
Interview with Author Jennifer Lyon and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC author, Jennifer Lyon. Jennifer is celebrating the release of The Proposition and has stopped by to answer a few questions. Please give Jennifer a warm welcome.

Jennifer Lyon grew up under the shadow of the Matterhorn at Disneyland in Anaheim, California. She attended Walt Disney elementary school and her very first playmate was her beloved dog, Duke, who was cast in the role of hero in all their adventures.

Clearly Jen was born to daydream. But it took her years to figure out how to turn her imagination into a career as an author. After marrying and becoming a full time mom to three sons, Jen launched her career with the award winning Samantha Shaw Mystery Series and other romantic mysteries under the name Jennifer Apodaca. Later, she took the name Jennifer Lyon, combined her love of witches, alpha males and sizzling romance into another award winning series, the Wing Slayer Hunters.

Jennifer has several new releases coming out this year. THE PROPOSITION, the first book in her new Plus One Chronicles was just released on February 24 and following later in the year will be Book Two: POSSESSION - Coming 5/28/13 and Book Three: OBSESSION - Coming 9/24/13.

Writing under Jennifer Apodaca she will be releasing the first book in her Once A Marine series, titled THE BABY BARGAIN which will be out in March 2013 from Entangled Publishing in their Indulgence line.

Places to find Jennifer:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I'm pretty ordinary. I found my husband at the dog pound…now I know what you're thinking. You got a man instead of a dog? Are you crazy? Well here's the thing, my husband puts gas in my car and washes it. A dog can't do that. So…Okay I'm kidding. I was working at the animal shelter, and my husband was sent there to do an audit. We fell in love, married and had three sons. I loved being a full time mom, but I also wanted to write. Eventually, my husband went back to school for his masters degree, and I realized it was time for me to start perusing my dream too. It took me eight long years, but I finally published.

A decade later, I'm writing under two names, Jennifer Lyon and Jennifer Apodaca. It can be confusing at times!

The one thing that never ever fails to make me smile, is my son's dog Bailey. He's a little Miniature Pincher and he owns my heart.

Did you always want to be a writer?
Yes and no. I always loved to read and write, but it took me a while to believe in myself enough to really try.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
Both. I start out by planning/plotting, determined that the next book will be easier to write than the last. That impossible dream amuses my characters. I'm pretty sure they have a FB page where they secretly get together and think up ways to throw me off my plan and force me to write by the seat of my pants about half way through the book. But I do try to start off with at least a premise and a general idea of where the story will go.

Where do your ideas come from?
Life. The Plus One Chronicles came from attending a series of family events, and someone there attended with their “plus one” who was a friend but not a date. They really were just friends, and when they weren't in relationships, the acted as each others' plus one. That intrigued me. However, being a writer, I built on that concept and changed it significantly. That's just one example of where ideas come from.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
Ex-Ultimate Fighter Sloane Michaels has a dark agenda. Kat Thayne just wants to hide behind the light, sweet creations at her bakery. When a dangerous, sexy proposition brings them together, will Sloane chose vengeance or passion?

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
I like a variety, but romance is my main genre. For years I read (and wrote!) a lot of paranormal, but I'm reading more contemporary lately. I also like mystery, romantic suspense and thrillers. I'm not big on horror, although I've read a lot of Dean Koontz and Stephan King.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
I never have one all-time favorite. The last book I read that I loved was BEAUTY FROM PAIN by Georgia Cates. It's a self published e-book, the first in a connected series.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Description because it bores me But also, scenes that are going to emotionally tear my characters apart. I hat putting them through that pain. But I do it!

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Stephan King because his mind if fascinating, EL James because I'd love to know how she is handling her incredible rise to fame with 50 Shades of Grey and Larissa Ione just because I love her books.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I'm writing the second book POSSESSION in The Plus One Chronicles. I also have a new series coming out March 4th under my Jennifer Apodaca name. The title is THE BABY BARGAIN and the Twitter style description is:

Former Marine, Adam Waters keeps his heart on ice, even with the one woman he can't forget; hometown girl, Megan Young. But when Adam learns the shocking truth that Megan's child is really his, will his heart thaw or turn to stone?

My heroine, Kat, owns her own bakery, and she wants to know: What is your favorite dessert?

Rich, sexy and volatile, Sloane Michaels has a dark agenda that keeps his heart on ice. His extreme wealth gives him the control he craves and his skills as an ex UFC fighter the tools he’ll need to extract his ultimate revenge. But when the woman he never believed he’d see again crosses his path, Sloane is caught between the vengeance he needs and a sexual conquest he craves.

Kat Thayne has been in survival mode for six years, hiding behind the sweet creations for her bakery. But when a random carjacking brings her face-to-face with her darkest fears and hottest fantasy, Kat is forced out of hiding and offered a dangerously passionate proposition. One she knows she isn’t strong enough to refuse.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Smashwords | iTunes |

Check out the Plus One Chronicles:
Click for info.

Jennifer Lyon's
Blog Tour Schedule
02/28 - Pimpin' Reads
03/10 - Over the Edge

Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner will win an eBook copy of The Proposition
  • 1 lucky winner from the ENTIRE tour will win a $50 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter:
  • Please answer Jennifer's question: My heroine, Kat, owns her own bakery, and she wants to know: What is your favorite dessert?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter forms


Joanne said...

Congrats on the new release. The Propositioon sounds fantastic. Can't wait to read it to see more of Sloane and Kat.
I have two favorite desserts.. Black Forest cake and Tiramisu. Yum!


erin said...

Thanks for the fun post and congrats to jennifer on the new release! I love red velvet cupcakes :)

krg said...

Thanks for the interview and for introducing me to Jennifer Lyon! This books sound awesome! My favorite dessert is chocolate cake with choc. frosting!

JenM said...

I adore Mallomars - they are a Nabisco cookie with a cookie crumb bottom, marshmallow top and rich dark chocolate coating. They are mainly sold in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and only in the winter (the coating spoils in the summer).

Meghan said...

My favorite is just ice cream... specifically PB S'mores by Perry's and Holy Cow by Byrne and Dairy.
Thanks for the giveaway!
mestith at gmail dot com

Jennifer Lyon said...

Joanne, thanks! Love your dessert choices!

Erin, thank you. Red velvet is a classic :-)

Krg, I'm a chocolate girl too.

JenM, that's a new one to me. I'll check it out!

Meghan, we can never go wrong with ice cream.

Joni said...

My favorite desert is Apple Bread Cake and Blueberry Muffins.

Sue Ellen Robertson said...

Congrats jennifer. I love pumkin and pecan pie.. But not the mixture of both in one pie.. Had hubby grandmother use us as a ginea pig to try it out. Lol

Victoria said...

Congratulations Jenn!!
Kat reminds me of you because you're such a good baker and a strong woman.
My favorite desert is double chocolate mocha cake which I make for my middle son every yr on his birthday.

Theresa Esterline said...

Congrats Jennifer. Let Kat know these are my favorite deserts: if I'm cooking, warm homemade chocolate chip cookies; if my husband is cooking, his version of Emeril's banana cream pie; then eating out there is Blondie brownies, red velvet cake, I could go on and on!

Victoria said...

I meant dessert ;). I'll blame it on sticky keys.

Cathy P said...

Congrats on your new release, Jennifer! My favorite is either chocolate eclairs or chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. If I'm baking, it is chocolate chip cookies, but I don't like the store bought ones.


bewitched2424 said...

My favorite dessert from a bakery are Napoleons. They're SO good!!!

My favorite dessert from a restaurant is typically Creme Brulee.

My favorite dessert from home usually ends up being ice cream and/or homemade cookies!!

Unknown said...

anything with sweet cream filling ... :)

jukyjoauka at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I'd have to pick cheesecake. Not that I get it very often, but it's so good!

Marcy Shuler

Jane said...

Congrats on the new release, Jen. I love cheesecake and red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.

Autumn said...

Congrats on the new release! My favorite dessert, wow that is so hard. Even though I am no longer pregnant this is still my favorite. Bananas, vanilla ice cream, chocolate chip cookies, with chocolate syrup and a cherry. Yummy!

Booklover Sue said...

congrats on your release! I love chocolate eclairs!

susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

Natasha said...

My favorite is sugar cookies or a cupcake with buttercream icing.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

My favorite dessert is my mother's chocolate pie. The recipe came from her mothher and is a rich, dark chocolate with homemade meringue.

lavendersbluegreen said...

I don't usually do dessert.. but I do like key lime pie - just the lime part, cheesecake, carrot cake... or even just a really good apple....

Unknown said...

congratulation on the new release
my fav is cheesecake
thank you for the giveaway :)


Mary Preston said...


I can't pass up chocolate cake.


Leslie Miner said...

Definitely cheesecake.

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