
ARC Review: A Little Bit Sinful by Robyn DeHart

A Little Bit Sinful is Robyn DeHart's second book in the Forbidden Love series. It is a pleasant late Victorian story of childhood friends that discover an attraction to each other. Of course, they both have reasons why they should not be together. The heroine is lively and fun and the hero is everything you could want in a guy.

Justin Rodale is the bastard son of a duke and has never discovered the identity of his mother. He is not accepted by Society, but uses his wits to build a financial dynasty through a gaming hell. Clarissa is the daughter of an earl. She believes she is destined to marry a particularly handsome gentleman even though he seems a reluctant to take the plunge. Clarissa reconnects with Justin and enlists his help with her suitor. Justin fights his growing attraction to Clarissa because he believes he is not good enough for her. Unfortunately, he knows her suitor is not good enough either.

Overall, I was disappointed with this book. I have thoroughly enjoyed DeHart's breezy, clever writing style in the past, but a lot of that feeling was missing here. Clarissa was not completely a too-stupid-to-live character, but she was naïve and impulsive. There wasn't a great deal of character development evident with either the hero or the heroine. The difficulties they encountered were resolved in ways that were not totally satisfying. Clarissa's many lone nighttime excursions were particularly troublesome. They were just not believable. A Little Bit Sinful will not be my last Robyn DeHart book because I know she can write delightful stories. This one was good, but I will hope for more from the next one.

**ARC provided by Author**

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Patricia Eimer said...

that stinks. I always hate when a book I'm reading just doesn't live up to expectations.

Anna (herding cats-burning soup) said...

Aw bummer. Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy it as much as others. I had some problems with the heroine and her determination to marry that slug but overall really enjoyed the book and really loved Justin's character. Hope the next one suits you a little better :)

herding cats & burning soup

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