
Feature & Giveaway: Night Demon by Lisa Kessler

Gretchen Finch's job would be much easier if she weren't alone in the jungle with a brilliant recluse whose every glance sets her on fire. But the more she focuses on her work, the closer she gets to unlocking the mysteries of a terrible creature—the Night Demon—that threatens the world as she knows it. Though her scientific mind tells her it's impossible, she's beginning to believe the ancient Mayan tales as the sinister jungle comes alive around her.

Lukas Smith has spent hundreds of years searching for answers to his immortal Night Walker nature. As a series of ancient glyphs become clear, he's about to find out more than he'd ever hoped, but the more he learns, the more his fate intertwines with the Night Demon, and the harder it becomes to hide his immortal secret from the beautiful, intelligent Gretchen.

Together, they must find a way to stop the inexplicable violence and mass destruction surging across the earth before the Night Demon destroys more than just mankind.

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Check out the Night series: 
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Lisa Kessler is an award winning author of dark paranormal fiction. Her debut novel, Night Walker, won a San Diego Book Award for Best Published Fantasy-Sci-fi-Horror as well as the Romance Through the Ages Award for Best Paranormal and Best First Book.

Her short stories have been published in print anthologies and magazines, and her vampire story, Immortal Beloved, was a finalist for a Bram Stoker award.

When she's not writing, Lisa is a professional vocalist, performing with the San Diego Opera as well as other musical theater companies in San Diego.

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Sue Ellen Robertson said...

I love romances and paranormal romances. What made you decide to write these genres?

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Leslie Miner said...

This sounds like a page turner! I'm adding it to my TBR.

sheryl said...

Sounds great, thanks for the chance.

May said...

Sounds like a wonderful book!

Mary Jo Burke said...

Love the cover!

Rebe said...

I love that there's a scientist heroine. This sounds great!

Anonymous said...

As soon as I start to read a story of an Immoral, I cannot put it down. Your book covers are gorgeous, specially Night Thief. Lisa, is a "new-to-me" author and I would love to read and review one of her books! thank you so much for this giveaway of her book and other gifts!

Lisa Kessler said...

I got my start writing horror short stories, but they didn't all have happily ever afters... Paranormal ROmance gave me the best of both worlds! I could have dark scenes, but there's also love and hope! :)

Thanks for commenting!

Lisa :)

Lisa Kessler said...

Hope you enjoy Night Demon! :)


Lisa Kessler said...

Yay!!! Thanks for checking out Night Demon!

Lisa :)

Lisa Kessler said...

I hope you enjoy Night Demon! :)


Lisa Kessler said...

Thanks May!!! I hope you enjoy Night Demon...

Lisa :)

Lisa Kessler said...

Me too Mary Jo!!!

I've been really luck with covers for the Night Series! :)


Lisa Kessler said...

Thanks Rebe!!! I had a blast writing Gretchen!

I hope you enjoy Night Demon!

Lisa :)

Lisa Kessler said...

Thanks Nicole!!! I hope you enjoy the Night Series! :)

I'm a sucker for immortals too!

Lisa :)

Unknown said...

how many books for this series? thank you for the chance :)


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