
Feature and Giveaway: First Temptation by Joan Swan

Counterterrorist agent Taft Walker is up for the challenge of posing as an adult store owner with a new female undercover partner who is also a sex-toy virgin. At least until he sees the real woman beneath her tough façade.

Border Patrol Agent Zoe Brooks is ready to get off the front lines. She's willing to tolerate a swaggering partner like Taft for a new opportunity. But she's not prepared for the way he understands her deepest, sexiest desires.

Six New York Times and USA Today Bestselling authors (Laura Wright, Alexandra Ivy, Cynthia Eden, Katie Reus, Elisabeth Naughton, and Joan Swan) bring you six all-new contemporary and super sexy suspense stories of first loves, first attractions, first temptations, first times and first obsessions.

Purchase:Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

She pressed her hands flat against the cool counter and took several slow, steady breaths, trying to calm her mind. “I can do this.”

The small toiletry bag was taped on the underside of the third toilet tank lid, as promised, complete with weapon, zip ties, cell phone, tracker, and pen-size stun gun. Her hands were shaking when she strapped the weapon high on her inner thigh with the Velcro provided, tucked the tracker into the waistband of her panties, and stuffed everything else in her tiny purse.

She flushed the toilet to make some noise, then washed and dried her hands.

When she came out, a tense silence hung over the five men. One look at Taft and Zoe's nerves strung tight again. Picasso seemed on edge as well, but he smiled and slid his arm around her as he had all night and led her toward the circular stairway.

On the second floor, they were far more isolated. While the noise from downstairs thumped through the floor and walls, no one roamed, including the other agents.

“Here we are,” Picasso said.

He leaned forward and opened the door, letting it swing wide. The room beyond was lavish and modern with a large bed and a Jacuzzi tub in the corner. Zoe swallowed and reminded herself she wasn't really going to have sex with this man.

“Brooks, cariño.” The way he spoke to her there in the hallway instead of going into the room set off warning bells. “I'd like to have a little bit of time alone with you.”

Before she could speak, he'd turned to Taft. “Just for the dancing, Walker. Then you may come back, si?”

Taft's gaze held on Zoe. “Brooks is a little nervous.”

“I'd be far more…loose and fun…if he was here,” Zoe said, stroking Picasso's arm. When the man frowned down at her hand, she pulled it back and darted a look at Taft.

He stepped forward. “We agreed Brooks would get to choose.”

The door to the next room opened, and a beautiful Asian woman hovered in the doorway. She wore a formfitting, short red dress, had legs that went forever, and perfect porcelain skin. A demure but enticing smile lifted her mouth, painted the same color as her dress.

“I've secured you a room right here, and some company as well,” Picasso said. “I'll simply knock on the door adjoining our rooms when we'd like you to join us.”

Zoe felt control slipping away as if the floor swayed beneath her. “I'd really like Walker—”

“Brooks made her choice,” Taft said.

“I'm sorry,” Picasso said as the bodyguards closed in on Taft. One drew a weapon but held it down. Zoe gasped. “I must insist.”

The change in Taft was immediate and fierce. His entire persona seemed to go rock hard—expression, body, tone, presence. “Picasso—”

Zoe lunged toward him and pressed a hand to his chest. “Shh, baby.” His gaze pried away from Picasso and landed on hers. A sliver of fear lived there now. She shook her head. “It's okay. Just a dance, baby. I can handle that. You know I can.”

His breath came faster. Fear burned brighter.

“Walker.” She put a touch of steel in her voice. “You know I can.”

USA Today Bestselling Author Joan Swan writes sexy romantic suspense for Kensington (Phoenix Rising Series) and independently (Covert Affairs Series). She also works as a sonographer at a top medical facility in San Francisco and lives in magnificent wine country on the central coast of California with her husband and two daughters.

Places to find Joan:
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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 3 Designer Purses filled with Goodies
  • 3 eBook copies of First Temptation

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Joan.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck!

Special thanks to Joan Swan & Litconnect for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Deb PelletierC said...

Thank you for the excerpt, hope to read. Deb P

krg said...

This sounds great, I love romantic suspense. Thanks for the post and excerpt, I am excited to read these books!

AquarianDancer said...

Thank you for that! I love seeing bits and pieces of the story.

My Everyday Life said...

Thanks for an amazing blog post, giveaway, and chance to win.

Unknown said...

I already bought the box set and just waiting to get the chance to read it!

Kathleen O said...

I cannot wait to read this series.. It's a wonderful giveaway..

Literary Mafia said...

Sweet giveaway. First Temptation sounds steamy. You can get into a lot of trouble in an adult sex store.

Thanks for hosting the giveaway! Fingers crossed to win.

Joan Swan said...

Thanks for coming by Renald!

Joan Swan said...

Hi KRG, I'm glad there is still a lot of great RS out there!

Joan Swan said...

It's a great way to showcase a book. Glad you enjoyed!

Joan Swan said...

Good luck Kathy!

Joan Swan said...

Thanks for coming by!

Joan Swan said...

Hey Kimberly, hope you LOVE it!

Joan Swan said...

Thanks Kathleen, hope you love it!

Joan Swan said...

Soooooooo much trouble!! :)

Alie said...

I know all of the authors interpreted the Wicked Firsts theme a bit differently. How did you choose what your first would be?

Unknown said...

Loved the box set especially First Temptation, really really sexy.

Marcy Meyer said...

Great giveaway prizes! Thanks for the chance!

Lory Lee said...

I think I'm going to fight with my sisters on who's going to read this book. Anyway, thanks for the wonderful giveaway Joan! :)

Amber Hughes said...

I've got the box set and I'm currently in the middle of the first story. Really looking forward to your story Joan! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway too! :-)

Carolyn J said...

thanks for the giveaway

kaisquared said...

Another great excerpt, got the set.

TerrieLynn61 said...

Cover is awesome. Who ever does your artwork does a wonderful job. Thanks for this giveaway. :-)

Annwitch said...

I can't wait to read this entire set. Thank you for the fun purse giveaway.

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