
Sealed With a Kiss: Valerie Bowman and Giveaway

Valerie Bowman writes Racy Regency Romps with a focus on sharp dialogue, engaging storylines, and heroines who take matters into their own hands! Publishers Weekly calls Secrets of a Wedding Night, an “enchanting, engaging debut that will have readers seeking future installments” and Romantic Times Book Reviews says, “This fast-paced, charming debut, sparkling with witty dialogue and engaging characters, marks Bowman for stardom.” Booklist gave it a starred review!

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Dear Reader,

I hope you all enjoy a wonderful February and a Happy Valentine's Day! I'm so excited to share the following letters with you. These letters are between Miss Amelia Templeton and Mr. Thaddeus Hammond. Amy and Thad are the heroine and hero of A Secret Proposal, an e-novella which came out in January from St. Martin’s Press. It's story 1.5 of my Secret Brides series and its about the young lady who cried off from the Marquis of Colton in my debut novel, SECRETS OF A WEDDING NIGHT. This story takes place after the conclusion of SECRETS OF A WEDDING NIGHT but before the beginning of SECRETS OF A RUNAWAY BRIDE (book 2 in the series, which will be released on 3/26). These letters were written before the start of A SECRET PROPOSAL while Amy and Thad were merely pen pals and friends, kept apart by the virulent hatred of Amelia’s mother. The last time Amelia saw Thad was the fateful morning that her brother, Paul, died in Thad’s company. It was soon after these letters were written that Amelia received a copy of that oh-so-scandalous pamphlet, Secrets of a Wedding Night, and the rest, as they say, is history...

Letter From Thaddeus to Amelia sent March 1816

I cannot tell you what your letters have meant over these last three years. I still remember that awful morning. How could I ever forget? If you hadn’t come to me, run out to my coach and asked me to write, I’d have no connection left with Paul’s family at all. For that I shall always be eternally grateful to you, Amy. You cannot know how much. I know you have helped me, Amy. You’ve helped me to grieve and to heal. I may only hope I have done the same for you. Your mother despises me and I cannot blame her. I had planned to tell you what happened that night, with Paul…someday. But that is all over now, isn’t it? I saw the announcement in the Times today and would like to be, if not the first to wish you well, than one of the many. Best wishes on your impending marriage to the Marquis of Colton. May you both be very happy together. With regret, wishing you happy leads me to the most unhappy part of my letter, Amy. I do not think it wise or prudent for us to continue our correspondence now that you are betrothed. Colton is a good man. He will treat you well. And if he does not, well, he shall have to answer to me. A married woman has little reason to correspond with a confirmed bachelor such as myself, especially given the fact that your Mother has never approved and I am hardly possessing of the reputation of someone you should have taken into confidence to begin with. It has been selfish of me to impose upon your charity for so long. Take care, Amy. I’d be lying if I said I would not miss your letters, but perhaps we shall meet again one day.

Check out Ameila and Thad's love story in A Secret Proposal

After reading a scandalous pamphlet entitled SECRETS OF A WEDDING NIGHT, Miss Amelia Templeton cried off from her engagement. But her mother is set on seeing her daughter land a peer before the end of the Season. Amelia will do her duty. This time she has a list of the oldest, and most titled men in the ton who are looking for a wife. She’ll marry one of them. But first she needs to get over her fear of a wedding night.She enlists the help of Mr. Thaddeus Hammond, a mere mister who is riddled with scandal, but worse, he’s her dead brother’s closest friend. Thad has never told the story of what happened the night Amelia’s brother died, but he did make her a promise. She issues him a scandalous proposal: spend the night with her to show her the real secrets of a wedding night.

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Check out the Secret Brides trilogy:
Click for more info. 

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Up For Grabs:

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  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for Valerie.
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    **Don't forget to head over to Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance to check out Amelia's letter to Thaddeus.

    Good Luck  =)
    a Rafflecopter giveaway


    Unknown said...

    I loved A Secret Proposal and can't wait to read more of your work!

    Linda said...

    A romance through correspondence? Lovely!

    sheryl said...

    I want to read this now, especially after that small snippet. I am dying to know what will happen

    Melissa Limoges said...

    Sounds like a really fun read. I'll have to check it out.

    laurie said...

    A romance through correspondence? Lovely!

    Unknown said...

    Am loving the letters, poor Thaddeus, I believe he's already in love with Amelia. Can't wait to read the book. Off to read Amelia's letter @ Romancing Rakes....


    erin said...

    Ooooh... sounds fabulous! Thanks for sharing!

    Valerie Bowman said...

    Thanks for the comments, ladies!

    Unknown said...

    I have secrets of the wedding night on the shelf! I have not had a chance to read it, but I will be soon.

    Amber said...

    I can't wait to read your books Valerie Bowman!!

    cheryl c said...

    Sounds like a wonderful story!

    Beautiful Disaster said...

    You are a new author for me. The excerpt sounds awesome and can't wait to read this book.
    lorih824 at yahoo dot com

    Valerie Bowman said...

    Thank you all so much!

    kipha said...

    A Secret Proposal was wonderful~! Their story was great and helped explained a lot... Thanks so much for the letters, they helped tie up their story.

    Anonymous said...

    Bought the book... There will be reading! :)

    Anonymous said...

    You're a new author for me, too, and from this letter it sounds like a great story. I can't wait to get the series.


    Readsalot81 said...

    I'll definitely have to check out A Secret Proposal! Thanks so much for sharing with us! :D

    Unknown said...

    A Secret Proposal sounds great, I can't wait to read it!

    Mary D said...

    I really like the sound of this book! Thanks for a chance to win it!

    Carol L. said...

    I loved both letters. These stories sound so exciting. Hoping they are in print or will be. Please don't enter me for the e-book as I can't read them on this computer. Thanks for the post.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com.

    chey said...

    Sounds like a great read!

    Barbara E. said...

    A Secret Proposal sounds like a wonderful story and I'm looking forward to reading it. I mean, what could go wrong with such a proposal? :D

    lorimeehan said...

    The book sounds really good. Thanks for sharing the letters.

    Di said...

    I hope I'll get to read this - it either has to come out in print or I have to get an eReader.

    Jen B. said...

    What a sad letter! I think it is so sad that a woman in that era was sold to the highest bidder. Even sadder that a man without title just wasn't considered good enough.

    jmcgaugh said...

    Sounds like a great story!

    LilMissMolly said...

    Many of my first boyfriends were by correspondence too - men in the Air Force.

    bn100 said...

    Nice covers.

    June M. said...

    I love the stories where a girl falls in love with her brother's friend. And this one sounds especially intriguing because of the mysterious death of her brother. I am very interested in reading this :)

    Eli Yanti said...

    Hi Valerie,

    If you can put the letter in your book, will you do it?

    Joanne said...

    I loved Secrets of a Wedding Night and can't wait to read A Secret Proposal. Is sounds fantastic. Great covers. Thanks for sharing the letters.

    Cathy P said...

    Hi, Valerie! You are a new author for me. I loved the letters written by Thaddeus and Amelia. Thanks for the chance to win.


    Hot Off the Shelves said...

    Sounds like quite a good story...the letters are fantastic.

    Unknown said...

    I've yet to read a book by Valerie, but I want to. Thanks for the chance to win!


    Mary Preston said...

    There are times when a "racy Regency romp" is exactly what you want to read.

    Unknown said...

    I am so in love with the covers...I need these on my shelf!!!


    Unknown said...

    What an interesting series, plus great covers as well. Are the letters included in the book?
    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

    Natasha said...

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Sounds like a great series!!

    lavendersbluegreen said...

    The letter was bittersweet but the book description sounds racy! Yum

    Chrisbails said...

    This book sounds great, love the cover. this is a new author for me. I love to read and always looking for new authors to check out.
    My question is: Besides the Secret Brides series are there any other books or series that you are working on? What is your favorite genre to read? To write?

    Ellen Thompson said...

    That sounds like a great book. Love the letter. Thanks for the great giveaway! I put Secret Proposal on my Nook wish list.

    Maureen said...

    That is a sad letter which I imagine is only the beginning of the story.

    Tin said...

    I love it when the hero falls in love with the heroine first. ^_^

    This sounds like a very interesting read. ^_^

    Thank you for the great giveaway!

    Unknown said...

    Between the book description and the letter, I can not wait to read this book! So intrigued now.

    Karen H said...

    I think my favorite couples are:
    Rhett and Scarlett
    John and Margaret from North and South

    I'm really enjoying reading these romantic love letters. And I'm finding a bunch of new books to add to my groaning TBR shelves!

    AquarianDancer said...

    That is such a sad letter. I love it.

    AquarianDancer at gmail dot com

    Filia Oktarina said...

    This series sounds fabulous! Will love to read it. Thanks for sharing!

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