
Sealed With a Kiss: Jillian Stone and Giveaway

Jillian's first book in The Gentlemen of Scotland Yard series, An Affair with Mr. Kennedy, won the 2010 Golden Heart for Romantic Suspense. The latest novel, fourth in the series for Pocket Books is A Private Duel with Agent Gunn. Next release in series: Kiss Me Senseless, Detective Rhys, Fall 2013.

Places to find Jillian:

A little background on A Private Duel with Agent Gunn to help set up the heroine's letter:

Prima ballerina Catriona de Dovia lives the glamorous life of a starlet, filled with glittering jewels, sumptuous dinners, and admiring suitors. She's grown up considerably since losing her heart to Hugh Curzon once upon a time, no longer wasting her emotions on the empty promises of charming gentlemen.

Scotland Yard Agent Phineas Gunn-sometimes known as Hugh Curzon has been unable to forget the trusting, beautiful Cate since he had to leave her behind in Barcelona. When Cate's ballet company arrives in London, Scotland Yard asks Finn to investigate the premier dancer. It doesn't take him long to suspect that Cate is more than a ballet girl--in fact, she just might be a jewel thief, or even more arousing--a clever undercover operative.

Finn is determined to find out as the two race across the Continent-by land, by sea, even through the air by zephyr-it becomes uncertain who is keeping tabs on whom, and Finn and Cate must battle the sexual tension that snaps and sizzles between them every step of the way.

10 January 1887
55 Rue Joubert
Paris, France

I recover slowly from my grief over the loss of my brother, Eduardo, as well as my heartache over our love affair. Dance has been my refuge these past months, and I am pleased to say that I have been elevated to première danseuse with the Théâtre de l'Académie Royal de Musique.

Thank you for your frank acknowledgement of what happened last summer in France, and your pursuit of me in the hopes of obtaining the location of Los Tigres Solidarios. I must admit I was shocked and heartbroken when your name was mentioned by the survivors of the farmhouse explosion. To think the charming and handsome man I met by chance along the Passeig de Gràcia, would turn out to be a foreign operative after my well as my lover. Comment très tragique!

There are moments in the ballet, when the music, the lights and the dance come together to create magic. But none of those moments have come close to the afternoon and evening we spent together in Barcelona. I will remember you always, and as you pray, I hope to one day forgive you for your involvement in Eduardo's death.

There is talk the ballet will travel to London later in the year. Perhaps you will come to see me dance. This much, we might be able to share together.

Check out Cate and Hugh's love story in A Private Duel with Agent Gunn

Prima ballerina Catriona de Dovia lives the glamorous life of a starlet, filled with glittering jewels, sumptuous dinners, and admiring suitors. She's grown up considerably since losing her heart to Hugh Curzon once upon a time, no longer wasting her emotions on the empty promises of wealthy gentlemen. On her own since the untimely death of her parents, she will do anything for the only family she has left: her brother, a notorious anarchist.

Scotland Yard Agent Phineas Gunn—sometimes known as Hugh Curzon—receives his new assignment reluctantly. He's up for something a little more strenuous than playing nanny to a ballerina, until he sees who his charge is. Then, it's a completely different story, because he'd been unable to forget the trusting, beautiful Cate since he had to leave her behind.

As the two race across the Continent—by land, by sea, even through the air by zephyr—it becomes uncertain who is keeping tabs on whom, and Finn and Cate must battle the sexual tension that snaps and sizzles between them every step of the way.

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Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
Handwoven embellished red friendship bracelet with Swarovski crystal heart created by Ana Karolina, a 19-year-old Mexican born designer who made her debut at Nordstrom at the ripe old age of 17.

To Enter:
  • Leave a meaningful comment or question for Jillian.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter
  • US Shipping ONLY for bracelet
  • International Shipping Available for book

    **Don't forget to head over to Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance to check out Hugh's letter. 

    Good Luck  =)
    a Rafflecopter giveaway


    JessS said...

    Wow this sounds really good! Loving that she's a ballerina (I've definitely never read any historicals where the heroine's been one), and that they met first under fasle pretences and he betrayed her, because it seems like it'll make for a VERY interesting story and romance. This series sounds really good! And has cool covers :)

    Tin said...

    I'm a big fan of the series and I am looking forward to reading this book. I love the cover -- the female model really captures the classic beauty of ballerinas.

    Lovely letter as well!

    Thank you for the great giveaway!

    laurie said...

    Wow this sounds really good! have added it to my TBR list

    sheryl said...

    I love the Phaeton Black series by Juliana and I can't wait to start this one.

    Connie said...

    Hi, Jillian! As a previous resident of Paris, I am always intrigued when a novel takes place there. This one sounds exciting and I'm sure I will love reading it!


    Unknown said...

    I have been so wanting to read this sounds of good.


    Melissa Limoges said...

    Wonderful letter. I have these books on my TBR list. The blurbs and covers are wonderful.

    Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Jess!

    My sister studied dance though she never danced professionally, and I developed a real appreciation for ballet. I loved making Cate a ballet girl...and of course Agent Gunn is completely enthralled by her!

    Jillian Stone said...

    Thanks Tin!

    I agree, the cover model looks as though she could dance right off the cover!

    And please know how much I appreciate that you are a fan of the series. ;)

    Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Laurie!

    Yes please do make A Private Duel with Agent Gunn a part of your TBR list and good luck!

    Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Sheryl,

    Oh, I'm so happy you love the Phaeton Black series! Just completed Doctor Exeter's love story...warning...very erotic!

    Good luck!

    Unknown said...

    Love the blurbs. Never read historical with heroine as ballerina, sound very interesting. Thx for the giveaway

    Jillian Stone said...


    Actually, Agent Gunn chases after Cate in France. If you read the Phaeton Black series, the latest book in the series takes place in 1889 Paris, so plenty of Francais for you! ;)

    Jillian Stone said...

    Thanks Joy!

    I do hope you get a chance to read The Gentlemen of Scotland Yard series!

    Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Melissa,

    I really enjoyed writing the letters between Cate and Agent Gunn, they are a kind of prologue to the novel.

    Good luck!

    Jillian Stone said...

    Hello Adisty sri Mulianty,

    I loved writing the heroine as a ballerina. Ballet girls were thought of as racy in late Victorian London. Women in the performing arts often became mistresses of wealthy and titled gentlemen.

    I feel fortunate to be able to write about these talented and hard working young women!

    penney said...

    This sounds very good I can't wait to read it! Great review thanks!

    Beautiful Disaster said...

    Awesome indeed that your heroine is a ballerina. I also like the cover art. I have added this book to my TBR stack. You're a new author for me so can't wait to get started on this book :)
    lorih824 at yahoo dot com

    Readsalot81 said...

    Jillian, you have such a lovely turn of phrase! :) Thanks for the letter! I'm very much looking forward to reading A Private Duel with Agent Gunn.

    Unknown said...

    I love series books...I need these on my tbl!!!


    cheryl c said...

    This book sounds fun! I love the line that says "it becomes uncertain who is keeping tabs on whom."

    May said...

    I love this series. Terrific fun. :)

    Unknown said...

    Sounds and looks like a very interesting read.

    Leannessf said...

    Just started the Phaeton Black series and loving it so far! I will definitely add this to my TBR list too!

    Thanks so much!

    Mary D said...

    One of my favorite places for a book to be set in is Paris!

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Joy,

    I do hope you get a chance to read one or all of the Gentlemen of Scotland Yard books. Good luck!

    G. Jillian Stone said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Lol! For some reason, I'm not seeing my answers right sway so if I answer you twice...oh well!

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Penny,

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Good luck1

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Beautiful Disaster,

    Cate is a favorite heroine. She's daring, graceful and fiercely independent. Hope you get a chance to read Hugh aka Agent Gunn and Cate's love story.

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Readsalot81,

    Thank you for noticing, I loved writing their letters!

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Yes you do, Josie!

    Seriously, I do hope you get a chance to read the series.

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Cheryl C,

    I went for an espionage story, where the hero isn't quite certain if the heroine is a ballerina, jewel thief, or undercover operative.......I like to keep the reader guessing!

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi May,

    Thanks so much, and glad to know you love the series1

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Olga,

    If you are new to the Gentlemen of Scotland Yard, I do hope you get a chance to read the series! Good luck!

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Leannessf,

    Phaeton Black has paranormal/steampunk elements while the Gentlemen of Scotland Yard is more like a James Bond romantic suspense set in 1887!

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Well, like I said earlier, you will love the new novel in the Phaeton Black series.

    In A Private Duel with Agent Gunn, Finn chases Cate through France––from Cherbourg to La Rochelle to a small island Ile de Re. But I can't say too much, as I want you to be surprised!

    Natasha said...

    I can't wait to read A Private Duel with Agent Gunn!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

    Unknown said...

    Great letter, A Private Duel With Agent Gunn sounds great, definitely added to my TBR pile! Fingers crossed for the giveaway.

    Carol L. said...

    I love their letters So open and honest. I can't wait to read this and see what happens to them.
    Thanks so much for the opportunity.
    Of course I'm once again going to say Jamie and Claire Fraser from Outlander and Eve Dallas and her husband Roarke form the In Death series.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

    kipha said...

    I love their letters to each other. It's so comforting to read. I have just also received your autographed copy of Hugh's book, so super excited! Thanks so much!

    chey said...

    Those letters are great! Can't wait to read this book!

    Unknown said...

    I love the title of the book, very intriguing. When you were writing the first book, did you know it was going to be part of a series?
    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Natasha,

    Hope you get a chance to read Hugh (aka Finn) and Cate's love story...and oh yeah, plenty of adventure and suspense along the way!

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Thanks Cerian,

    I wasn't sure what to write in the letters, and then I thought about Hugh and Cate's backstory––what happened to estrange them. Anyway, glad you enjoyed!

    G. Jillian Stone said...


    You chose two of my favorite couples! And I'm so happy you enjoyed the letters. I worked on them for a long time and I feel like they do tell just enough of a story. Good Luck!

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Thank you klpha!

    Glad you received your signed copy of Agent Gunn. And I do hope you enjoy Hugh/Agent Gunn and Cate's adventure and love story.

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Thanks chey,

    I hope you get a chance to read A Private Duel with Agent Gunn...good luck!

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Julianne,

    Thanks. I always knew there was great potential for a series, so far there doesn't appear to be any shortage of brilliant, dashing Scotland Yard detectives!

    Annwitch said...

    I love how your books are full of romance and adventure. I love the men of Scotland Yard.

    June M. said...

    I have not started this series yet but this book does sound good. I don't think I have read any story where the heroine was a ballet dancer before so this would be a first. It does not sound as if she has any plans to ever forgive the hero, even though it seems that she did love him.

    Linda said...

    Love that the heroine is a ballerina; don't think I've ever come across that in a historical romance.

    Cathy P said...

    Hi, Jillian! You are a new author for me. Your book sounds good.

    lavendersbluegreen said...

    These look great, thanks for introducing me to them...

    Eli Yanti said...

    Being Ballerine is my dream when I was child :)

    Sounds a great book, hope can win and read this book

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Thanks Annwitch!

    I do try to weave an exciting tale with a love story as well as adventure. And I am so pleased you have enjoyed the series!

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi June,

    Always happy to meet a new reader to the series. I loved writing the ballet sequences in A Private Duel with Agent Gunn. My favorite is when Cate tries to teach Hugh (aka Phineas Gunn) a ballet lift...(hint: funny and sexy)

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Linda,

    I think the reason is that ballet girls (performing female artists in general) were thought of as loose women, even though most dancers were hard working girls supporting their families. Some were also famous mistresses of wealthy men/aristocrats. Gosh,
    I love writing this series...can you tell?

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Cathy P,

    I love meeting new readers, and I do hope you give one of the Gentlemen of Scotland Yard novels a try. If you don't win the giveaway try the novella, A Lesson in Chemistry with Inspector Bruce for $1.99

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Lavenderbluegreeen,

    Thanks for your interest. I do hope you give the series a trial read (see above) and good luck!

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Eli!

    My sister studied ballet until she was almost thirty. She never danced professionally, she just loved to twirl. Lol!

    Lexi said...

    Oh Hugh Curzon, do you ever have your hands full. This sweet ballerina with her poetic words is going to dance circles around you...*rubbing hands in glee* and I can't wait to watch it happen!!!

    Congrats on the release!!

    bn100 said...

    Nice covers.

    Ellen Thompson said...

    Sounds like a great story. I can't wait to read it. I have never read a historical about a ballerina and a spy who get to travel by zephyr so it will be a first for me.

    Tracey said...

    Great letter. I haven't read any of your books yet so i would love to win this giveaway to get me started,;-) Best wishes Tracey ♥

    Unknown said...

    Book sounds good and the letter was a great bonus! The bracelet is lovely, I also love the story behind it. Wonderful all around

    Maureen said...

    Cate sounds like a very intriguing heroine, making me wonder what she is up to.

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Lol Lexi!

    I know you are going to enjoy Hugh (aka Agent Gunn) and Cate's adventure/romance!

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi bn100,

    All the covers are so lovely, my only complaint is they really don't communicate the adventure suspense that is so much a part of the series.

    G. Jillian Stone said...


    I do hope you're pleasantly surprised. I have always thought about the Gentlemen of Scotland Yard as James Bond written as romantic suspense. Hot men wearing bowlers and daring women in corsets and bustles!

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Tracey,

    I do wish you good luck, and if you don't happen to win a copy, you might try the series novella $1.99 ebook, A Lesson in Chemistry with Inspector Bruce. ;)

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Dione,

    If you like the idea of a series set in late Victorian London, with dashing detectives and daring heroines, you'll love the Gentlemen of Scotland Yard.

    Good luck!

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Lol Maureen!

    You are already suspicious! I do believe you will enjoy this book, as Cate is so much more than a ballerina! ;) I can say no more!

    Di said...

    It always touches my heart to read about a character that has gone thru strife and tragedy an then to (hopefully) see them get their HEA.

    sallans d at yahoo dot com

    jmcgaugh said...

    Interesting letters. This is definitely a different premise, and it sounds interesting.

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Di,

    Cate and Hugh (Agent Gunn) have a lot to work through...hopefully you will get a chance to see how things turn out for them!

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi jmcgaugh,

    Thanks! I do hope you get a chance to enjoy Cate and Hugh's story!

    Unknown said...

    You know I love your books. What is one trait your scotland men must have?

    Jen B. said...

    I think these books sound like so much fun! I love a little romance with a little action!

    Pingle said...

    Ehm, I'm curious about what caused her heartache over their love affair in the letter she wrote . I guess I must read this book to know it. ^^

    Karen H said...

    I read the first book in this series and loved it. I think I have the rest, including the novella, yet to read. Great series so far!

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Lol Janiera!

    Besides daring and handsome: a quiet strength of character...the kind of man who can send shivers through you, but who also makes you feel safe and protected.

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Thanks Jen B.,

    Me too! That's why I write them. Good luck!

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Pingle,

    If you go to Romancing Rakes for the Love of Romance (link above), you can read Hugh's (Agent Gunn's) letter to Cate which explains more of their backstory.

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Thanks Karen H in NC!

    Very happy you enjoyed Mr. Kennedy and Cassandra's story. Good Luck!

    Jo said...

    I love this series - I've read the first 2 books plus Phaeton's first book, and I can't wait to read more! I love how your heroines are not simpering misses.

    G. Jillian Stone said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Thanks Jo,

    So happy you are enjoying the series. (I deleted above because I forgot to add:)

    I guess you can tell I like an adventurous heroine! Good luck!

    Filia Oktarina said...

    I was buy this series and now i'll waiting book #4 from this series. Can't wait!!

    G. Jillian Stone said...

    Hi Fila!

    Did you know there is a novella? $0.99 at Amazon or B&N! So techbnically, the next novel in the series will be #5! ;)

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