, and duty determines whom he will fight, trust . . . even marry. Seeking guidance, Connor turns to Ilysa, a young lass with the gift of foresight, who reveals an approaching danger-and a passion that burns only for him. But the warrior must make a powerful marriage alliance, and Ilysa's bloodline is far too humble.

With her powers to heal and see evil where others cannot, beautiful Ilysa dresses plainly, speaks softly, and loves her chieftain from afar. Yet when Connor finally stokes the embers of desire that have so long burned within her, Ilysa feels bliss unlike any she's ever known. Now as he is forced to place duty before happiness, Ilysa senses Connor is in grave peril. Can she find a way to prove she is the woman he needs by his side?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Click for info.

Sue-Ellen Welfonder is a Scotophile whose burning wish to make frequent trips to the land of her dreams led her to a twenty-year career with the airlines. Now a full-time writer, she’s quick to admit that she much prefers wielding a pen to pushing tea and coffee. She never watches television, loves haggis, and writes at a 450-year-old desk that once stood in a Bavarian castle.

Places to find Sue-Ellen:

I’m delighted to be here today to chat about a few things dear to my heart: my books, writing, and my love of reading. What a great way to wrap up the blog tour!

A la Twitter style, please describe your book in 140 characters or less.
What fun! I love Twitter, so this was easy:

“A Highland chieftain risks all for the woman he loves, but their forbidden passion could destroy them.”

What types of scenes are your most favorite/difficult to write?
Medieval battle scenes are what I love best. I really enjoy writing them. I’m fascinated by medieval warfare and weaponry, even collecting swords, dirks, shields, and what-not. For example, a beautiful claymore hangs near my fireplace and a full-sized knight in shining armor (with sword) watches over my dining room table. He has pride of place on a ledge high above my dining area, which has a lovely atrium.

Love scenes are my least favorite. I can’t stand ‘sex for sex’s sake,’ so I want to be sure that when the hero and heroine become closer, everything happens naturally. Intimacy and desire must fit the flow of the story. It should only happen when the characters are ready. It’s also important to include emotion and something crucial that moves the story forward. Just having body parts doing this or that is wasted ink. When pleasure reading, I often skim or skip love scenes. If a love scene can be removed and not be missed in the storyline, the sex doesn’t belong in there. More has to happen than lovemaking.

If you could have dinner with any three authors (alive or dead), who would you choose and why?
Great question! I’d love to note a few writing friends, but there are more than three and I do not want to slight anyone. So I’ll go with sadly-no-longer-with-us writers.

Above all, Anya Seton. Her incredible historical, Katherine, is my all-time favorite romance. I love everything she wrote. Her amazing Green Darkness is another fave. Green Darkness is a reincarnation novel. As I believe in reincarnation and Seton did as well, I’d have dearly loved a quiet dinner with her. To speak of mystic things and loving the past.

Two other choices would be Victoria Holt and Daphne DuMaurier. I devoured their gothics as a young girl and fell in love with their ability to create truly atmospheric settings. I pleasure read mainly to be swept away to another time and place. (I’m not so keen on modern times) Their books immersed me in the world of their stories, whisking me to magnificent cliff-top manor homes where the sea pounds the rocks below and wild, windswept moors stretch bleak and lonely behind, full of darkness, mist, and danger. Both ladies were master wordsmiths and obviously great lovers of atmosphere. So I would enjoy speaking with them about a shared passion for wild, empty places and echoing old houses, full of secrets and shadow. What a treat such a dinner would be.

Thank you so much for inviting me here. And thanks for such unique questions.

Highland Blessings!
Sue-Ellen Welfonder

The third book in the Highland Warriors trilogy…
Three proud warriors locked in a struggle for victory.
Three beguiling women united in their vow to restore peace.

At the King’s request, chieftain Alasdair MacDonald has sworn to preserve the peace in the Glen of Many Legends. Though he’s handsome and fearless, his warrior’s heart belongs only to his beloved land—until the fair sister of his oldest enemy shatters his defenses, branding his skin with a single touch, and sealing his fate with one stolen kiss . . .

Lady Marjory Mackintosh will do anything to unite the warring clans, even seduce Alasdair MacDonald. She has loved the rugged Highlander since she first saw him and now, as temptation leads to surrender, Marjory dares to possess him, body and soul. But a dangerous new menace enters the Glen, and he will stop at nothing to strip Alasdair of his honor—and the only woman who can claim his heart.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out the Highland Warrior series: 
Click for info. 

2 lucky commenters will win a copy of The Chieftain and Seduction of a Highland Warrior 

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment answering the question: What is your favorite thing about Scottish themed romances?
  • US ONLY, NO PO Boxes
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win these books. I want to read both of them. I love Highlander romances!!! Why? Three words: Men in kilts!


redzsm said...

Thats so easy! The brogue & the kilts!!!! No freakin' question about that. Highlander novels are my absolute favorite kind of love story ♡♥♡

redzsm said...

Thats so easy! The brogue & the kilts!!!! No freakin' question about that. Highlander novels are my absolute favorite kind of love story ♡♥♡

Margaret Mallory said...

Thanks for the wonderful feature! It's great to be here "on tour" with Sue-Ellen. :)

Good luck to the commenters.


lavendersbluegreen said...

Well, it starts with the men in kilts, and it ends with those same men, everything about Scottish themed stories, heck I even adore Hamish Macbeth in MC Beaton's mystery series!

sheryl said...

I love Highlanders! They have always been a favorite of mine. I love the location, the hot man in a kilt with a large sword and the brogue. Sigh!

Kathy Garuti said...

Good grief, Sue-Ellen you can't put fingers to keyboard that you haven't sent me off to Scotland! Even in your answer above for pleasure reading I was gone.

Good morning Margaret, it's been a great tour to follow. I still have a few earlier stops to hit that missed due to our blizzard.

Answer to question - I read Scottish themed romances to be transported to Scotland. I have a Scottish mother and the pull to the land is fierce.

gamistress66 said...

there's the sexy alpha hero in a kilt, the sassy heroine who knocks him for a loop & then there's the sense of honor & family of the clan -- what's not to like :) thanks for the giveaway. :)

Kathy Garuti said...


Love your screen name. I love MC Beaton's Macbeth. I also love the BBC TV series based on it. They key to loving the series are the words "bases on".

Joanne said...

Sexy men in kilts, the castles, the beautiful countryside, the accents. I could go on and on, but I won't. Thanks for the giveaway.


Sue-Ellen Welfonder said...

Good Morning! Thank you so much for hosting us on the tour. This is our last day and you've given us such a beautiful feature ~ THANK YOU! What a great way to wrap up the tour.

Hi Margaret ~ It's been fun touring with you! You've been a fantastic partner.

Everyone else, thank you so much for looking in today and helping Margaret and I celebrate the tour's finale. Good luck in the drawings!

Liz said...

I've never made it to Scotland so books are the closest I can get. Would love to see those cute little haggis cavorting on the mountainside.

catslady said...

I don't think I have any different answers than everyone above - we all seem to like the same things!! Loved the interviews - it's always nice to learn something more about the authors. Looking forward to both books!


Carol L. said...

Great questions. I've had such fun following the tour.
I have such a love for Scotland even though I've never been. :) Go figure.
But reading Scottish Historical Romance takes me there. Lets me meet her people and to realize truly what strong people they were. They loved fiercely and the kilted Highlanders are truly my favorite along with their sexy brogue. :)
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

cheryl c said...

I think I just love the qualities of a Highlander hero-strength, loyalty, protectiveness, possessiveness, and courage. Sigh... :-)

castings at mindspring dot com

Kai said...

It's the men in kilt but it is the history of the Scotland that makes it so awesome and magical.


Margaret Mallory said...

I've enjoyed reading Sue-Ellen's interviews on our tour.

Thanks for all the comments. It's great to see so many lovers of Scotland & Highlanders here!


Anonymous said...

Kilted men, of course! :D

Marcy Shuler

Glittergirl said...

I love the brogue rolling off the kilted highland laird's tongue as his swings his claymore rescuing his troublesome fair maiden in trouble once again! Highland romances are larger than life and I love the romance of the people and land. Thanks for the tour ladies!

Trudy said...

A degree in History didn't prepare me for the taste of medieval times; I didn't have time to fully investigate the period. Now, thanks, to romance novels, I can go back and see how the people lived, loved and fought; how countries came to be; watch the culture evolve and get transported to another time. I love the idea of the Highlands, the mist, the clans and their ideals.

AutumnFire said...

Who wouldn't love the handsome men, those brogues, and the beautiful Scottish lands? I'm sorry I missed several stops on the blog tour, but cataloging books in for my library has kept me very busy! I sure wish I could catalog Marjory's and Sue-Ellen's books instead of "Surgical technology for the surgical technologist" (yes, seriously!) or the latest government publication from Congressional Quarterly Press. Although, come to think of it, if I was I would probably be reading them instead of cataloging them. Oh, well!

No need to enter me in the drawing. I'm just glad I was able to make one of the blog tour stops today.

Bullrem said...

My favorite thing about Scottish novels is the power and truth of the Ole Sod that the authors bring out and I love that they do it with flawed heroes and heroines. Scotland is a magical place that calls to my heart. Margaret loves to make me cry and Sue-Ellen loves to show me the power of the people. I love them all. I would also love to win these books. Thank you for having Sue-Ellen and Margaret here today on your blog and for having this give away. Helen in Ark.

Theresa N. said...

The sexy scottish men.
Theresa N

Unknown said...

I love the accents. I think every author kind of does them a little differently and I think it's really interesting.

Leah Weller (leahluvsmedieval) said...

My favorite thing about Scottish romances are the battles. The men who bravely swing their weapons for what they love and believe in. The way they speak and the proud way they carry themselves and the love they show their women. Plus my soul yearns for that medieval era and place. Sometimes I feel like a moth that keeps hitting the light because it's drawn there but can never break through. Maybe one day I'll find that portal and be gone. :)

I've read both these books and highly recommend them to everyone! I'm drawn to Sue-Ellen and Margaret's writing because they can take my soul there through their words.

Leah Weller (leahluvsmedieval) said...

My favorite thing about Scottish romances are the battles. The men who bravely swing their weapons for what they love and believe in. The way they speak and the proud way they carry themselves and the love they show their women. Plus my soul yearns for that medieval era and place. Sometimes I feel like a moth that keeps hitting the light because it's drawn there but can never break through. Maybe one day I'll find that portal and be gone. :)

I've read both these books and highly recommend them to everyone! I'm drawn to Sue-Ellen and Margaret's writing because they can take my soul there through their words.

lorimeehan said...

I love their accent in my head and the hot alpha males who aren't afraid of anything except losing their love. *sigh*

Cathy P said...

I really enjoyed the interviews. I love both authors.

The things I love about Scottish romances: the kilts, the brogue, the clan loyalty, the fighting, and the romance between the hero and heroine.


lisagkendall said...

The Highland warrior of course is my favorite thing. Thanks for the post and the giveaway. lisagk(at)yahoo

Z said...

Please don't enter me to win. Very good Q & A session.
Hello Sue-Ellen and Margaret. Loved Seduction of a Highland Warrior. Finished The Chieftain today Margaret and I enjoyed it immensely.

jmcgaugh said...

Highlanders in kilts!

bn100 said...

the accent

Melissa Limoges said...

I'm starting to feel like I'm stalking you ladies now. :) Favorite thing about Scottish themed romances.. hmm. I suppose a combination of the self-assured, hard-bodied Highlander that takes what he wants. Gotta love that. :)

Unknown said...

The hot men and their accents

Unknown said...

I love imagining those muscles and that brogue!

Margaret Mallory said...

After these comments, I'm never going to feel defensive again about making ALL my heroes exceedingly good looking! Thanks, Ladies. :)

Anonymous said...

The land and the culture formed a people that were strong, loyal, and dedicated to their clan and country. They were willing to sacrifice for the good of both. Aside from that, who can resist a man in a kilt.

librarypat AT comcast DOT net

Anonymous said...

The land and the culture formed a people that were strong, loyal, and dedicated to their clan and country. They were willing to sacrifice for the good of both. Aside from that, who can resist a man in a kilt.

librarypat AT comcast DOT net

Lexi said...

You can hardly get any more romantic than a strapping Highlander in a kilt speaking sweet nothings with a deep sexy burr. And the beautiful.

Margaret nice choice on Diana Gabaldon! What I wouldn't give to pick her brain on Jamie, fun!

Sue-Ellen, medieval huh. I love medieval books, and there are not too many out there. Another terribly romantic period...well, as long as I am not living there.

Di said...

Highlanders are big, courageous and dedicated that speak with a brogue - what's not to love?!

sallans d at yahoo dot com

Natasha said...

The men and the accents!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Beppe DM said...


LilMissMolly said...

I love Scots and Highlanders!

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