
ARC Review: Dire Desires by Stephanie Tyler

Dire Desires is the third installment in the Eternal Wolf Clan series written by Stephanie Tyler. I will admit that jumping in on the third book was a little challenging at the start due to the story being told from several characters points of view, and their histories with each other, but not so difficult that it detracted from the story. Which I highly enjoyed. Stephanie Tyler has been an author I’ve had in my TBR pile for a while and am happy I had the opportunity to dive in.

Jinx is a Dire Wolf, (think immortal super werewolf) and he can see ghosts. After being tricked into opening Purgatory in the previous book he is now dealing with the fallout. Not only is he currently on the outs with his King, but his brother is in a coma and he’s discovered that several beasts from Purgatory have escaped into the world. Now focusing on tracking down the monsters before they do too much damage he gets a lead on one wreaking havoc in a local psychiatric hospital. On the way to check it out Jinx, and his vampire roommate Jez, get word that a wolf has been a patient there for several years after her parents believed her to be suffering from mental illness. Once Jinx walks into her holding room he is not only shocked to discover that she is in fact a Dire wolf, but also his mate.

Gillian has been living in a drugged up haze for the past several years. A traumatic event in her past caused her adoptive parents to have her locked up fearing that she was dangerous to herself and those around her. In her muddled mind she knows she does not belong in a hospital, but she also knows she does not feel like a normal human being anymore. Under the cover of darkness she often escapes to run through the forest located behind the facility. She always returns though, believing that there is no place for her to go. Then out of the blue a man walks into her room claiming he’s there to rescue her. Get her out of that horrible place. She knows in her head that she shouldn’t trust him, but something inside her is telling her to go to him. That he is someone who will change her life for the better. That he is offering her the chance at freedom she’s been yearning for.

Though Jinx and Gillian’s relationship can be categorized as insta-love, as so many in this genre tend to be, it works for me in this book. Jinx treading water in his depression and self-loathing had been granted a gift in the form of a beautiful, strong woman to cherish and protect. Taking hold of his heart and pulling him out of the depths of his despair. Being a prisoner herself, due to misunderstandings by all parties in her life, Gillian was rescued by a strong and caring man who offered her freedom, love, and the chance to get to know herself as the woman she truly is. Under his protection she is given the opportunity to explore every aspect of being a Dire, and while there are several surprises along this journey you can feel the happiness that Gillian projects at getting the opportunity to thrive as the person she was born to be.

This book was fairly quick paced. Full of action and romance. The sideline plots were also an interesting detour from the main storyline and appear that they are an extension from the two previous books in the series. The supporting characters all added greatly to the world Stephanie has created here and I found myself wanting to read the previous installments so I can get a better handle on their stories. I will also be waiting patiently for the next book in this series to be written and released.

In summary, if you like strong alpha males...and even stronger female heroines thrown into a paranormal world of magic, love, and hellhounds I definitely recommend you pick up this title.

**ARC provided by Publisher via NetGalley**

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