
Guest Post with Author Wendy Soliman and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Wendy Soliman to RFTC. Wendy is celebrating the release of her book Beguiling the Barrister and has stopped by to chat. Please give Wendy a warm welcome.

Wendy Soliman was brought up on the Isle of Wight in Southern England but now divides her time between Andorra and West Florida. She lives with her husband Andre and a rescued dog of indeterminate pedigree named Jake Bentley.

The Isle of Wight is full of historic buildings, which is where she acquired her love of history, absorbing it like osmosis. She is the author of nine single-title Regency romances and is excited about her up-coming series charting the fortunes of the Forster dynasty.

When not writing she enjoys reading other people's books, walking miles with her dog whilst plotting her next scene, and is on a one-woman mission to save the wine industry from the economic slump. Well, someone's got to do it!

Places to find Wendy: 
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Top Ten list of things you'll find in Beguiling the Barrister by Wendy Soliman - Book Two in her Regency series, The Forsters

As the title implies, Beguiling the Barrister is a courtroom drama, regency style. Here's just a few of the things my research taught me about the legal system, such as it was, in England two hundred years ago.

1. The accused was assumed to be guilty. It was up to his barrister to prove otherwise.

2. The jury didn't retire to consider its verdict, and almost always decided in favour of the prosecution.

3. The judge's summing up was usually biased against the defendant.

4. The prosecution could compel witnesses to attend court. The defence couldn't.

5. Up until the courthouse was remodelled 1774 there was no room for witness to wait in, so they hung out in a nearby tavern!

6. There was a passageway between Newgate Prison and the Old Bailey, enclosed by brick walls, making the movement of prisoners awaiting trial easier and safer.

7. Prisoners were sometimes still branded at the time the courthouse was reconstructed, so there were two irons for confining convicts' hands while they were burnt. Ouch!

8. A large glass mirror was positioned to reflect daylight onto the face of the accused.

9. Spectators were charged for admittance.

10. When the courtroom was enclosed in 1737 danger of infection increased and in one session an outbreak of typhus (gaol fever) lead to the deaths of sixty people.

Thanks for having me here.


England 1814. Flick- more properly known as Lady Felicity Forster - was twelve when she decided she was going to marry her handsome neighbour, Darius Grantley. Now, embarking on her second season, she's no nearer to achieving that ambition. Drastic action is called for if she's to make Darius fall in love with her.

Darius adores the lovely, high-spirited sister of the Marquess of Denby, but he's aware that Flick is far above him socially and he can't afford to keep her in the style to which she's accustomed. Winning the high-profile Cuthbert case being heard at the Old Bailey will earn him a promised appointment to King's Counsel and just enough income to prove a home for his well-born lady.

But the cards are stacked against Darius. Not only do the newspapers trumpet his clients' guilt, but a powerful peer bribes the witnesses and threatens Flick unless Darius sabotages his own case...

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

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Up For Grabs:

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  • Please answer a comment/question for Wendy.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck =)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Patricia Eimer said...

Okay that's really quite grim. Especially the typhus bit. Reminds me of the story of the ball in Paris where they all died of the plague in one night

May said...

Interesting plot. Definitely unusual!

Sue G. said...

What interesting facts. I think it would have been hard being a barrister in those days.

Linda said...

It's nice to have a hero who's not from the peerage for a change. Sounds interesting!
I wouldn't have wanted to have been charged with any crime in those days. Did anyone ever get acquitted?!

Marcy Meyer said...

What kind of research do you have to do for your writing? I really enjoy historical romances, so this looks great! Thanks for the giveaway!

erin said...

This sounds very interesting! Thanks so much for sharing!

lorimeehan said...

Some great tidbits of history. The book sounds really good.

laurie said...

Interesting plot. Definitely unusual!

chey said...

Sounds like a book I want to read!

joye said...

Enjoyed reading the comments. I have added this book to my TBR list. It sounds really good.

Unknown said...

Sounds and looks like a very interesting read.

Natalie J. Damschroder said...

Wow! Yet another reason I'm glad I live *now* rather than any point in history. LOL Thanks for these!

Wanda (A Book Lover's Retreat) said...

Looking forward to reading such an interesting book! Thank you for the giveaway!

Wanda Barefoot

Barbara E. said...

Interesting information on the Regency court system. It must have been really scary to be arrested in those days. Beguiling the Barrister sounds like a great story and I'm looking forward to reading it.

JenM said...

I love Regencies where there is a class difference between the two leads. I will have to check this book out.

Mary Preston said...

Thank you for such a wonderful post. The books all look amazing.

jmcgaugh said...

Interesting facts about the British legal system in the Regency era.

Texas Book Lover said...

I can say with certainty that this series sounds very different from any I have read before...I really like different!

Thanks so much!

Filia Oktarina said...

Now i am very very curious. Looking forward to read this books.
Information on the Regency court system, i don't know about them. It make that time was very scary time.

Maureen said...

It looks like an interesting story, combining romance and a legal case in a historical story.

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