
My Favorite Book Boyfriend with Elise Rome and Giveaway

Elise Rome has never forgiven Margaret Mitchell for making her fall in love with Scarlett and Rhett in Gone with the Wind and then not giving them a happy ending. She likes to think that she makes up for this injustice with each romance novel she writes. When she isn't telling stories about sexy, headstrong heroes and intelligent, independent heroines, Elise stays busy chasing after her two young daughters, semi-attempting to do housework, and hiking in the beautiful foothills of Colorado. She, also, unashamedly, adores her readers.

Places to find Elise:

Thanks so much to Dani for having me today! To be honest, when I first started thinking about who my favorite book boyfriend could be, a slew of options from past Lisa Kleypas books came to mind. Derek Craven from DREAMING OF YOU? Logan Scott from BECAUSE YOU’RE MINE? Or how about Jack Devlin from SUDDENLY YOU? Oh, and Sebastian from DEVIL IN WINTER! *sigh* And that’s just FOUR of her historical romances! I think one of the reasons I’m such a fan of Lisa Kleypas books is because, as I read somewhere recently online, she writes the best alpha hero caretakers out there. They’re all men’s men, but they also know how to take care of the heroine and cherish them.

So, because I feel like I’d be betraying all of these heroes in order to just pick one—and I don’t know that I actually COULD pick just one—instead of selecting one favorite book boyfriend of all time, I’m going to have to say that my favorite hero is any hero that Lisa Kleypas has written (in her historical romances; I haven’t read enough of her contemporaries to say).

What are you almost always guaranteed to get in a Lisa Kleypas hero?
  1. Sexual tension by the bucketful
  2. A wicked sense of humor
  3. Wickedness in general
  4. Protective instincts that are somehow never overbearing
  5. The deepest, most romantic sort of soulmate love for the heroine ever

Really, it’s my opinion that you can’t go wrong with a Lisa Kleypas hero.

For my giveaway, since my first book isn’t released yet, I’d like to give away two Lisa Kleypas books instead. The first is DREAMING OF YOU; many historical romance readers claim that Derek Craven is their favorite romance hero, and there’s a reason why. But if you haven’t read about him yet, here’s your opportunity. And the second book is BECAUSE YOU’RE MINE, one of my very favorite Lisa Kleypas books but also one that I think is underrated and one that not many people have read. I hope you get the chance very soon! (Both giveaways are eBooks, open internationally, available for Kindle or Nook.)

I hope you’ve had a chance to read any of Lisa’s historicals! If you have, can you pick a favorite? Let us know which one it is!

Because the Dream...

Young, high-spirited Lady Madeline Matthews is expected to wed an aging, lecherous lord. But she would rather shame herself in the eyes of society than sacrifice her freedom, and resolves to render herself unmarriageable by indulging in a torrid affair with Britain's most acclaimed actor and notorious womanizer, Logan Scott.

Because the Heart...

He is legend in the footlights and in the bedchamber. But when the curtain falls, Logan is an intensely private, guarded man still tormented by past betrayals that cut deep into his pride and his heart. Now a forward little minx who seems completely out of place in the bright, sophisticated world of the London stage is disrupting his orderly existence with her constant presence, her unspoiled beauty and vibrant charm. And what begins with an onstage kiss threatens to blossom into something more rapturous and real. But first Logan and Madeline both must drop the masks they hide behind...and reveal their true selves in the golden glorious light of love.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

She stood at danger's threshold -- then love beckoned her in.

In the shelter of her country cottage, Sara Fielding puts pen to paper to create dreams. But curiosity has enticed the prim, well-bred gentlewoman out of her safe haven -- and into Derek Craven's dangerous world.

A handsome, tough and tenacious Cockney, he rose from poverty to become lord of London's most exclusive gambling house -- a struggle that has left Derek Craven fabulously wealthy, but hardened and suspicious. And now duty demands he allow Sara Fielding into his world -- with her impeccable manners and her infuriating innocence. But here, in a perilous shadow-realm of ever-shifting fortunes, even a proper "mouse" can be transformed into a breathtaking enchantress -- and a world-weary gambler can be shaken to his cynical core by the power of passion...and the promise of love.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: If you have, can you pick a favorite? Let us know which one it is!
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


kipha said...

Welcome Elise~! I have to say I've been waiting for your book since forever! How much longer are you going to make us wait? You're such a tease~
But to answer your question, I too can't choose form a wide range of book boyfriends; I just love them all! But for some reason I haven't picked up any of Lisa's book. (don't hit me) Although I heard lots of great stuff about Sebastien in Devil that I'm going to read that book. What is it with Sebastiens that we all love them?
Anyways, hurry up with your book already XD I'm dying here. I've read your excerpt more than five times and every time it kills me knowing I will have to wait for the next chapters.

Unknown said...

I have many favorite book boyfriends. Very interesting descriptions of the stories.

May said...

I love Dreaming of you. :) Thought that Derek was perfect!

Unknown said...

I don't think I have had the pleasure of reading any of her books yet, but she is on my must read author list!

krg said...

I have not read any of your books but my daughter is a huge fan!

Kathleen O said...

I love Lisa Kleypas books, but I would have to say that one of my fav hero book boyfriends would have to me Cam or Rohan from her Hathaway series.. Those two dark swarthy Romany guys just set me to swoon..

kathy p said...

I have not read any of the books and can't wait to start!

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

I have not read any of those books but they sound wonderful and have been recommended by lots of people.

sheryl said...

I have not read any books by Lisa Kleypas. I do have some book boyfriends. One of my favorites is Jamie Fraser from the Outlander series. I love some guys in Paranormal too.

Casey said...

I haven't read any of her books yet, but ive got When Strangers Marry in my huge To Be Read pile! Guess i better get on it and see what shes all about!!

Preet said...

Lisa Kleypas is one of my all time favorite authors. She just has this way of writing men and women that I can really connect with whether they are historical or contemporary novels.

Mary Jo Burke said...

Ashley Wilkes is the perfect example of what not to look for in a mate and Scarlet chases him any way. Gotta love Rhett!!

Unknown said...

I will have to add Lisa Kleypas to my tbr pile....I always liked Rhett better then Ashley...

Unknown said...

I have not read any of those books sadly. My recent book boyfriend has been Owen from When She Was Wicked, oh gosh he is wonderful!

erin said...

No favorites. Love them all equally :)

Unknown said...

Even though I have seen Lisa's books everywhere, for some reason I have yet to read one. *scratches head* I don't know why. I really, really need to rectify that.

Cassie Polla said...

What a great review! Thank you! I have read almost all of Lisa's books!

SmoothieGirl said...

Hi Everyone! Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm with kiddos right now, but I promise to reply to all as soon as I can! xoxo Elise

Unknown said...

Devil In Winter is my ultimate favourite, but only just! I love Logan, Derek and Sebastian. I also love Grant from Someone To Watch Over Me. I'm a huge Lisa Kleypas fan! I totally agree about Because You're Mine, it's kind of underrated but it's one of my favourites too :)

penney said...

Hi Elise and Lisa

I would have to say Rohan from the Hathaway series, all the guys were great!
Wonderful blog today thank you

SmoothieGirl said...

Hi Ki Pha! I know--it's been forever for me, too! =) But TSH is supposed to finally be out this spring--yay!!! =)

And don't worry, no hitting here, lol. But I do hope you pick up a LK book soon and enjoy!


SmoothieGirl said...

Thanks, Olga! I hope you've had a chance to read some of LK's work!

SmoothieGirl said...

SO perfect. =) Hope you have a chance to read Logan's story, too!

SmoothieGirl said...

Yay! Well, I wish you luck in the giveaway. But be forewarned: once you start reading her, it's very likely you'll go on a glom. ;)

SmoothieGirl said...

Wonderful! Thanks, krg! =)

SmoothieGirl said...

Hi Kathleen! I believe the excerpt from Merripen's book (Is that right? The one with Win as the heroine?) made me drool--and that was just the excerpt. *sigh* No one writes sexy heroes like LK does.

SmoothieGirl said...

Hi Nikki! I know it's hard to try a new-to-you author, especially since LK is not writing historical romances at the moment (sob), but I hope you get a chance to soon!

SmoothieGirl said...

Hi Sheryl! Oh, Jamie. Are there any words? =D I heard that they were planning on filming a TV miniseries based on the Outlander series. I hope it's true!!!

SmoothieGirl said...

Hi Casey! I vaguely remember reading WHEN STRANGERS MARRY. As I'd read other books by LK before that one, I knew that it was different from the others (I think it was one of her earlier ones) and set in the US. If you get a chance to read any of her England-set historicals, take it!

SmoothieGirl said...

Hi Chanpreet! I very much agree. I think this is an innate talent, too, because I've read tons of books in both genres, and very few have that ability. I just wish she could write faster, you know? ;)

lucy0326 said...

Hi Elise,

I couldn't stop laughing when I read this because a few days ago another author asked the same question and it seems like our answers where identical lol Lisa kleypas is the reason why I love reading romance :) and the reason why I have a dozen book boyfriends. You mentioned Sebastian from the devil in winter but some of my other favorites are Cam, Kev, and Leo from the Hathaway series :) oh and let us not forget Hardy Cates from her Blue Eyed Devil book. When it comes to her books I can go on for days lol For anyone who hasn't read Lisa's books I highly recommend them.

lucy0326 said...

Sorry about the bad grammar my phone likes to autocorrect things without letting me know

RFTC Blog said...

This is so true. When I picked up my first LK book I was hooked and immediately went out and got all of her backlist from my local library.

Unknown said...

Lady Sophia's Lover is one of my absolute favorite Lisa Kleypas books!!!

Amy said...

I have yet to read a Lisa Kleypas Historical. I have read her contemporary Travis series and LOVED I am guessing I would like her Historicals as well. I really need to get on that! And really, as long as the heroes have a lot of the traits you mentioned, they can be awesome book boyfriends no matter the genre! Thanks for letting us know about Lisa Kleypas' guys!

Krista said...

Lisa Kleypas pretty much writes all of my favorite heroes. Derek, Logan, and Sebastian (Devil in Winter)!

SmoothieGirl said...

Rhett=the perfect, not so obvious book boyfriend. =) *sigh*

SmoothieGirl said...

Yes! Ashley was too wishy-washy and weak-willed for me.

SmoothieGirl said...

Thanks for the rec, Lily! Definitely need to find time to read WSWW. =)

SmoothieGirl said...

Lol. They do make monogamy hard, don't they? ;)

SmoothieGirl said...

I agree! ;) I think, though, it might have something to do with all those awesome NEW books that are always coming out. Seriously, how could we ever have enough time to get to all the books we want to read? =)

SmoothieGirl said...

Thank you, Cassie! There are still a few that she wrote in the very early days that are out of print that I'd like to read. Hoping that gets rectified and they publish as digital editions. *crosses fingers*

SmoothieGirl said...

Yay for Logan!!! He's SO swoonworthy. =) I'll have to go back and reread Grant. For some reason the Bow Street Runner heroes are kind of vague in my memory. =)

SmoothieGirl said...

Woot for another LK fan! Thank you, Penney! =)

SmoothieGirl said...

Yay Lucy! I have to confess I have yet to read Blue-Eyed Devil (I know!!!), but hope to rectify that this year. =) However, I really really really hope LK does continue writing historical romance--if nothing else, for the fact that no one but her writes hist rom heroes like she does. =)

SmoothieGirl said...

Hi Josie! This is definitely one I need to go back and reread, as I don't remember it!!!

SmoothieGirl said...

You're welcome, Amy. ;) I've read a few of her contemporaries and enjoyed them, but yes, I agree--you really need to read her hist rom heroes, too. I promise, they're just more guys for you to swoon over. ;)

SmoothieGirl said...

Can you imagine if all of her heroes were in the same room and we were charged with the task of only picking one? Impossible!!

Barbara E. said...

My favorite is Mine Until Midnight, but really I love them all. :D

lorimeehan said...

I love Lisa Kleypas.
My favorite is Ian MacKenzie from The Madness of Lord Ian MacKenzie. He over came great emotional and mental difficulties for the love of his life Beth. *sigh*

lindalou said...

Hi Elise! I've not read any books by Lisa Kleypas. Until I read your post, I'd not even heard of her books. Obviously I've been missing out :-))) Thanks for the contest!

Mary Preston said...

I haven't read any of Lisa Kleypas's historicals yet, but after this I'll put them on my list.

Meghan said...

I love Lisa Kleypas. I've read three, I believe including Dreaming of You. Derek Craven was definitely intriguing, but he wasn't my favorite. I LOVE Jamie Fraser from Outlander! He's strong, courageous, and loyal. There's so much to be attracted to!
Thanks for the giveaway!

mestith at gmail dot com

jmcgaugh said...

Hard to pick a favorite! Some of my favorite "book boyfriends" are Jeaniene Frost's Bones and Vlad; Diana Gabaldon's Jamie Fraser; Patricia Briggs' Adam Hauptman; Kresley Cole's Trehan Daciano; Janet Chapman's Robbie MacBain and Kenzie Gregor; Nora Roberts' Cian (from the Circle Trilogy); Sherrilyn Kenyon's Vane Kattalakis; Karen Moning's Adam Black; Lynsay Sands’ Lucerne Argeneau; Kerrelyn Sparks' Angus MacKay; and Grace Burrowes Valentine Windham.

Jeanne M said...

Hi Elise!

It was really hard for me to pick just one of Lisa's books as my favorite especially since I love all her historical romances and especially her series, especially The Hathaway Series, The Wallflower series the Bow Street Series.

Since you said just one I finally decided onA Wallflower Christmas. I must admit that while I was reading it I really identified with Hannah! I just loved her character and her determination! I do so like a srong female heroine! Unfortunately for my husband I always love a strong female character who stands up for what she believes in and I was routing for Hannah from the moment I met her!

lisagkendall said...

I don't think I have read Lisa yet, but thanks for the heads up, I'll be checking at least one of these out soon. lisagk(at)yahoo(dot)com

Linda said...

I love Lisa Kleypas' books. I have almost all of them but just realized I don't have Dreaming of You. Gosh how did I miss that one? I fall a little in love with the heroes of all the (good) books I read. That's always a mark of a good book!

kathy p said...

I have not read a Lisa Kleypas' book yet but have added to my TBR list!

Annwitch said...

I haven't read any Lisa Kleypas books. I know can't wait to pick up a few. Thanks for reminding me of a great author.

Juliana's World said...

I love all heroes from Lisa Kleypas' book. Well, if i have to choose i like Lord Westcliff from It happened one Autumn. He's such a noble person who is willing to marry an unpassionate blue blood girl because he has to save his reputation. However, when he met Lillian Bowman, all logic reason is failed. He can't help himself falling in love with her.

Tracey said...

Thankyou for the giveaway x

Natasha said...

I love any of Lisa Kleypas' heroes.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Di said...

no way can I pick a favorite - it may be whoever I'm book dating at the time - right now it's the guys in Elizabeth Hoyt's Maiden Lane series - I just hold my breath to see how things get worked out.

Kim said...

Lisa Kleypas has written some great books, but I think my favorite hero is Merripen.

Lexi said...

So many people are huge fans of Lisa Kleypas, and I still have yet to pick up one of her books. You would think a cult following like hers would get me to check out her HR!

Unknown said...

Honestly...going to need to rent a storage unit to house all these books that I'm adding to my 'to read' pile. And I'm loving it! This giveaway has given me so many new authors to follow, stories to read, and literary men to crush on haha!

SheriV said...

Prince of Dreams is my favorite. :)

PM350 said...

I've read the Friday Harbor series of Lisa K's
it was good :)
thanks for the goodies!!!

Anita H. said...

I love Lisa Kleypas' historical romances. While I love The Wallflowers, I have to say my all-time favorites are The Hathaways! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Texas Book Lover said...

"hanging my head in shame" I have not read any of Lisa Kleypas' books yet. I have one of her Friday Harbor series on my shelf at home and hope to add to it soon so I can start it!

Thanks so much!

Ada said...

My fave Lisa Kleypas' is the Hathaways Book #4, Married By Morning. I just love the story with Leo and Catherine! Thanks for the giveaways!

Vanessa N. said...

I love Charles from the Alpha and Omega series by Patricia Briggs.

Pam said...

I haven't read any of Lisa's books yet but they are on my to read list.

Cathy P said...

My all time favorite is Rhett Butler, but I must admit I'm fickle. I fall in love with each hero as I read their book.


Jolene and Family said...

I have yet to read any of her books but they are on my wishlist

Anonymous said...

I've read a few of her books and loved them, so thank you for sharing these. :-)

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

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