
Sealed With a Kiss: Anna Campbell and Giveaway

Australian Anna Campbell has won numerous awards for her passionate, emotional romances set in the late Regency period. Her next full-length release is A RAKE'S MIDNIGHT KISS (Book 2 of Sons of Sin, September 2013). Anna loves to hang around on social media (too much!).

Places to find Anna:

Sidonie Forsythe and Jonas Merrick meet as enemies in his half-ruined castle on the Devon cliffs. When he offers her a bargain - seven nights in his bed to save her sister from disaster, she accepts, not realizing that over the course of a week, she'll discover a man like no other and a love that will defy their world. At the end of SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE'S BED, Sidonie and Jonas find their happy ending. Jonas and Sidonie are briefly separated in A RAKE'S MIDNIGHT KISS, book 2 of Sons of Sin (September 2013), when Jonas's friends Camden Rothermere, the Duke of Sedgemoor, and Sir Richard Harmsworth ask for his help. It's during this time that they exchange these letters.

Barstow Hall, Wiltshire
30th September 1827

I can't tell you with what joy I received your note from yesterday. I know that you're only the mere space of a county away, but I miss you more with every minute.

Hurry back, my love, hurry back. My arms ache to hold you and my lips burn to kiss you and I'm dying to tell you all the fascinating things our daughter has done in the last day. Yes, I know, I'm a doting, foolish mamma. Just as I'm a doting, foolish wife. I suspect there's no curing me either of my love for our lovely Consuela or my love for you.

Although in a way, I lie when I say I miss you. I feel that since we've married, you've become part of every breath I take. I thought I fell in love with you during those days of ecstasy at Castle Craven, days that seem so long ago now, although in reality it's less than a year since I met you and you changed my life forever. But with every minute, I love you more.

So how can I miss someone who is with me each second? It's quite a conundrum, isn't it? One for your brilliant mind to stew over as you wend your way back to me tomorrow.

Ride swiftly, my love, ride swiftly. I hope that horse of yours runs faster than the wind. Tell him that if he doesn't, I'll put something nasty in his oats.

You're right, I did smile at the idea of the elegant Sir Richard Harmsworth falling head over heels in love, difficult as I find it to picture the superb baronet allowing himself such a loss of control. I'm sure if you accused him of being in love, he denied it as vehemently as he'd deny it if you accused him of wearing last year's coat. If he's in the state you say, it makes me wonder about Miss Barrett. She must be something out of the common way if she's upset our paragon's famous sangfroid.

I promise you a suitably wifely welcome when you gallop back to me, my darling. I wish you were in my wifely arms right now, although I suppose I must be generous and share your magnificence with the world - at least now and then.

I long for you more than I can say.

Your stubbornly and eternally loving wife

Check out Sidonie and Jonas' love story in Seven Nights in a Rogue's Bed

Will a week of seduction...

Desperate to save her sister's life, Sidonie Forsythe has agreed to submit herself to a terrible fate: Beyond the foreboding walls of Castle Craven, a notorious, hideously scarred scoundrel will take her virtue over the course of seven sinful nights. Yet instead of a monster, she encounters a man like no other. And during this week, she comes to care for Jonas Merrick in ways that defy all logic-even as a dark secret she carries threatens them both.

...Spark a lifetime of passionate surrender?

Ruthless loner Jonas knows exactly who he is. Should he forget, even for a moment, the curse he bears, a mere glance in the mirror serves as an agonizing reminder. So when the lovely Sidonie turns up on his doorstep, her seduction is an even more delicious prospect than he originally planned. But the hardened outcast is soon moved by her innocent beauty, sharp wit, and surprising courage. Now as dangerous enemies gather at the gate to destroy them, can their new, fragile love survive?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

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  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for Anna
  • Must leave your email address along with your comment to be entered in the giveaway. 
  • International Shipping Available

    **Don't forget to head over to Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance to check out Jonas' letter to Sidonie. 

    Good Luck  =)


    JessS said...

    This sounds so good! I really love romances where they start out, not necessarily hatin one another, but at least in conflict. Makes for so much delicious tension! And the letter is making me VERY curios for how it's resolved.


    mariska said...

    Anna is one of my favorite author in romance genre :) it's been a long time since the last book by her that i read. looking forward to read this one, Anna !

    uniquas at ymail dot com

    Fiona Marsden said...

    Oh I'm going to be so thrilled to see a little of what happens with Sidonie and Jonas as the Sons of Sin series unfolds. Such a perfect couple. I almost cried, okay just a little sniffle and one tear, reading Jonas' letter.

    Carol L. said...

    I'm looking forward to reading the Sons of Sin series. I love Anna's Heroes and have always enjoyed reading her books. Thanks for the opportunity.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

    sheryl said...

    I have added this to my wish list after reading that letter and the blurb for the book. I am looking forward to reading it. Thanks for the chance

    Unknown said...

    Seven Nights In A Rogue's Bed sounds fab, I love an outcats hero! Definitely added to my TBR pile :)

    Eli Yanti said...

    Is the letter put in the book Anna :)

    Lory Lee said...

    Love everything about you Anna. Sooo excited to read this book and your coming books :D

    Lory Lee said...

    email: simonelorzz (AT) gmail (DOT) com

    Unknown said...

    Beautiful book cover and very interesting description of the story.
    olga_sergejeva (at)

    Rita Wray said...

    Sounds like a good read and the book cover is lovely.

    May said...

    I read this book last week and loved it. I loved the ending especially where everyone lives happily ever after. :)

    maybe31 at

    Linda said...

    I love Beauty & the Beast tropes! I'd love a copy, pick me!!

    Beautiful Disaster said...

    I love your books Anna however haven't read this one yet. I can't wait to get started.
    lorih824 at yahoo dot com

    Unknown said...

    I loved this book, the writing was beautiful and the characters very likeable. I am patiently waiting the next :D

    SharonD said...

    The cover of this one is absolutely beautiful and I love the name Sidonie (never heard it before). Would love to read about her and Jonas.

    Cathy P said...

    Hi, Anna! I love your books, and have been wanting to read SEVEN NIGHTS IN A ROGUE'S BED, but money has been very tight. I am looking forward to reading it and A RAKE'S MIDNIGHT KISS when it comes out.


    cheryl c said...

    This sounds wonderful! Beauty and the Beast stories are a special favorite of mine.

    cheryl c said...

    email address- castings at mindspring dot com

    Unknown said...

    What a beautiful letter........I so Can't wait to read this book. This series sounds delectable, when will all the books be out?


    Lady Milano said...

    Love historical romance so much.
    My friend has recommended your book, Seven Nights in Rogue's Bed
    Wish I could read this soon. ;)

    Lady Milano said...

    lady_milano3 at yahoo dot com

    suzi1811 said...

    I love the sound of this book, I've got it on my wishlist!I love the Beauty and The Beast overtones to the story as that is one of my favourite fairytales! Thank you for the chance to win a copy of this book!
    suzi1811 @

    Amber said...

    Ohhh this sounds like a good book it will def go on my TBR list!! Thanks for the giveaway!!


    Beebs said...

    Awwww! The letters are so sweet, so nice to carch up with Jonas and Sidonie :)

    sienny said...

    *sigh* it's a sweet letter.. Both letters are swoon worthy. Thanks anna!

    smile_1773 at yahoo dot com

    Anonymous said...

    Love regency romances..I've not heard of Anna before so glad to find another book to add to my TBR...Thank you:)

    Anna Campbell said...

    Don't forget to check out Jonas's letter over at Romancing Rakes:

    Anna Campbell said...

    Hey, Jess, if the letter has stirred your curiosity, my work is done! ;-) Thanks for saying you enjoyed it. LOTS of conflict between the hero and heroine in this one before they get their happy ending.

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks, Mariska! So glad you enjoy the books!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Fiona, how lovely that you cried. I must admit I choked up writing them too - especially when I think of what the poor things went through before they got their happy endings! This was actually a really fun thing to do!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks, Carol! So glad you love my heroes - I develop a bit of a crush on them myself. I'm a serial flirt when it comes to romance heroes!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks so much, Sheryl! So glad you enjoyed the letters. They were a fun thing to do!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Hi Cerian! This book's very much Beauty and the Beast - including the transformation from monster to prince. He's outcast at the start but love brings him back kicking and screaming to the human race. Always love that story arc.

    Anna Campbell said...

    Eli, I wrote the letters especially for this blog. Although I'm seriously thinking of putting them on my website as a little added extra.

    Anna Campbell said...

    Wow, Lory! What a lovey thing to say! So glad you're looking forward to reading 7 Nights!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks so much, Olga! I just love that cover to death. I still go wow every time I see it - and as you can imagine, by now I've seen it a LOT! ;-)

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks, Ingeborg. So glad that lovely cover is getting some lurve!

    Anna Campbell said...

    May, thanks for saying how much you enjoyed 7 Nights. Yeah, these two really had to work for their happily ever after!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Good luck, Linda! Yeah, I'm a beauty and the beast fan from way back too.

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks for saying you love the books, BD. Good luck!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Lily, thank you so much! What a lovely thing to say. I'm currently putting the last touches to Richard's story (which is why he got a mention in the letters). He was a fun character to spend all this time with!

    Anonymous said...

    This book sounds wonderful. I'll definitely check out this series. How have I not known about Anna Campbell before now?

    Marcy Shuler

    Anonymous said...

    I checked out Jonas's letter, but because they don't allow anonymous posting on that site I cannot comment or even have a chance to win over there. Thank goodness I can post here.

    Marcy Shuler

    Anna Campbell said...

    Sharon, I read Sidonie in a romance novel (I'd forgotten it was a Liz Carlyle until my friend Christina Brooke pointed it out). And isn't that cover lovely? Love the gold!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Cathy, sorry to hear life has been a bit tough lately. Hang in there. Thanks for saying you're looking forward to the two Sons of Sin books. x

    Anna Campbell said...

    Cheryl, BATB to me is the absolutely classic romance. Pretty much all of my stories have at least a touch of that fairytale but in this one, it's overt. Jonas even refers to himself as the Beast to Sidonie's Beauty at one stage!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thank you so much, Joy! So glad you enjoyed the letters. I've got a novella out (the Duke of Sedgemoor's sister Lydia and her childhood sweetheart) in August and then A RAKES' MIDNIGHT KISS comes out in September. I've started work on the third book, the Duke of Sedgemoor's story - title and release date to be confirmed but I think some time in 2014 with another novella in between, hopefully. So lots more to come!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Lady, please thank your friend for recommending my books. Nothing better than word of mouth, is there? Good luck!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Good luck, Suzi! And thanks for putting 7 Nights on your wishlist! One of the things I love about Beauty and the Beast (apart from the unusually pro-active heroine for a fairytale) is that it's about the transformative power of love. The Jonas who writes to Sidonie isn't at all the same man who starts the book with very sicked intentions indeed!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks, Amber! So glad the letter awoke your interest in this story. Good luck!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks, Beebs! This was such a fun thing to do. Jonas and Sidonie appear in A RAKE'S MIDNIGHT KISS but definitely as a secondary couple. It was nice to put them center stage again!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks, Sienny! I think it's clear that Sidonie has continued to tease Jonas - and doesn't he just love it?

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks so much, Debi! So glad this put me on your radar. I'm a Regency romance fan too!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks so much for swinging by, Marcy. Sorry you had trouble on the other site. And so glad I've hit your radar now! Good luck!

    Nancy Northcott said...

    Anna, I read this over the weekend, so don't enter me in the giveaway. It was great, very wrenching and with a a fabulous HEA payoff!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Hey, thanks, Nancy! That's got me doing the happy dance. So glad you loved 7 Nights!!!!

    Mary D said...

    I really, really want this book!!!


    Anna Campbell said...

    Hey, thanks, Mary! Glad it's tickled your fancy. Good luck.

    catslady said...

    Love Anna's books, but I need to play catch up!!! And all her covers are just gorgeous. I particularly like the yellow ones!


    Anna Campbell said...

    Catslady, thank you so much! Delighted you love the books!!! Yeah, I've been lucky with yellow/gold, haven't I? The Reckless Surrender cover was my fave before this and it was definitely a yellow submarine!

    Annwitch said...

    I love a beauty and the beast story. Seven Nights in a Rogues Bed sounds wonderful, I can't wait to read it.

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks for swinging by, Ann! Yeah, I'm a sucker for the whole BATB thing too!

    Barbara E. said...

    I loved the letter, it was sweet. I've been meaning to pick up Seven Nights in a Rogue's Bed, but somehow I haven't had a chance to yet. I'll have to make a point to pick it up next time I'm book shopping. Thanks for the reminder. :D

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com

    kipha said...

    What do you have planned for Sir Richard?? I can't wait.


    lorimeehan said...

    The book sounds great. Thank you for the giveaway. I've not read any of your books before.

    Melissa Limoges said...

    Sounds like such an awesome read. I loved the letter and the blurb.


    Jen B. said...

    I love the statement "suitably wifely welcome". Tee hee! I have to use that on my husband soon! jepebATverizonDOTnet

    Anna Campbell said...

    Hey, Barb, cool on picking up 7 Nights. Hope you have fun with it. I tend to pre-order books I want from the Book Depository. They're generally discounted if you order before publication day and it saves me having to remember! ;-)

    Anna Campbell said...

    Kipha, Richard was huge fun to write. He's not nearly as tortured as Jonas and he hides his darker side beneath wit - a bit Scarlet Pimpernelish!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Lori, how fun that you've just discovered my books. Good luck in the draw!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks, Melissa! Writing the letter was actually a really nice experience - once I'd realized I just HAD to be mushy, LOL!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Can't wait to hear what your husband thinks of his suitably wifely welcome, Jen. One of the fun things about Regency books is that we get to use some cool euphemisms!

    Unknown said...

    I do enjoy those those euphemisms, they can be classic and fun. How did you decide to write in the historical genre?

    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

    Anna Campbell said...

    HI Julianne! I just always loved to read historicals - they sweep you away to a larger-than-life world that I love. Love the fairytale quality of historicals too.

    Rachel R. said...

    Hi Anna! I read "Seven Nights in a Rogue's Bed" when it first came out, and very much enjoyed it. It's been on my mind since, and I keep finding myself thinking, "Gosh, that book was really good!" I especially loved the gothic overtones that made the story slightly spooky! Thanks for writing such an emotionally fulfilling version of my favorite fairytale! :)

    Natasha said...

    Sounds really good!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

    Anonymous said...

    Thank you for the post. I loved the beautiful letters. So heartfelt, so sincere. lisagk(at)yahoo(dot)com

    Anna Campbell said...

    Rachel, what a lovely thing to say. Thank you! I had huge fun with all the gothic elements, as I'm sure you can tell. Can't beat a ruined castle on a wild English cliff, can you?

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks, Natasha! Good luck!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks, Lisa! Actually it was surprisingly challenging to write them - ended up being a really worthwhile exercise!

    lavendersbluegreen said...

    I liked Sidonie's letter better. This giveaway has been very fun. Thanks!

    Anna Campbell said...

    That's what Jonas said! Thanks for swinging by and good luck!

    June M. said...

    I must say that I have loved each and every book that I have read of Anna's! I have not read this book yet but am definitely looking forward to it. And both letters were so great :)
    manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

    Chrisbails said...

    This book sounds great. Big fan of your books Anna. Great cover.
    My question is what are your top 3 auto-buy authors? What is your favorite genre to read?
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    christinebails at yahoo dot com

    Filia Oktarina said...

    The cover was beauty, i really love it.
    Love the letter to, i am definitely looking forward to reading this book.
    Thanks for giveaway :)
    filiafantasy at gmail dot com

    Anna Campbell said...

    Hey, thanks so much, June! That's the sort of thing a girl likes to hear first thing in the morning! x So glad you enjoyed the letters - I'm going to put them on my website. I think they illuminate Sidonie and Jonas's relationship!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Chris, thank you so much! And isn't that cover gorgeous? The gold really pops and I love that it's relevant to the story (Jonas's bedroom is a fantasy in gold). What a great question. Only three? LOL! I'll stick to historicals just to make it easier - Liz Carlyle, Christina Brooke, Miranda Neville. I read right across the genres. Historical, of course. I read a lot of category romance like Harlequin Supers and Sexys. I've got hooked on historical mysteries in the last two years or so - some great books out in that line and a lot have continuing romance plots which I love. I'll occasionally pick up a romantic suspense or a long contemporary. Even less occasionally I'll pick up a paranormal - used to read a lot of those but not so many now. So many great books out there, it's hard to keep up.

    Anna Campbell said...

    Artemis, thanks for the cover love. I didn't have any input - although when I handed the book in, they asked me for suggestions and I did mention Jonas's gold bedroom so perhaps I DID have input after all. I was absolutely delighted when I saw it for the first time. It really suits the story apart from being so beautiful.

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks, Filia! I was so lucky with that cover. It's my nicest one ever, I think. Good luck in the draw!

    Ellen Thompson said...

    This sounds like a great book. I'm really looking forward to reading it. Thanks for the great giveaway!

    thompsonem3 at aol dot com

    Anna Campbell said...

    Hey, thanks, Ellen. So glad this whetted your appetite for 7 Nights! Good luck! x

    bn100 said...

    Lovely letter.


    jmcgaugh said...

    I enjoyed the letter exchange between Jonas and Sidonie. As I've already won a copy of Seven Nights, please don't enter me in this particular giveaway. jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks, BN. Glad you enjoyed it!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Hey, JM, so glad you've already got the book! Glad you enjoyed the letters. Wasn't this a fun thing to do?

    Unknown said...

    Thank you Anna, I will definitely add them to my tbr list :)

    Maureen said...

    What a sweet letter and the story looks like a good one.
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

    Di said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Di said...

    such a romantic letter - does anybody write letters like that anymore in real life? It might go a long way if we did - and it would be such fun for those who come after to read them.
    sallans d at yahoo dot com

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks, Maureen! Always fun to revisit some beloved characters!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Di, I was wondering about love letters now. Perhaps they're love emails!

    Unknown said...

    Thanks for sharing the letter with us Anna, it was so sweet! The book description sounds wonderful!

    Karen H said...

    Loving these H/H love letters...what a great idea for a contest. I have several of your books on my groaning TBR shelves and always looking to add more!

    kareninnc at gmail dot com

    Anna Campbell said...

    Thanks so much, Dione! It was lovely having two happy people writing to each other - when you're writing a romance, generally they're in that stage BEFORE they're happy, LOL!

    Anna Campbell said...

    Karen, I thought this was a fabulous idea for a blog. So fabulous in fact that I'm going to put these letters on my website. I think readers really enjoy a peek into the characters' lives after the happily ever after. Hey, cool on my featuring on your TBR shelves! Thank you!

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