
My Favorite Book Boyfriend with Ruthie Knox and Giveaway

Ruthie Knox graduated from Grinnell College as an English and history double major and went on to earn a Ph.D. in modern British history that she’s put to remarkably little use. She debuted as a romance novelist with Ride with Me—probably the only existing cross-country bicycling love story yet to be penned—and followed it up with About Last Night, which features a sizzling British banker hero with the unlikely name of Neville. Other publications include Room at the Inn (a Christmas novella) and How To Misbehave, book 1 in the Camelot series. She moonlights as a mother, Tweets incessantly, and bakes a mean focaccia.

Places to find Ruthie:

The great thing about book boyfriends is that they can be men who would irritate and/or terrifyyou in real life. Which is why I can say, without shame, that my favorite book boyfriend is anenormous ex-con lumberjack who wears Carhartt pants and a knit cap, and who barely ever talks.

His name is Patrick, and he’s the hero of Cara McKenna’s erotic novel Ruin Me.

Also, you can’t have him. He’s mine.

My love for Patrick might have something to do with the fact that the heroine, Robin, met him when he rescued her from being assaulted in a bar’s parking lot. Or with the fact that the reason he was there was that he was trying to get up the nerve to talk to her.

Or it might be that I love Patrick because he’s so hopelessly in love with Robin that he’ll go along with whatever ridiculous conditions she comes up with for their relationship, up to and including having “anything but” sex with her whenever she feels like it, even though she continues to live with (and sleep with) her almost-fiancĂ©, Jay. And being willing to go over toher house to have dinner with her and Jay and then, when challenged, to have a three-way withthem. Which ends up being the most awkward abortive three-way in the history of fiction.

But I think the truth is that I love Patrick because when he finally, finally gets his flawed, passive-aggressive, slightly screwed up girl, he kisses her right there and then, at a bar, for the entire length of the song “Jack and Diane.” And then, shortly thereafter, informs her that he’d kill someone to keep her.

Yeah. He’s that kind of guy. Hands off, ladies. All mine.

In her head, Robin wants to marry her boyfriend. Everything about her relationship with Jay makes sense-makes her happy-but she can't bring herself to accept his proposal. Her body has unfinished business with Patrick, the man who saved her life six years ago. For a long time she assumed her potent feelings for Patrick were born of fear, wrapped up in the night she was attacked, but now she's realizing it's far simpler than that. She wants him. Always has, always will.

More attached to Robin than the idea of her being faithful, Jay gives her the green light to go after Patrick in the hopes that it will demystify the man and get him out of Robin's system. It begs the question-if you've got permission, is it still cheating? And which will ultimately sway the heart-reason or attraction?

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

He'll be any man she wants--except himself.

A Strangers on a Train story

Meet me at the train museum after dark. Dress for 1957.

When Mandy joins an online dating service, she keeps her expectations low. All she wants is a distraction from the drudgery of single parenthood and full-time work. But the invitation she receives from a handsome man who won’t share his real name promises an adventure—and a chance to pretend she’s someone else for a few hours.

She doesn’t want romance to complicate her life, but Mandy’s monthly role-playing dates with her stranger on a train—each to a different time period—become the erotic escape she desperately needs. And a soul connection she never expected.

Yet when she tries to draw her lover out of the shadows, Mandy has a fight on her hands…to convince him there’s a place for their fantasy love in the light of day.

Warning: Contains sexy role-playing, theatrical application of coal dust, and a hero who can rock a pair of brown polyester pants.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Samhain |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a meaningful comment/question for Ruthie.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Tamara Hoffa said...

Love finding new authors, Thanks

Timitra said...

Oooh I love the sound of both these books!

Nancy Bristow said...

HA. I just bought Ruin Me by Cara McKenna as a new to me author (loved Ruthie's take on the hero (and I make no promises about grabbing Patrick;) because I already own and love Ruthie's books:) If I should win giveaway, we can work it out. *grin*

May said...

I haven't read these books before so can't comment on them. But I have read Ruthie's other books and they are great!

Amy said...

Ruthie Knox is another author I see talked about all the time but haven't read. It looks like it is time to change that. Once again, sounds like another great book boyfriend to have. :)

Unknown said...

Wow 2 authors I haven't read well I have to say I love finding new authors and will definitely be reading these books....:)

kathy p said...

love the sound of these books! Put on my TBR list!

sheryl said...

I have not read anything by this author yet. I have not read her recommendations either. Thanks for the post

Unknown said...

Sounds and looks like a very interesting read.

laurie said...

Love finding new authors, Thanks

Mary Jo Burke said...

Your books sound great!

erin said...

LOL... Ruin Me sounds like such a train wreck, I have to read it ;) Thanks for the fun post!

Kathleen O said...

It always makes my day when I find a new author to read and I can't wait to start reading your books.

Mary D said...

I love Ruthie Knox's books! I haven't read either of these, so I sure hope I win!!

Unknown said...

Sooooo adding these to my TBR list...Can't wait to read them

Unknown said...

I just discover Ruthie and her Camelot series. Would love to read both these books as well.

Michelle said...

I've never heard of Ruin Me, but now I'm intrigued. Don't worry, Ruthie...I won't steal him. So long as you continue to write lots of yummy book boyfriends that will keep me busy. :) I haven't purchased Big Boy...YET. It's on my list!

krg said...

Haha, love your bbf description! Do you find that you write any of your heros after Patrick?

Arely ZPerez said...

This book sounds very interesting!! Do you do anything special before you write to prepare?

Unknown said...

I think lumberjacks are incredibly sexy. Must have something to do with being stripped down to physicality. "Me Tarzan, I clear out jungle."

Unknown said...

I'm definitely adding you to my TBR pile! Your book looks amazing!

Heather said...

I love the sound of both these books!

Meghan said...

I haven't read either of those, but now I want to! My book boyfriend is definitely Jamie Fraser from "Outlander."
Thanks for the giveaway!

mestith at gmail dot com

Preet said...

Wow. You're really possessive about Patrick Ruthie! He sounds like a great guy, but I'm not much of a poacher. If you feel like sharing, I'm totally up for it! :)

Ruthie said...

All right -- I'll hold up my end if you hold up yours!

Ruthie said...

Not so far -- he's definitely the sort I'd crush on from afar, whereas the heroes I write are more like guys I could imagine falling for in real life. :-)

Ruthie said...

Thanks! I do some research on particular parts of a story that are new to me, and I do a lot of freewriting/interviews/worksheets to try to make sure I know who my characters are before I dive in. :-)

Ruthie said...

I didn't mention this, but at one point he's frustrated and he chops wood for hours. *swoons*

Ruthie said...

Thank you!

Ruthie said...

Sharing? Ha. Sharing is for children. ;-)

lorimeehan said...

Ruin Me sounds intriguing. Thanks for the recommendation.

Mary Preston said...

I have book boyfriends that would be painful in real life.

Natasha said...

Thanks for the chance to win!
Both of these sound like really good reads!!

lisagkendall said...

I haven't read Ruin Me, but based on this post, I think you have chosen the most perfect book boyfriend. Good luck. lisagk(at)yahoo

Joanne said...

Both of these books sound fantastic. Can't wait to read them. Do you have input on your book covers?

Casey said...

I haven't read either of these books, but now i definitely want to! Loved hearing about your book bf Patrick! He sounds awesome!!

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

I don't have those books but I have one of Ruthie's short stories with a few other authors. Looking forward to reading it. Thanks!

Unknown said...

OH I can definitely see the appeal of Patrick :)

Unknown said...

Big Boy sounds great!

Ruthie said...

Some! There's usually a conversation or a form where I share my thoughts about what I'd like on the cover. But lots of other factors are taken into consideration, and ultimately it's the publisher's decision what to use. :-)

Tracey said...

Thanks for the giveaway x

Di said...

I think I have some things in the attic from my Mom & Aunts that would be great for 1950's role playing!

Kim said...

I've read About Last Night and enjoyed it and have 2 more of Ruthie's books in my TBR pile. Are there any tv shows that spark your imagination?

Lexi said...

Big Boy sounds so good! Strangers meeting, role playing...oooooh love it.

Unknown said...

They had me at roleplaying...and woodchopping *grins* I'll be adding these to my TBR pile.

SheriV said...

Ruin Me sounds good and so does Big Boy. so many books!

PM350 said...

Nice to meetcha!!!

Texas Book Lover said...

Love Ruthie Knox! Her books are fabulous! she recommends books every Wednesday on her blog but this is a new one. Going to have to check it out!

Thanks so much!

jmcgaugh said...

Patrick sounds really great!

Vanessa N. said...

I love Charles from the Alpha and Omega series by Patricia Briggs.

Pam said...

These sound like great books.

Cathy P said...

Both of these books sound good.


Jolene and Family said...

Both books sound great!

Jolene A

Anonymous said...

These books sound great! Thank you for sharing and for offering the giveaway.

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

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