
ARC Review: Bittersweet Junction by Ivy Sinclair

I have a huge weakness for friends to lovers stories, especially when it comes to those taking place in a small town. But sometimes those stories tend to follow the same basic story line. Bittersweet Junction however was different and original and I absolutely loved it! This story was sweet and was all about the choices that we make in life and how they can change everything about our future. For me, this story was very realistic and I couldn't help but be drawn in. Jules and Ben were so interesting and I didn't want their story to end because I felt like I got so attached to them!

Under the guise that her father has had a heart attack, Jules heads to her hometown after getting a frantic call from her sister. She has been gone since graduation and a night that changed her life forever. When she gets to town, she finds out that her father is fine and that her sister used it as an excuse to get Jules back into town. Jules is confronted with her best friend Ben, her ex-boyfriend Mike, her sister Clary, and a whole small town full of people who are quick to stick their noses into her business and try to figure out what caused her to leave in the first place. After the real reason her sister called her back comes to light, Jules wants out of town as fast as possible. Ben comes to her rescue like he always used to, and as the two spend more time together they begin to explore a connection that has always been between the two of them. Unfortunately I cannot go into much detail on the story line without giving too much away, but trust me there is enough drama and romance to keep you interested the entire time!

Ben and Julia were absolutely perfect for each other! I really thought that they were the perfect compliment to the other, and their connection was so much more than just the amazing chemistry between them. There was so much depth to their relationship and the emotions were easy to see from the very start. Ben was so patient and willing to wait for Julia, and I loved that he never tried to use knowledge that he had in order to manipulate Julia. He wanted her to be with him for the right reasons, and that spoke a ton about his character. Julia was strong willed and independent. I loved how determined she was and that she went after what she wanted. It was wonderful to see that their relationship grew over time, and it was so sweet how they had that connection from such an early age. I think what really made me relate to this story is that it wasn't so neat and tidy and perfect. It was real and the decisions that the characters made were flawed like real life is. Being young and overwhelmed it is easy to make the wrong decision even if it seems right at the time. This story was about those decisions and the fact that we can overcome them.

Overall, this story was emotional and sweet. The drama and romance kept me from wanting to put this book down. I really enjoyed reading Ben and Julia's story and I wasn't ready to leave them at the end. They definitely left me with a book hangover. This having been the first book I've read by Ivy Sinclair, I can tell you that it wont be the last! This story is an absolute must read for fans of all genres of romance. Ben and Jules are impossible not to fall in love with, and you will not be disappointed.

**ARC provided by Author**

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