
Review: Thrown by a Curve by Jaci Burton

I'll admit that Thrown by a Curve took me awhile to warm up to it. I liked it and really enjoyed it, but it was until the last quarter of the book that things really picked up for me and I fell in love.

First let me say that the chemistry between Alicia and Garrett is hot! Seriously, explosive! There were a few scenes that I had to put the book down because I couldn't stop blushing. I really liked these two together and I loved that they treated each other as equals. Garrett was such a great hero and honestly at first I wasn't so sure about him. When we first meet him, he comes across like a spoiled athlete with an attitude problem. He's injured and in rehab for his arm and he is in the mainframe that it's never going to get better. I liked that Alicia tells him like it is and flat out tells him to stop acting like a petulant child.

As the story progresses and we get to know Garrett a bit better you see that his attitude is just a front and that he's really afraid that he will never pitch again. He's being faced with the possibility of never being able to  do the one thing that means the most to him and I get his attitude. I like that once we get to know him, we see that he's really a great guy. He's funny and charming and wicked hot.

With Alicia, I really liked her. I like that she's so career driven and independent. She has worked hard to get where she is and she's not about to let some man (no matter how sexy) mess things up for her. With a character like Alicia it's easy to come across as bitchy but that was not the case at all with her. She's down to earth and sweet and I really enjoyed her.

I loved the relationship between Alicia and Garrett and I loved that things didn't just happen over night with these two. There was a slow burn to their relationship that I quite enjoyed. Alicia, not wanting to put her career in jeopardy is the one that is constantly putting a stop to the growing attraction between her and Garrett. I liked that Garrett is the pursuer of the two yet he never pushing Alicia too far or comes across domineering.

This was another great book in the Play by Play series by Jaci Burton. We were introduced to a few new characters that I am sure will act as heroes in future books and I can't wait. Thrown by a Curve was a great read and it definitely left me wanting more.

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