
ARC Review: Blood Warrior by Lindsey Piper

I want to begin this review by stating that Piper seems to have a knack for writing some of the strongest and amiable heroines I’ve ever read. The following female Dragon Kings instantaneously stationed themselves in my list of favorites; Silence from Silent Warrior, Audrey from Caged Warrior, and now Kavya from Blood Warrior. Not to say that their male counterparts lack in their presence, but after all the titles I’ve read recently these gals are just icing on the cake.

Blood Warrior moves this series away from the Mafia run cage fights and give us some insight into the lives of the Dragon Kings living outside the interactions with humans in their world. Kavia of the Indranaan Clan, the Heartless Ones, is fighting to bring an end to the war between the two factions of her clan. Being born one of a set of triplets she enjoyed her early years spent with her sister and brother, but her siblings giving into the Curse of their clan instantly threw her life into chaos when one murdered the other to absorb that third of their Dragon gift into himself. Upon this knowledge Kavya fled her family and her life and began her calling as the one who will fight to unite the Clans and bring peace to those of her kind. Being cast as a creature of light and love she is given the title ‘the Sun’ from her numerous followers.
Tallis Pendray has long been labeled ‘the Heretic’. Driven by a beautiful spirit who haunted his dreams and promised him his dreams for his kind if he aided her in fulfilling her prophecy. She referred to herself as ‘the Sun’ and tasked him with assassinations of men and women that were proving danger to the Dragon Kings. Through temptation and loving whispers she tasked him with leading one of the most dangerous Mafia families to his niece’s doorstep on the assurance that she would go unharmed. After hearing of her treatment upon helping her escape the Hell he’d led her to he finally began to question the leadership and intent of his beautiful ‘Sun’. Then after hearing murmurs of said woman holding a rally where she would speak in front of her followers he had no choice but to attend, and prove her to be the con artist he’d learned her to be.

Just a few short chapters into this story we find our hero and heroine banded together in a fight for survival. Though both have different reasons to do so, they both realize that in order for them to reach their final goal they’d have to work together. During their journey many falsities come to light, and the smoldering embers of their instant attraction build to a steamy heart racing burn. So much world building and action keeps you engaged throughout this tale and leaves you well satiated at its end.

Blood Warrior is another great installment in the Dragon King series and I’ve said it before but I will do so again. The Dragon King’s series has been a true treat to read and has more than earned its spot on my favorites list. I can easily suggest that anyone who is a fan of a solid plot, a harsh world of beauty and fantasy, and characters you can’t help but root for should pick up these titles for themselves.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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