
Feature and Giveaway: Hitched by Erin Nichols

And she thought the bridesmaids dresses were her biggest problem...

Allison Ralston would rather be anywhere other than this wedding. Even if the wedding is hers. Especially since the wedding is hers.

But Allie's determined to restore her family's happiness, and if tying the knot with longtime family friend, Josh Brewster, is the way to do it, then she'll walk down that aisle, toss that bouquet and drink that champagne.

Oh, she'll definitely drink the champagne.

There’s only one thing that could get Gavin Montgomery back to Promise Harbor. And she’s about to say I do to another man. Now he’s back to claim what’s his—even if he has to do it in the middle of her wedding.

Allie is shocked—and okay, a little turned on—when Gavin literally sweeps her off her feet. Safe in his arms, she succumbs to fatigue, stress, and yes, the champagne, only to wake up in his bed. In Alaska.

Now that he’s put four thousand miles between Allie and all her responsibilities, Gavin’s determined to show her that they can make a life together. If he has his way, the next wedding Allie will be planning will be theirs.

Warning: Contains a guy so in love he’s willing to break up the wedding of the season, a bride who just needs to get to, well, anywhere else, and enough hot sex to take them from New England to Alaska and back again.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Gavin headed for the rental car, mostly because he had no idea where else to go. It was right in front of the church, parked crookedly at the curb, the keys still in the ignition.

Just how he'd expect someone to park who was about to break up a wedding and steal the bride.

Break up a wedding. Steal the bride.

Hell. What had he just done?

Had he really just carried Allie out of her own wedding?

Gavin felt a trickle of sweat slip down his back—and it wasn't that hot out here.

Holy shit.

He'd really done it.

And looking down at the woman in his arms, he knew he would do it all over again.

It was moments like this that being a selfish bastard—as his father so eloquently put it—was a good thing. He wasn't going to lose any sleep over Josh Brewster and the wedding without a bride. Maybe Josh really loved Allie. Maybe his heart was in pieces right now. But Gavin didn't really care. This was about him and the fact that he was in love with her. Josh was on his own.

Yanking the passenger door open, he nudged Allie inside and slammed the door before jogging to the driver's side. He slid behind the wheel, shifted into drive and pulled away from the curb, aware of Josh's angry presence by the church's side door. Gavin kept his eyes on the street until they were a block away, then he glanced over at Allie. She was watching him with those big green eyes that had made him mush for years.

“You okay?” he asked, giving her a little smile. She would be if she wasn't now. He'd make sure of it.

“Strangely enough, I think I might be,” she said.

One corner of her mouth curled up at the corner and Gavin knew he was right to interrupt the wedding. It wasn't like declaring that he still loved her and wanted her back could have really waited until after the wedding.

He smiled. “How do you feel?”

“Like the dream I had where you came home and swept me off my feet finally came true.”

Those words were clear and they punched Gavin in the gut. “Yeah?” he asked gruffly.


He couldn't believe he'd been within minutes of losing her for good. He took a deep breath. He'd come here to tell her how he felt, to beg her not to get married.

The not-getting-married thing seemed taken care of. For now anyway. Now for the I-was-stupid-to-let-you-go speech. “Allie, I…”

“I'm starving,” she interrupted.

O-k-a-y. “What do you want?”

“A cheeseburger. With bacon.”

He couldn't help his smile. Allie was one of those girls who could eat like crazy and never gain weight. Then he frowned. She'd never been this skinny though. She hadn't been eating any bacon cheeseburgers lately.

“You don't look good,” he said simply.

Her eyes widened. “Well, thanks.”

“Seriously. Did you sleep last night?”

“Four hours.” She wrinkled her nose. “Maybe three.”

“And you haven't eaten?”

She shook her head. “Couldn't.”

“But you've been drinking.” It had been clear in the church in the way she'd slightly slurred her words.

“Definitely,” she confirmed. “Lots.”

“Today too?”

“Champagne.” She spread her arms wide. “Happiest day of my life.”

Uh, huh.

That champagne was playing a huge part in her leaving the church with him.

Gavin shoved one hand through his hair, taking a corner too fast. He knew that her state of mind came, at least in part, from a bottle and knew that he should be torn about that. But he wasn't. He'd had to get her out of that church. At least long enough to tell her that he was still in love with her.

“How's your head?” he asked. Surely she was feeling the effects of the night before. On the phone it had been clear she was drunk. But he hadn't been able to help the thump of his heart when he'd heard her voice—and the words to the song.

“Swimmy,” she answered, wrinkling her nose again. “Is that a word?”

He shook his head with a slight smile in spite of knowing he shouldn't find this funny. “I don't think so.”

“Well, that's how it feels,” she said. “Like my words are swimming around and around. Like they can't find the way.”

“Okay, we need to sober you up. Then talk.”

She frowned. “I'm really hungry.”

A cheeseburger he could do. That was now the plan—focus on one thing at a time.

“Can we grab my bags out of my car?” she asked. “I've got crackers in there. And Twizzlers. And a Snickers. And lip gloss.” She rubbed a finger over her bottom lip as if being without lip gloss and licorice was the biggest problem in her life. She grabbed the bottom edge of her bra through her dress and wiggled it. “I need a different bra, too. Bernice picked this one out.”

Gavin wasn't sure what that had to do with anything. “Al, I can…”

She reached up and pulled her veil from her hair, then looked down at her dress, lifting the skirt with her hands. “I need a brush and some different clothes.”

Finally, he just grinned. With that list, how could he doubt she needed her bags? And he was on board with her not needing to keep the dress on. That was a good sign she didn't intend to go back to her wedding any time soon. “You bet. Where is it?”

“It's right by the north door of the church. The blue Focus.”

Right. Her car would be at the church. Great.

Praying for a little divine intervention—that he was pretty sure he didn't fully deserve—he took a left and headed back for St. Mark's.

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Erin Nicholas is the author of sexy contemporary romances. Her stories have been described as toe-curling, enchanting, steamy and fun. She loves to write about reluctant heroes, imperfect heroines, sex with food and happily ever afters. She lives in the Midwest with her husband who only wants to read the sex scenes in her books, her kids who will never read the sex scenes in her books, and family and friends who say they're shocked by the sex scenes in her books (yeah, right!).

Places to find Erin:
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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky winner will win an eBook copy of choice from Erin's backlist

Tour Wide Giveaway:
  • 1 lucky winner will win a $15 Amazon Gift Card

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a meaningful comment/question for Erin.
  • Please leave your email address along with your comment to be entered. 
  • Giveaway ends today, so make sure to get those comments in!

Good Luck! 


Filia Oktarina said...

I see this series from another blog, and i like the cover books. Very beautiful cover. From the excerpt, the book look like will be interesting and funny story. I must add on my list.
Thanks for sharing :)

Mary Preston said...

Back to the scene of the crime - as it were. Too funny.


Rebe said...

"Swimmy" - haha! That's funny. I'll have to check this book out!

Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you for hosting today.

Catherine Lee said...

Gotta love a hubby who wants to read only the sex scenes! I bet he's a willing reader and volunteer to help you conduct empirical research!
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

That was a truly romantic scene! Being swept away from an ambivalent marriage at the last second, all that was missing was the white horse. *sigh* That is great fantasy fodder. If that didn't shiver your timbers, you might just have termites.


Kathleen O said...

Just have to love a good Bride stealing story... I cant wait to read it.. Thanks for the great giveaway.


May said...

Love the excerpt! :) Great chemistry!

maybe31 at

kathy p said...

can't wait to read this book!

Heather said...

ok wow this sounds like a awesome book.

laurie said...

Love the excerpt! :) Great chemistry!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! I loved the excerpt and I must read this story. It sound so good! Hitched is what I would choose if I was lucky enough to win.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Best Wishes,
Lindsey V.

Karen H said...

Well, it's the last day of the tour and I want to say I've enjoyed following you around, learning more about you and your books. So, thanks for a good time!
kareninnc at gmail dot com

Mary Jo Burke said...

Love wedding books. So many problems.

Casey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Casey said...

I have wanted to read all these books since i first saw them! They all have gorgeous covers and sound wonderful! I love her line about her words and thoughts being "swimmy". Sounds like a fun read! Thanks for the chance!

Rita Wray said...

I have enjoyed the tour, the book sounds great. I'm not sure I like Allie though.


Queen of Books Sue said...

What do you look for when writing a book? Like the characters and background

Michele F said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michele F said...

this is just my kind of book! raw romance and love. It will keep me
on the edge of my seat till the end! love the chance to win it

Unknown said...

Congrats on your new release! Adore the cover, love the sound of the blurb and the excerpt has left me thirsty for more!

lilypondreads at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Very interesting description of the story.

Unknown said...

My email address is: olga_sergejeva (at)

Unknown said...

A runaway bride always makes for an interesting story, I look forward to checking it out.

fencingromein at hotmail dot com

chey said...

Great excerpt! I want to read this book!
chey127 at hotmail com

Booklover Sue said...

awesome excerpt! Love the cover as well! How do you have the time to write with a family??

susanmplatt AT Hotmail DOT com

Andra Lyn said...

Every excerpt makes me want to check out Hitched more! I think it may be my favorite of the series!!!

andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

Enjoyed the excerpt. This series is going on my tbr list asap.

Susy said...

This serie is great!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

erin said...

Congrats to Erin on the new release! Sounds fun :) What was the most fun/interesting thing you've ever done to "research" a book?


Texas Book Lover said...

This series sounds so fun and very different. I like different!

Thanks so much!
mmafsmith AT gmail DOT com

Joanne said...

Congrats on the new release and the final book in this wonderful series. I love that her head feel "swimmy"! Great word. Did you have any input with the cover?


Rhonda D said...

I can't wait for this book! I loved Bolted. I will be reading the other two books as well. This is an amazing series and I don't know how you four amazing authors collaborated it all, but I'm sure it's your amazingness that did it. Thanks for sharing! I can't wait for this
Rhonda D

Annwitch said...

My daughter is getting married in June and I am all about wedding stories. This series sounds so good, that they are now on my TBR stack already.


Rhonda D said...

my email addy is

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