
Guest Post with Author Julie Johnstone and Giveaway

Meet Julie Johnstone, author of the book What A Rogue Wants.

Best-selling Regency Romance author Julie Johnstone used to be an absolute control freak when playing make believe with her childhood friends, so it’s pretty darn fulfilling that she now gets to write all her stories exactly like she wants to without having to endure her childhood playmates tears that they wanted to be the one to be the princess and not the maid―just once!

Nowadays, Julie’s stories usually involve more lords, ladies, adventure and attraction than her nine-year old tales of ten-year old boys wooing her with bubble gum and chocolate, except, of course, Julie can still be wooed with chocolate, just ask her husband! Every day is like a dream come true for Julie because writing is her passion and she counts herself incredibly lucky that she gets to get up each morning and settle in with a lovely cup of coffee to delve headfirst into her passion.

Julie’s biggest dream when she sat down to pen her first book was that she would reach readers who really connected with her characters and felt just as moved by them as she did. Once that first review came in where a reader talked about how much they loved Julie’s hero and heroine, she was beyond thrilled! When she’s not tapping away on her keyboard you can find her at the gym sweating profusely doing Hot Yoga or No Limits Cardio, chasing after her two children, making plans for their next family adventure or figuring out which room in her house she can tackle next do redo.

The novels she creates, much like her real life, push boundaries and assume there are no limits, especially when it comes to what someone will do for love.

Places to find Julie:
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Greetings! I’m so excited to be here today and talk about my latest release What A Rogue Wants. The ‘no limit’ motto that I embrace in my own life is wholeheartedly encompassed by my hero and heroine in What A Rogue Wants. She’s a lady who gives her heart to her most dangerous opponent at Court and then she must decide if she wants to defeat him or join forces with him.

Here is a little blurb!

Lady Madelaine Aldridge might be the worst lady-in-waiting to ever grace King George III’s court. An oddball who prefers archery to embroidery and honesty to deception, she earns the dislike of the Queen, the cruelty of the other ladies-in-waiting and the advances of a lecherous fiend who wants to make her his whore. Her father demands she find a proper husband―a task that seems hopeless until Lord Grey Adlard rides into court.

Grey Adlard lives up to his reputation as a dangerously handsome rake when he proposes Madelaine meet him in the stables for a tumble. Yet when she needs a protector the most, Grey offers his services and vows he wants to court her. Wary yet intrigued by the mystery he presents, Madelaine slowly allows Grey to capture her confidence and then her heart.

Things seem perfect until her father is imprisoned for plotting against the King and Madelaine learns Grey is not who he pretends. As King George III sinks deeper into insanity, Madelaine must prove her father’s innocence in order to save his life. With the future of England hanging in the balance and a ruthless murderer hunting them Grey and Madelaine engage in a clash of wills and a battle fraught with suspicion, secrets, betrayal and two hearts that cannot deny the impossible, irresistible love between them.

You can buy What A Rogue Wants everywhere eBooks are sold but for your convenience you can purchase them here by clicking on the links below!

Here is a ‘no limits’ question for you! What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done in the name of winning someone’s love or keeping it? One lucky winner will receive a free e copy of What A Rogue Wants. Please don’t forget to leave your email address, so I can contact you!

Also, if you are a real lover of historical romance and want a chance to go to the Romantic Times conference in New Orleans next year, go to my website at and join my newsletter for a chance to get your conference fees paid!

Have a great day!
Julie Johnstone

Lady Madelaine Aldridge might be the worst lady-in-waiting to ever grace King George III's court. An oddball who prefers archery to knitting and honesty to deception, she earns the dislike of the Queen, the cruelty of the other ladies-in-waiting and the advances of a lecherous fiend who wants to make her his whore. Her father demands she find a proper husband--a task that seems hopeless until Lord Grey Adlard rides into court.

Grey Adlard lives up to his reputation as a dangerously handsome rake when he proposes Madelaine meet him in the stables for a tumble. Yet when she needs a protector the most, Grey offers his services and vows he wants to court her. Wary yet intrigued by the mystery he presents, Madelaine slowly allows Grey to capture her confidence and then her heart.

Things seem perfect until her father is imprisoned for plotting against the King and Madelaine learns Grey is not who he pretends. As King George III sinks deeper into insanity, Madelaine must prove her father's innocence in order to save his life. With the future of England hanging in the balance and a ruthless murderer hunting them Grey and Madelaine engage in a clash of wills and a battle fraught with suspicion, secrets, betrayal and two hearts that cannot deny the impossible, irresistible love between them.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords | iTunes |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:

To Enter: 
  • Please answer the question: What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done in the name of winning someone’s love or keeping it?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Julie Johnstone for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Theresa said...

I haven't ever done anything crazy to win someone's love.

Sue G. said...

Craziest thing I have ever done was agree to marry my husband just one month after we met. I was only 17! Of course it took us 7 years to walk down the aisle (college and all) but it was worth it!

Sue G. said...

suegaluska (at) yahoo (dot) com

Marcy Meyer said...

I don't think I've ever done anything crazy to win someone's love or to keep it. I guess I'm boring. lol
Thanks for the great giveaway chance!

May said...

I forgave someone for cheating on me even though I knew he still wanted that girl.

Julie Johnstone said...

Oh, boy, Theresa! I could give you a laundry list of the things I've done for love that were crazy! Please leave your email if you want to be entered in the contest!

Julie Johnstone said...

That's awesome, Sue G! My husband and I got engaged after only three months of dating! Thirteen years later we are still blissfully happy!

Julie Johnstone said...


I'm sure you're not boring! Sometimes love just falls in our lap and sometimes the opportunity just hasn't presented itself yet! Please leave your email, so you can be entered in the drawing!

Julie Johnstone said...

I hope that worked out for you!

Julie Johnstone said...

I just realized that you don't need to leave your email. I think you input it for the drawing! Sorry. This is a new way to pick the winner to me, but I really like it!

erin said...

sounds fantastic! thanks for sharing! ummm... I haven't really done anything crazy... guess I haven't met anything worth it yet :)

Linda said...

I can't even claim to having met someone that has sparked a mutual interest :(

Julie Johnstone said...

Here is hoping you will, Erin!

Julie Johnstone said...

Oh, no! Hopefully, someday soon!

lorimeehan said...

My husband and I dated for a long time and engaged for a long time. He could not make a decision on a date and stopped talking about it so I took the ring off, gave it back to him and told him to make up his mind. It took him about a month. I tell people he was just a bit slow. Lol

bn100 said...

haven't done anything

Mary Preston said...

I don't know how crazy it was, but I moved closer to live near them.

Unknown said...

I haven't ever done anything crazy to win someone's love.

Julie Johnstone said...

Good for you! Sometimes we women just have to put our foot down!

Julie Johnstone said...

Oh, my! These haven't done anything replies make me think we need a story about some women who really shake things up and get crazy!

Julie Johnstone said...

I've done that, Mary!

Julie Johnstone said...

Hmm...maybe I should have asked what was the crazies thing a man ever did to win your love. I'm thinking John Cusack in Serendipity.

Cathy P said...

I also have never done anything crazy to win someone's love.

jmcgaugh said...

The only crazy thing I remember doing is in putting a love note in the locker of my 7th grade crush.

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