
Sealed With a Kiss: Máire Clairmont and Giveaway

2011 Golden Heart winner Máire Claremont first fell in love with Mr. Rochester, not Mr. Darcy. Drawn to his dark snark, she longed to find a tortured hero of her own… until she realized the ramifications of Mr. Rochester locking his frst wife up in his attic. Discovering the errors of her ways, Máire now looks for a real-life Darcy and creates deliciously dark heroes on the page. Oh, and she wants everyone to know her name is pronounced Moira. Her parents just had to give her an Irish Gaelic name.

Places to find Máire:

You have changed my life and filled it with wonder. I thought all was lost. That I would never be free or escape my grief. It seemed as if I would never break away from my prison and I would be a captive all my days. I even believed I deserved to be there, in the asylum. But you, in your infinite goodness, showed me that I deserved only love.

The love you have given me taught me that no matter what we have done or what our pasts have held, we are all worthy. So many people will seek the love we have, and possibly never find it. But we refused to give up. Even after I was certain I could never have you. I married first for duty and now I have had the chance to marry for my heart.

Every day I am blessed. Blessed to have a man as caring and determined as you. When I fell, you were there to carry me. Now, that I am strong, you are there to walk beside me. I could never dream that I would have such a companion to spend my life with.

Fate brought us together as children, immediately awaking an affinity between us. And while it seemed we would be forever asunder, fate had a different plan. Thank you my love for having the strength to face your demons and help me battle mine. Thank you for your courage. It has given me courage. Thank you for being loving, beautiful you. I know that our child will grow into the most wonderful of beings with our love. My joy cannot be expressed in something so simple as words. So, I give my heart in your keeping, knowing it will be cherished and protected always.

The best is yet to come, my love.

Check out Eva and Ian's love story in The Dark Lady

The Victorian era was full of majestic beauty and scandalous secrets—a time when corsets were the least of a woman’s restrictions, and men could kill or be killed in the name of honor....

Lord Ian Blake has returned from India a broken man. Years ago, he pledged to Lady Eva Carin—his childhood companion and " first love—that he would bring her husband back alive. His failure haunts him. But even his jade soul can’t anticipate the shocking sight of beautiful, independent Eva confined in a madhouse....

Locked in an asylum, forgotten by society, Eva is adrift in both body and mind. For Ian to break her free, they must cross a powerful enemy—and prove her sanity to England’s unforgiving aristocracy. But the biggest danger of all may come when the secrets of Eva’s tragic past are finally unlocked....

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out whats up for grabs.

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  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for Máire
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter
  • US Shipping ONLY

    **Don't forget to head over to Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance to check out Ian's letter. 

    Good Luck  =)
    a Rafflecopter giveaway


    Unknown said...

    Hi Maire, The Dark Lady sounds like an awesome book. How did the idea for the book come to you?

    Maria said...

    Sounds like another wonderful book to read! I love discovering new authors to read and am always amazed at the ideas they come up with.

    sheryl said...

    This haaas been on my wish list for awhile now. I really need to get it, especially after that letter. Thanks

    Joanne said...

    Thanks for sharing that beautiful letter. The Dark Lady sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it to see more of Ian and Eva. Do we find out who put Eva in the asylum?

    Rita Wray said...

    I enjoyed reading the letter, the book sounds fabulous.

    Karen H said...

    I'm really enjoying reading these romantic love letters. And I'm finding a bunch of new books to add to my groaning TBR shelves!

    Mary D said...

    I love finding new authors too! This book sounds really good,it will be going on my TBR list.

    Abigail Sharpe said...

    Maire! Happy Release!

    Dark Lady sound so... dark! I love it!

    Did you enjoy the research into asylums?

    Beautiful Disaster said...

    The excerpt has me intrigued. I haven't read anything by this author but will add this book to my TBR list.
    lorih824 at yahoo dot com

    cheryl c said...

    The heroine has been locked away in an asylum? I must know the rest of the story!

    Unknown said...

    Beautiful letter. Eva and Ian sound fantastic!

    Sharlene said...

    This sounds like a great book! Can't wait to read it!

    AquarianDancer said...

    I love these letters! They are so sweet. It is nice to see a bit after the story ends.

    Annwitch said...

    The cover of The Dark Lady is beautiful, it drew me in right away. The story sounds heart wrenching and heart warming.

    Carol L. said...

    The Dark Lady is on my TRL. I loved Eva letter to Ian.
    Thanks for the opportunity.
    lain and Annie from Pamela Clare's Surrender.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

    Anonymous said...

    I love finding out Ian and Eva had a connection from their childhood. I'm looking forward to reading this book.

    Marcy Shuler

    Unknown said...

    I love the letters, I am so glad that Ian and Eva were able to overcome, thier hardships together and thrive together.

    kipha said...

    Thank you for her lovely heart warming letter to Ian.

    Jen B. said...

    Wow! What a beautiful letter. I am really intrigued. I want to know what secrets he helped her uncover and why she thought she belonged in the asylum.

    Maire Claremont said...

    Wow! What a great question!. Honestly, as I was trying to sleep one night a scene just came to me! I had to get up and start writing and then I researched from there.

    Maire Claremont said...

    :D New authors love to be discovered!!!! Hooray that The Dark Lady sounds wonderful!

    Melissa Limoges said...

    Wonderful letter! I can't wait to read this book. I've had my eye on it.

    Maire Claremont said...

    Wooohoooo! So glad to hear you're excited to read and that the letter only encourages you. Let me know what you think!

    Maire Claremont said...

    You're so welcome! Eva's brother in law puts her in the asylum but why? That's the question, eh?

    Maire Claremont said...

    Hooray! I'm so glad you enjoyed the letter! I think the book is fabulous too. :D

    Maire Claremont said...

    Aren't the letters fun?? I loved writing them!

    Di said...

    I love a bit of a mystery in a romance and throwing an asylum into the mix certainly adds an extra bit of suspense.

    Cathy P said...

    Hi, Maire! You are a new author for me. The Dark Lady sounds really good, and I loved the love letters. Thanks for the giveaway!


    Ellen Thompson said...

    This sounds like such a great book! I am definitely going to be reading this one soon. I loved the letter.

    June M. said...

    I love the sound of this book. Childhood friends turned lovers, and the difficulties that they have each went through in life sounds like it will make a terrific story. Thanks so much for sharing both letters with us :)

    Unknown said...

    I've really enjoyed reading all the letters, they have been great.
    Would you ever write in another genre? And if so, what would it be?

    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

    SheriV said...

    I loved all the letters, it's great to have the extra insight into the characters.

    smurfettev AT gmail DOT com

    jmcgaugh said...

    Those were wonderful, heartfelt letters.
    jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

    Unknown said...

    I love the Victorian era ahh if i could go back in time and where the pretty dresses i would lol..the letters were also really sweet

    Filia Oktarina said...

    Can't wait to read this book!! The cover book was very amazing and the title book make curious with storyline!!

    Natasha said...

    Sounds really good!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

    Maureen said...

    That is a lovely letter and it looks like an interesting story.

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