
Interview with Author Gabrielle Bissett and Giveaway

Today we at RFTC are happy to welcome back author, Gabrielle Bissett. Gabrielle is gearing up for  the release of her book Blood Prophecy and has stopped by to answer a few questions. Please give Gabrielle a warm welcome.

Gabrielle Bisset spends her days teaching college students American and European history, but by night she's an erotic romance author. Her first book, Stolen Destiny, was released by Siren Publishing in June 2011, and since then she's released the novellas of The Victorian Erotic Romance Trilogy--Vampire Dreams, Love's Master, and Masquerade--in addition to Destiny Redeemed. In December 2011, she released Blood Avenged, the first book in the Sons of Navarus series about eight vampires who must protect their world against an enemy that travels among their kind. She lives in Pennsylvania with her teenage son and a herd of pets.

Places to find Gabrielle:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter |

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I'm an author of erotic romance novels, some PNR/UF and some historical. I teach college students history by day and write by night.

Did you always want to be a writer?
No. My parents were sure that writers didn't make enough money to live on, so they pushed me toward more lucrative careers. My father wanted me to be a lawyer, but I'm a college prof. I don't dare tell him how non-lucrative that career is.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
I am a committed plotter. I outline everything and know all the major plot points before I start writing.

Where do your ideas come from?
A lot of my story ideas come from dreams, oddly enough. I must eat some weird stuff before bedtime.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
Follow the 8 Sons of Navarus as they battle, find love, and risk everything to save the vampire world. (I think that might be more than 140.)

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
I love books that make me think. I'm no good with the fluff that's so common these days. Give me something meaty I can mentally chew on for a while and I'm happiest.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
That's like asking me which of my children are my favorite. I have books I'll always come back to, but I don't think I can say I have one favorite.

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Fight scenes are difficult, but they're getting easier. I have a beta especially for such scenes and he let's me know when I'm writing too much like a girl (those are the words he uses when one of my scenes doesn't ring true).

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
  • Stephen King—because he's been around for so long in this business and has seen a lot
  • William Shakespeare—because the English major in me would love that
  • Christine Feehan—because of all the paranormal authors out there, I think her work is the best

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
I'm involved in preliminary research for a non-romance genre project I plan to begin this summer.

Why are vampires always popular, no matter how many fads (50 Shades, 1st person POV, etc.) come and go?

Thanks for having me! I want to let readers know that they can grab the first five chapters of Blood Prophecy for FREE! Find links and details at my website at For more information on the Sons of Navarus series, readers can visit my website for excerpts, buy links, character profiles, swag (romance trading cards), and free desktop wallpapers to bring those delicious Sons to your computer. And look for Blood Prophecy coming May 14!

Eight vampire warriors descended from the gods and chosen to defend their world against the Archon takeover, each dedicated to the war they must win. But there's another side to these Sons of Navarus—one that only the women they love know. Behind the strength they need to defeat their enemies lies a passion different in each one of the Sons. Their war will take them around the world and even involve the gods themselves, but they must unlock the secrets of the Prophecy of Idolas to defeat the Archons or perish in trying for none of their kind can be safe if the Archons win this battle.

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs For Entire Tour:
  • 1 lucky winner will win a signed set of the first 3 books in the series as well as a swag pack.
  • 3 lucky winners will win a swag pack.

To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: Why are vampires always popular, no matter how many fads (50 Shades, 1st person POV, etc.) come and go?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Filia Oktarina said...

Because they're immortal and always write ther all handsome and sexy. LOL!!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for being a part of the Sons tour!


Gina said...

For me its the staying young factor and with the exception of Nosferatu all the other male vampires are hot. Yes even my first vampire love Bella Lugosi.

Unknown said...

I like them because no 2 authors are the same with their vamps, so theres something for us all to love like and even hate sometimes

PM350 said...

I've heard GOOD things about this series! I got the 1st 3 for my kindle
looking forward to your world

PicardsMOm at yahoo dot com

kathy p said...

love the sound of this series...put it on my TBR list!

Unknown said...

I fell in love with the Vampire Lestat at a young age. I think they remain so popular due to their general immortality, child of the night mystery of them, and that risk of danger that encircles their world. Every writer who creates a vampire character can add/change so many aspects to make this creature their own. I have been a fan since my early teens and am pretty sure will be for a long time to come.

Mary Jo Burke said...

Love vampires and wrote a romance about one too.

Casey said...

I think vampires are always so popular, because they are immortal and sexy. No matter who is writing about them, and the small differences there may be between one person's idea of a vampire and another's, they just seem to ooze sex and confidence and that will never go out of style! They are something you can get lost in and dream about and who doesn't like that?

Unknown said...

Because they are awesome! Lol. They are dark and brooding, sexy, the real good ones alway have that alpha and domineering personality. And finally they will be young and sexy forever and can bring you with them over to the dark side. Lol

Michele F said...

My daughter got me into reading vampire books and i love them now. think
its because the are all so beautiful and they get to live forever! Not a
bad thing at all. would love to always look and feel the same as i was
a few yers back. thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

each Author bring a new and very different style to their vampires that is what I think keeps most of us coming back,gone are the days when we only saw them a blood suckers now they are sexy,caring(most) and such wonderful characters that you cant help but love them.

Jovhanna said...

Vampires are so popular today because they have evolved with each other bring different personalities and power to make them so irresistible and oh so sexy.

Carol L. said...

Sons of Navarus is one of my most anticipated reads. Thanks for this opportunity.
I think Vampires will always be popular because through the ages and for me starting with Bela Lugosi they keep evolving and at this point they have become more humanized with that mysterious sexy pull. If that makes sense. lol They are a mysterious and sexy bunch of Paranormals.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for all the great answers! Long live the vampire!

sin said...

I love the Sons of Navarus. They are oh so yummy :)

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