
Interview with Author Kathryn Quick and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Kathryn Quick to RFTC. Kathryn is currently on tour promoting the recent release of her book, Ineligible Bachelor and has stopped by to answer a few questions. Please give Kathryn a warm welcome.

Born long ago in a place not so far away, Shenandoah, Pennsylvania, Kathryn Quick has been writing since the Sisters in St. Casmir’s Grammar School gave her the ruled yellow paper and a number two pencil.  She writes contemporary and career romances, romantic comedies, historical romances
as well as urban fantasy.

She has been a member of New Jersey Romance Writers and Romance Writers of America since 1990 and considers it an honor to have been NJRW President in 1992 and 2001.  She is one of the founding members of Liberty States Fiction Writers, a multi-genre writers’ organizations dedicated to furthering the craft of writing and helping aspiring writers move onto publication.

Kathye originally wanted to be President of the United States or an Organic Chemist, but somehow life got in the way and she got married right out of high school and had a set of twins two years later.  The Presidency seemed out of reach and night school to get her Ph.D. to create new molecule that would ultimately result in the betterment of humankind seemed a little time consuming while trying to raise twins, so she decided to write instead.

In her "other" life, Kathye is married to her real-life hero Donald and has three grown sons all having adventures of their own and three “bonus” grandchildren.  She is a die-hard New Jersey Devils fan and works for Somerset County government (as close as she could get to the White House) and is plotting a novel about a new molecule that will ultimately result in the betterment of humankind.

Places to find Kathryn:

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
Born long ago in a place not so far away, Shenandoah, Pennsylvania, I have been writing since the Sisters in St. Casmir's Grammar School gave me the ruled yellow paper and a number two pencil. I write contemporary and career romances, romantic comedies, historical romances as well as urban fantasy,

I've been a member of New Jersey Romance Writers and Romance Writers of America since 1990 and consider it an honor to have been NJRW President in 1992 and 2001. I am also one of the founding members of Liberty States Fiction Writers, multi-genre writers' organizations dedicated to furthering the craft of writing and helping aspiring writers move onto publication.

I also write as P. K. Eden with colleague, Patt Mihailoff, FIREBRAND and our debut urban fantasy, has been heralded for having lush worlds and colorful characters full of secrets and magic. Based on the fall of the Garden of Eden, FIREBRAND, has won two Reviewer's Choice Awards.

In my "other" life, I am happily married to my real-life hero Donald and have three grown sons all having adventures of their own and three “bonus” grandchildren. I am a die-hard New Jersey Devils fan and work for Somerset County government (as close as she could get to the White House) and am plotting a novel about a new molecule that will ultimately result in the betterment of humankind

Did you always want to be a writer?
Originally I wanted to be President of the United States or an Organic Chemist, but somehow life got in the way and I got married right out of high school and had a set of twins two years later. The Presidency seemed out of reach and night school to get her Ph.D. to create new molecule that would ultimately result in the betterment of humankind seemed a little time consuming while trying to raise twins, so she decided to write instead.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
A little of both . I plot to some degree and then let the characters take the story in the direction it is supposed to go.

Where do your ideas come from?
Story ideas are all around me. Sometimes I see something and it triggers a plotline, Memories make great stories as do dreams for the future. A line in a song can lead to a great contemporary romance, I wrote a book after hearing Melody for a Memory by Hall and Oates.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
A comedy of errors starts with a pictures and ends up on National TV when Kinley Adams tries to turn her boy'friend' into a boyfriend.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
I know I'm a contemporary writer for the most part, but I love tales of Knights in Shinning armor and stories of the gods and goddess of Ancient Greece.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
My very best favorite book is the Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley because of my deep love for King Arthur, how Guinevere could have dumped him for Lancelot is beyond me,

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
I have a tough time with back-story. I tend to info dump instead of filtering it in as I should, I think I driver my editors crazy with that,

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
  • Stephen King because we all need a good a scare once in a while
  • George R.R. Martin to pick his brain about how he plotted the book in the Game of Thrones series.
  • Sharon Sala. She writes wonderful women's fiction.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I am finishing up Book 2 in my Bachelors Three series, It's called Bachelor-Dot-Com and is a kind of the Big Bang Theory meets Richard Branson Coming along rather nicely too,

Before I go I have a question for you all - a two parter. Have you ever had a boy'friend', and if you had one did you wish it could have been something more?

I did - Michael, all through high school, and yes I wished it could have been more. Almost was a few years after college, but never got there.

Frederika “Freddy” McAllister has loved Logan Gabriel since…well, forever. Unfortunately, she’s  spent most of forever in the dreaded “friend zone,” harboring what has to be the longest-running crush of all time. But now Freddy has a plan to make Logan see her as more than just the girl next door: She’ll enter him in Elan Magazine’s Eligible Bachelor Contest, then swoop in to soothe his bruised ego when he loses.

There’s just one tiny problem: Logan wins! And that means he’s headed to a mansion in New Jersey where six beautiful women will vie for his affections on reality TV. Making matters worse, the producers want Freddy to tag along and help choose his ideal match. Suddenly her perfect plan becomes a perfect nightmare, as Freddy scrambles to outwit conniving contestants and convince the man of her dreams that the woman of his has been by his side all along.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

“Oh,” she muttered, trying to ignore the sheer pleasure of contact with his body. “I guess we really need that candle until the power comes on, after all.”

“Maybe we don't have light.” He backed her up until her backside touched the countertop. “But we can have some electricity of our own.”

“How can you make jokes at a time like this?”

“What makes you think I'm joking?” His voice sounded husky to her.

He nuzzled her neck. “We're completely in the dark and at the mercy of the electricity gods. All we can do is feel our way around until the power comes back on.” His hands moved to the rise of her back. “And, so far, I'm liking how it feels.”

She felt his kiss on her cheek. Maybe the idea wasn't half-bad, she decided. Carpe diem, her mind screamed inside her head. And this time she would listen.

She just turned her head toward his kiss when, in the next flash of lightning, she thought she saw someone moving on the patio. Thinking it might be one of the production crew, she stiffened. As much as she had dreamed about being in Logan's arms, it suddenly felt staged, like a scene in a grade-B movie.

She pushed him away just as she heard a mechanical stutter, then the hum of the air conditioner and the ping of a light coming on—the power restored.

She looked up into his eyes and saw a whole other kind of power there. “I guess the transformer's working again.”

“Bummer,” he replied, holding her gaze but lowering his hands to his side.

Freddy recognized the uncomfortable body language. She pointed behind him. “I probably should go upstairs and clean up the glass.”

She saw him lower his gaze to the floor before looking back at her. “And I should probably check outside.” He started toward the double French doors leading outside and then stopped. “Want to come along?”

For a moment, she considered the invitation just to stay near him. But the storm had stopped. Both storms—the one outside and the one between them.

“No, I better get back to my room and clean up the glass before the power goes out again.”

“If it does, stay put. I'll find you.” Then he disappeared onto the patio.

She watched him until the landscape swallowed him, wondering all the time if she could short out the power again by jamming something into an outlet.

Darn, she wished she had paid more attention in science class sophomore year instead of passing notes to Patt.

“Holy crow, did you get it all?” Marty asked, punching the cameraman holding the Infrared Camera on the arm. “The bachelor and the evaluator in a lip-lock.”

“They didn't kiss.”

“A technicality. Nothing some creative editing won't fix.” He grabbed the camera and rewound the video. “Look. You can't fit a piece of paper between them.” He rewound it and played it again. “Right here we can fade to black, and let the audience draw their own conclusions.”

“The picture is all green and kind of grainy,” the camera tech commented.

“No one, especially the producer, will care about colors when we edit. The only question will be when to drop this bombshell during the series.”

Marty and the cameraman looked at each other. “Sweeps week,” they said in unison before high-fiving topped with a chest bump for good measure.

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Check out whats up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

To Enter:
  • Please answer Kathryn's question: Have you ever had a boy'friend', and if you had one did you wish it could have been something more?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter forms


Leslie Miner said...

I've had and still have several boy'friends' but I've never wanted more. One of them did, however, and it ruined our friendship.

laurie said...

sad to say i have NEVER had a boyfriend in my entire life :(

May said...

Yes... and it worked out but only because I always try to be friends with their gfs too.

maybe31 at

Rebe said...

I did have a boy "friend" in grad school, but it never came to anything. Years later he learned I was married and mentioned that he should have manned up and asked me out years ago! I'm so glad things worked out the way they did, though!

Mary Jo Burke said...

Had a boyfriend, now he's my hubby.

Meg G. said...

I have had a 'boy' friend. I think it's really hard for a single man and woman to be strictly friends. Sexual feels always seem to arrise from someone. Nothing ever come from my boy.

Meg G.
Megonski216 yahoo

Cindi said...

OH YES!! Many times! lol. I was always the nerdy girl/girl next door. When I grew up, I finally did get the boy'friend' to be more than a friend:)

cc_clubbs [at] yahoo [dot] com

rebecca said...

Yes, I've had--and have--a few. I haven't really ever wanted more from moments of weakness the idea has occurred to me, but I've always come to my senses and realized that I really didn't like them "that way" :)

Amber said...

I had a boyfriend and I married him!!

Meghan said...

All the time... usually they have a girlfriend and that puts a damper on it!

mestith at gmail dot com

lorimeehan said...

Yes I have and I married him. We've known each other for over 30 years.
Lorimeehan 1 @

Shadow said...

no i havent. still waiting for that special someone

Kathye Quick said...

Hi all - sorry I'm late A writer friend wrote her characters into a corner and we had to figure out someway to get them out.

Leslie - it is tricky to try to go from boy-friend to boyfriend. Not many work out

Laurie - that just means that special one is still out there for you.

May - sounds like you did it right!

Rebe - sounds like he missed out on a good thing.

Mary Jo - YAY - good for you both

Meg - you are so right. Especially if you are really inyo him - Like I was!!

Cindi - fellow nerd here. Ask me anthing about Star Trek - any of them BUT especailly now, Chris Pine is HOT. Now there's a freindship I'd like to explore - LOL

Rebecca - I think we all fantasize about things working out perfectly sometimes.

Amber - another success story. Thanks for sharing

Meghan - I had a lot until I met my husband too,.

Lori - It's nice to hear when that works out. I missed my chance even though I had a second chance with hiim about 10 years later.

Shadow - he's out there. Timing is everything.

Thanks so much for sharing your stories with me, Good to know I wasn't alone.

bn100 said...

never wanted more from them

Anonymous said...

I never had a boy "friend" but I think it would be fun.

Marcy Shuler

Mary Preston said...

I've never had a friend who was a boy.

Kathye Quick said...

Hey BN. Sometimes that is for the best

Kathye Quick said...

Mary. It is a lot of work. Emotions can get all mixed up

Kathye Quick said...

Marcy. Sometimes it is if you don't get all jumbled up with feelings. It is really good for hockey and football games though

Unknown said...

Well my hubby was one of them ;) but yes I had several others and not always, mostly because it has a potential to ruin it because I had a boy 'friend' who tried and pushed too hard and that friendship ended. Then I had guys email me when they learned I got married because they always thought there was something there and they missed it.

*yadkny* said...

I have had a boy'friend' before and at one time wished that there was something more to it... sadly he turned out to be gay, but we had remained good friends.

Arely ZPerez said...

Nope... never.

Cathy P said...

I have had many male friends during my life. The only one I wanted to be more of was my dear husband of 39 years.

Natasha said...

No I haven't. Thanks for the chance to win!

Tracey said...

Yes and i thought i would love to have children and to get married sadly he turned out to be a real nasty jerk.... Lesson learned x

Unknown said...

Yes he was my first love and I married him. Celebrating 25 years together this year!!

June M. said...

I have had a few boy-friends that I crushed on and wished for more but I was too scared of losing the friendship, which later drifted away due to various reasons.

Sharlene said...

I had a few boy "friends" in college & a couple that I would have liked to be more. One was on the edge of something, but never really got there.

Unknown said...

I have a had a few boy "friends" but the only one I had ever wished for more with...well I ended up marrying him and we've been together for over 10 years.

JanD said...

Yes, I have. I never wished for more even if people kept asking if we were a couple.
bituin76 at hotmail dot com

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