
Feature & Giveaway: Thrown by a Curve by Jaci Burton

She thinks she knows this player—but he has a few surprise moves.

For Alicia Riley, her job as a sports therapist for the St. Louis Rivers baseball team is a home run—until she becomes the primary therapist for star pitcher, Garrett Scott. Out of the lineup with an injury, he's short-tempered, hard to handle, and every solid inch, a man.

Right now, the only demand he's making on Alicia is that she get him ready to pitch in time for opening day. Except the sexual chemistry between them is so charged, Alicia's tempted to oblige Garrett just about anything. But both their careers are at stake—one bad move and it's game over for both of them.

Garrett also feels the hot sparks between them, and the way he figures it, what better therapy is there than sex? Now all he has to do is convince the woman with the power to make the call.

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Check out my review here.

Check out the Play by Play series:
Click for info.

After spending too many years to count in the high stress business world, New York Times and USA Today Bestelling Author Jaci Burton is happy to be living her dream of writing passionate romance. She has written over forty-five novels and is contracted to write ten more. Jaci has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business that she is thrilled not to be using in the corporate environment anymore. She grew up in Missouri but migrated to California, where she lived for thirteen years, but now makes her home in Oklahoma with her husband and five dogs. She enjoys being outdoors in the summer and she and her husband are avid Harley riders.

Jaci writes in multiple genres, from erotic romance to romantic suspense to contemporary romance. She has won the RT Book Reviews Reviewers Choice Award, and has been nominated for the award four times. She has been a finalist in the Bookseller’s Best and National Reader’s Choice Awards, and has won The Romance Studio’s CAPA Award four times.

Places to find Jaci:
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Check out what's up for grabs.
Up For Grabs: 

To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: Who is your favorite baseball player? 
  • US Shipping ONLY
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Kaci Verdun said...

When i was young it was Ryne Sandburg :-)

Romancing the Book said...

Ichiro... and seriously bummed he's no longer a Mariner. :(

Anonymous said...

Ichiro is sooo awesome - even though he doesn't play for Seattle any more. :( But, at least I am married to a NY Yankee's fan, so I can still watch him play!

Carti cu Colti said...

Ichiro is great,even if I'm not a fan of baseball.

Timitra said...

Derek Jeter!


CMD said...

Um, yes, so despite the fact that I live in a city that takes its baseball (and all its sports) very seriously... I don't actually like baseball! What, I'm European; I like my footie [soccer to you folks] :)

[Though being where I am, I have to say my favourite could never play for the Yankees-- saying otherwise would be treason!]

Robin the Book Nerd said...

There are so many players that I think are hot, but once I learn what kind of people they are in real life the blinders are listed and I can't think of them as hot. I think the man you have on the cover of Thrown by a Curve is yummy!

Meghan said...

I don't watch baseball... I can tell you my fav hockey player, though: Patrick Kaleta.

mestith at gmail dot com

krg said...

Corey Hart from the Milw. Brewers

Rebe said...

I used to love Greg Maddox. Right now I guess Andrew McCutcheon is my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Angel Pagan from the SF Giants!

Chrisbails said...

Just have to say that this series has the best covers, Yummy. I would have to say my favorite would have to be Barry Zito from the San Fran Giants. He is hot.

Leannessf said...

Since I'm from SF, I love Buster Posey!

erin said...

Thanks for the fun post and congrats to Jaci on her new release! Ummm... don't realy have one... the only one that I can actually think of is... Nolan Ryan?!

Donna E said...

Cail. Well, Cail is my great nephew, 5 yrs old, and is just now beginning to play.

otherwise, i'm not much into sports -- and really not baseball at all.

Di said...

I don't have an active favorite, but one who's retires is Cal Ripken.

Johanna R Jochum said...

LOL! I don't watch sports at all, so no clue who anyone is! Love reading about hot players though!

JamiBee said...

My favorite is Nick Swisher...

Victoria said...

Omar Vasquel, he's such a nice guy too.

PM350 said...

john schmoltz Atlanta Braves pitcher
oh c'mon - he STOLE a base SOOO casually in World Series!!!

Susan T. said...

Andy Pettitte and Derek Jeter. Thanks for the givaway.

Alyssa @ Riverina Romantics said...

I don't really watch baseball so I'll go with my boyfriend's favorite player on his favorite team...Tony Campana!

Jane said...

Derek Jeter and Curtis Granderson are my favorite.

Natasha said...

I don't have a favorite.
Thanks for the chance to win!

*yadkny* said...

Derek Jeter

Unknown said...

I don't have a favorite. I love to read series books about sports.

lavendersbluegreen said...

Maybe Josh Kinney....

Susy said...

Derek Jeter!!

Jen B. said...

I don't have a favorite. I have baseball. I know! I'm sorry! I just don't get it. I've attended a couple of games and I just find it so boring. jepebATverizonDOTnet

donnas said...

I really dont have one.

Joanne said...

Many years ago, it was Clint Hurdle. I don't have one now.


JenniferK said...

Since I don't know much about baseball, I will say Derek Jeter.


ELF said...

I'm not a big baseball fan but I do like the looks of Jeter.

elewkf1 at yahoo dot com

Holly Letson said...

I don't really watch or follow baseball these days, only the World Series. So, I don't have a fave player.

Unknown said...

I don't really have a favorite baseball player, in honesty I do not like watching baseball, but I do love them in books!

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